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Halloween mafia game


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I'm realizing that with a game that has a successful cop that there is very little voting info we can gather. Once Moon states she found scum, then even scum are likely not to waste time voting for that person. So, really, all we have are our first days votes.


John (1) – Darthe

Mish (10) – Tina, Nolder, Despo, Rand, Christine, Player, Sakaea 2.0, Krak, Peace, Moon

Nolder (3) – John, Mish, Basel


Not voting – Kat, Verb, Lenlo, Barm


Those who didn't vote for Mish are:


John - Group 1

Mish - Scum dead

Basel - Group 1

Kat - Group 1

Verb - Group 1 verified innocent by Moon

Lenlo - Town dead

Barm - Group 1

Darthe - Scum dead


I also doubt that the scum team would completely stay off that train. Remember Despo was town day 1 so he doesn't count.


Group 1 players on the train:





I think focusing on Nolder and Player will provide the best results (assuming scum didn't completely avoid the mish lynch) and since Nolder seems more town to me I'll VOTE PLAYER.

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Back to my last question. Do you think the conversion was only a one time thing? I think I remember that a werewolf opened the door in one of the houses but I can´t find it now.


Anyway. Basel is acting strange again. Vote Basel.


Barm - was that a gift from Lily or was it an ability that you had from the start?

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I do know one thing. Verbal is okay. He doesn't have a knife.

Just some candy.


Ouch. Keeping this in your back pocket might have been a good idea. Scum might look to take me out as I won't get any heat for the remainder of the game from lynch trains. Their only way to remove me now is to endgame me or NK me.


Thanks for the verification, but also thanks for the target on my back, hehehe.

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No worries. As a Cop, you'd usually want to only give back the scum for town to lynch, and save the town views for when they are in danger of being lynched. But there could be value in having WIFOM with a scum team and healer re: whether they'll shoot confirmed townies.

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Not that it is needed, but I can back Moon up on Verbal. I got a one time viewing that I used on him the same day the magic eightball was used.

Why Barm? Not that I have any objections... it´s sort of quiet in here.


You know deadline is tomorrow, right?


I don't think Barm's comment that he had a gift of checking Verbal is scummy. Moon said that she got a gift of saving someone if she had help, implying more than one gift on that trigger. Also, not seeing how BG's comments are all that scummy either. So, based on Day 1 action from my quick reread:

Vote JohnSnow

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Why Barm? Not that I have any objections... it´s sort of quiet in here.


You know deadline is tomorrow, right?

Not that it is needed, but I can back Moon up on Verbal. I got a one time viewing that I used on him the same day the magic eightball was used.

Why Barm? Not that I have any objections... it´s sort of quiet in here.


You know deadline is tomorrow, right?


I don't think Barm's comment that he had a gift of checking Verbal is scummy. Moon said that she got a gift of saving someone if she had help, implying more than one gift on that trigger. Also, not seeing how BG's comments are all that scummy either. So, based on Day 1 action from my quick reread:

Vote JohnSnow


On the contrary, I do. He claimed a 1-time use, which is convenient. He is also making the safest claim in the game right now - going along with the uncountered and proven Cop on their "innocent" result. This looks like Barm riding Moon's coattails and trying to look town in the meantime.

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I got it.

I can stop a lynch.

But not my own.

From what I can see she only says that she can stop a lynch. Where do you find the saving someone if she had help?


I interpreted her saying "But not on my own" as meaning that there were multiple lynch stopping gifts or something. Thus, the potential of multiple gifts per trigger.



On the contrary, I do. He claimed a 1-time use, which is convenient. He is also making the safest claim in the game right now - going along with the uncountered and proven Cop on their "innocent" result. This looks like Barm riding Moon's coattails and trying to look town in the meantime.


Hmm...I see what you are getting at

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It was a gift from Lily. And Verb, everyone knows that claiming a one time gift from Lily does nothing to make me look innocent, especially now that the information is already out there. You are grasping at straws here.

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I have nothing to go on at the moment, except for my earlier read of Basel.


I'll hopefully have more to post when I'm not working.




As for Verb's vote on Barm, I was thinking the same thing. Barm makes a good point, but I also wouldn't put it past him to play that card and use the "no one who's scum would do that" excuse. At the moment, I'm unsure.

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