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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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Official Vote Count


Despo (7): Andrew, Rand, Tress, AJ, Ironeyes, Dice, Basel

Basel(10): Nolder, Razen, Lenlo, Turin, Lily, Darthe, Wombat, Despo, Nyanna, Peace

Nolder(1): Moon

Wombat(1): David

Darthe ( 1) : JohnSnow


Not Voting (2): Arez, Tiinker



With 22 alive and active it takes 12 to Lynch.




Deadline Tuesday @ 9 PM CT.


1.5 Hours

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Players who haven't revealed : Nyanna, Presumably Wombat's partner.

*stomps foot* I HAVE!! Look back a page or too, tis right at teh top.


And yes :) I'm Samus Aran, who I have no idea about in Smash Bros but looks cool with a cannon on his arm :cool:

(It's a her....)

*headdesk* Kids these days....

Kids who aren't allowed digital games, so there...Yes, Fluff My Llama :/

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I'm not gonna reveal moon and my power but I will say we are NOT inventors.


And so we should just trust you that you're not the scum leaders?


Where did I even imply that? Why are you making things up?


The people who haven't claimed are the top suspects for scum leaders immho.

I have no reason to suspect you in particular. Just all of the unclaimed.

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OK, no need for me to vote then I guess. Still don't think Basel is mafia, but I guess we'll see then. Btw Turin, don't know why you are so adamant and confident that we are mafia. I know that I am not mafia and am really sure that AJ isn't. Is there any reason why you are so confident because being that confident and setting up future lynches is usually a scum tell.

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Um Des, I was at class and having dinner, can't exactly coordinate your free time in a camp. :) I actually just went to reread the posts and then saw that someone had hammered. That's like saying that everyone who didn't hammer basel is also scum.

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