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Halloween mafia game


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The bloody red trigger hasn't been hit yet? Flaming bloody left goats stone!


We're at the red house huh? Maybe a mention of some red candy? Like some red hots? Or that watermelon flavored laffy taffy? Hmm...


Anyways, here are my thoughts...


Nolder has seemed incredibly town. Very, very town. That being said, BG and myself were cop cleared and Snow claimed doc without a CC. That leaves Nol which seems not right to me, but if peace was telling the truth then there should be at least one more scum in group 1-10


vote Nolder


For all that though, BG could be a godfather. Or Snow could have been turned which is why he didn't protect the cop.

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Assuming there is NOT a godfather I'd go for Peace or Krak tomorrow

If you want to take into account that there may be a GF (I would leave this for lylo personally) then obviously it will be either Basel or TG

Of the two I'd put my money on Basel being the GF but that is not a strong conviction

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The reason I think basel is godfather is because his play suits it perfectly. He was playing scummy from the beginning, getting close to being lynched, etc. Then the cop viewed him and he turned out to be town. And then he started growing all cautious and so on. Does not seem like a townie would do that, sometimes the opposite.

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The reason I think basel is godfather is because his play suits it perfectly. He was playing scummy from the beginning, getting close to being lynched, etc. Then the cop viewed him and he turned out to be town. And then he started growing all cautious and so on. Does not seem like a townie would do that, sometimes the opposite.


I´ve been thinking this myself.


Gah! I don´t want to lynch Nolder but deadline is approaching. Vote Nolder.

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The reason I think basel is godfather is because his play suits it perfectly. He was playing scummy from the beginning, getting close to being lynched, etc. Then the cop viewed him and he turned out to be town. And then he started growing all cautious and so on. Does not seem like a townie would do that, sometimes the opposite.


I´ve been thinking this myself.


Gah! I don´t want to lynch Nolder but deadline is approaching. Vote Nolder.


Some strange things going on in this game.


Do you think Nolder is town? If you are inclined to think Basel is a GF why aren't you voting him?


Nolder pushing for his own lynch. Sure there will be arguments..but those will be conversations that can be dissected. Arguments are good for scum hunting.


John Snow has only posted once this day to give his horrible reasoning for not protecting Moon. He is usually a prolific poster. Why is he in the shadows now?


I'll Vote nolder to save a random if it comes to it. But I'm inclined to agree with Rand atm. VOTE BASEL.

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Honestly, my hopes for getting a Basel lynch are dwindling, with a little more than an hour left, but honestly Tina, are you going to be here on deadline? because if you are then vote for Basel with us, we might get a lynch on him.

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Right now it is 4:13PM MST


Wrong. It is 3:23 MST as I type this. That's Mountain Standard Time, while most of the rest of the US, and a good deal of the Northern Hemisphere, is on Daylight Savings Time. DL is in a little over 90 minutes.

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