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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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I'm not happy about the mass reveals either but I didn't want to drag things out when people were obviously gonna lynch me if I didn't reveal something.


I wasn't blaming you. I think David is the one that started fishing for everyone's mason claims and whatnot. If he really is the town cop, he has done more to hurt town than any other cop I have ever seen.

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I'm not happy about the mass reveals either but I didn't want to drag things out when people were obviously gonna lynch me if I didn't reveal something.


I wasn't blaming you. I think David is the one that started fishing for everyone's mason claims and whatnot. If he really is the town cop, he has done more to hurt town than any other cop I have ever seen.



I'm starting to think he was turned, and likely early. Night 1, maybe.

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Well, there's no point in being coy about it since all this was done while I was at work. Nya and I are the only two left on the list who aren't claimed by a mason team, and Nya and David already both denied she was his partner.


Guess what. *waves at the scum who are laughing their heads off by now*


We really are the cop team. And our role PM says our minds our strong, I expect that we are immune to being turned.

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1. David & Songstress - Earthbound masons Claimed COP

2. John & Basel - Captains to the Rescue masons Claimed able to use extra vote and claimed one-shot cop view

3. Lily & EP - Dreamland masons power absorber

4. Desp & Lenlo - Starfox masons Claimed double buff power thing

5. Alanna & Rand

6. Ironeyes & Turin - DK masons claimed roleblockers

7. Darthe & AndrewLee - Mario Bros. masons (funny) claimed has interesting power

8. Moon & Peace - Retro-Nintendo masons

9. Niel & Nolder (he claims 3rd party basically traitor to Niel)lightning bolt


11. Dice & Tiinker - Royale masons claimed doc

12. Wombat & - Team of Heroes

13. Razen & Arez - Non-Nintendo masons


Players who haven't revealed : Nyanna, Presumably Wombat's partner.


With Nolder initially not claiming Neils team and later doing so it now discounts my numbers theory. The scum have NOT made a math error. Although this had forced Nol into a 3rd party reveal. I'm still suspicious of Wombat's behavior but not enough without the math to vote him.



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There is a lot to go through. The big positives are that Nolder has come out as niel's partner. That he did buss him purposely. I also doubt his having won the game thing. I would think that Nol is mafia. The other thing at this point is that no one has come out and claimed inventor. This means Basel is a LLL and also probably mafia. If this is true then we can look at AJ and rand. Since Basel "viewed" AJ. Personally I am leaning Rand. If Basel gets lynched and flips mafia we lynch AJ who flips town. Then rand gets a little cover. This is getting a bit speculative but I am thinking the following are on the mafia team:






Highly suspicious




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There is a lot to go through. The big positives are that Nolder has come out as niel's partner. That he did buss him purposely. I also doubt his having won the game thing. I would think that Nol is mafia. The other thing at this point is that no one has come out and claimed inventor. This means Basel is a LLL and also probably mafia. If this is true then we can look at AJ and rand. Since Basel "viewed" AJ. Personally I am leaning Rand. If Basel gets lynched and flips mafia we lynch AJ who flips town. Then rand gets a little cover. This is getting a bit speculative but I am thinking the following are on the mafia team:






Highly suspicious





Not everyone has role claimed yet though.

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Tiink, mostly from your resistance to finishing off the claims. At that point it was already out that the cop and doc were out. There is a time for concealing and a time for getting all the info out. We know who everyone says they are. I just think that the time for holding secrets was already past. Now all the real info comes out and we can try to ascertain who is most likely to have been turned bad by their actions.


I am looking at the people that i think are mafia based upon their actions. I am not looking at the team perse. If I had to pickone team I would lean toward Rand and AJ. I am somewhat suspicious of her. I am always suspicious of Despo because of his style I think. I am suspicious of Nya for her words. She may be off hiking in the andes right now so that may be why she has been fairly silent lately. (yes, pot/kettle. I am finally back from exile and will hopefully be around much more)


Since I am advocating info, these are our blocks so far


N1 Nolder

N2 Nya

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Tress, if you really are David's cop mason buddy, you really should coach him up better




Also, @Turin: Kinda funny that you mention you always find me as scummy, I almost never have a scumread on you. I have the opposite problem I guess.

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Tiink, mostly from your resistance to finishing off the claims. At that point it was already out that the cop and doc were out. There is a time for concealing and a time for getting all the info out. We know who everyone says they are. I just think that the time for holding secrets was already past. Now all the real info comes out and we can try to ascertain who is most likely to have been turned bad by their actions.


I am looking at the people that i think are mafia based upon their actions. I am not looking at the team perse. If I had to pickone team I would lean toward Rand and AJ. I am somewhat suspicious of her. I am always suspicious of Despo because of his style I think. I am suspicious of Nya for her words. She may be off hiking in the andes right now so that may be why she has been fairly silent lately. (yes, pot/kettle. I am finally back from exile and will hopefully be around much more)


Since I am advocating info, these are our blocks so far


N1 Nolder

N2 Nya


That's some pretty ass reasoning if I may say so given that I'm the doc too.. If you believe my claim then I wouldn't be on your list. All because I was reluctant to reveal that I was a healer and giving away my teammate and give the scum an easier chance to take us out? Ok. So if you don't believe my claim, which you don't I'm guessing, then why aren't you voting me?


I don't think your scum and since you said you blocked Nya N2 and there wasn't a NK then Unvote, Vote Nya

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Well we can see John's extra vote in there, don't know if I missed that last time, which means that he and basel are probably telling the truth, sorry if I don't post a lot today, I have a fever, have been coughing, have chills and all of that good stuff.

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Well we can see John's extra vote in there, don't know if I missed that last time, which means that he and basel are probably telling the truth, sorry if I don't post a lot today, I have a fever, have been coughing, have chills and all of that good stuff.


That's a typo, I think.

Our extra vote shows up as anonymus, and is currently unused.


BG, please fix. Tyvm

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Jon and Basel could be telling the truth about having an extra vote ability, but it wouldn't mean they're town. In fact, vote-type roles are more often scum than town


I thought that we pretty much figured out the only mafia to start were the recuriters?

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Tiink, does your PM hint that perhaps you can not be turned? Tress was the first to mention it as far as I recall. I believed Darthe's claim and since he is not ccing you I guess I should take that into account. I will sleep on it.


Iwill have a little time in the morning, but will be out at deadline. I am good with any of the top three for lynch. Idothink that Basel will point to more mafia so prefer him first at this point.

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The one thing that really is sticking out to me is that (I think it was Turin who also said this....) nobody claimed inventor, which means that Basel must be lying. I still think we'll learn the most from his lynch. Nol is also high on my list.



Vote Basel

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The one thing that really is sticking out to me is that (I think it was Turin who also said this....) nobody claimed inventor, which means that Basel must be lying. I still think we'll learn the most from his lynch. Nol is also high on my list.



Vote Basel


Not everyone has claimed yet...

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