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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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We were debating between Andrew and John. I ultimately decided Andrew because of his sheeping Rand's reaction to the multiple mason team thing and because it would provide info on Darthe. Seeing John's flailing, I am guessing he is going to flip scum. Looks like we may have guessed wrong this time. Had we killed John, I would be pressing for an Andrew lynch today.

But I feel that most of the town are not on your wavelength here, as I don't remember anyone finding Andrew suspicious, at least not now.


I called Andrew out for the same thing Rand did that I thought was scummy.


Also, I'm kinda surprised the cops hadn't viewed Womby or Nya yet, just to make sure. They could always be a rival scum team that was trying to look town and take out the other scum team at the same time.


I can understand their doubt on Andrew, and honestly Darthe was kinda pinging me as well, so it coulda been a good idea to try and vet the other partner and stuff. Plus, if Darthe was telling the truth about their powers, the other one could bring him back, if they knew each other was town.


The only team I think could really be lying at this point is Peace and Moon. Moon has lurked the whole game, and Peace seems to have gone with the flow mainly. Plus, watcher can sometimes be a scum role, and have we even had their role officially vetted yet?


And of course it could just be symps left in those teams I mentioned.


In fact, it wouldn't surprise me at all if Womby/Nya were a Vig/SK team. One of them has been corrupted, and will try to influence the other and get them to choose certain targets which could, in the end, hurt town.


Would be an interesting concept.

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Nice way to let everyone give out their results before hammering. Way to go everyone!!! /sarcasm.


One of the vigs should have been vetted today. Have none of yall considered they are SK's instead of vigs?


We followed Tink last night and he visited Wombat.


Why did you track Tink of all people?


Cause I felt with the # of viewing type and action type roles we have that everyone else would be covered. That and my belief that no one is vetted til flip I chose Tink. If recruited he'd be the perfect assassin as nobody should think to follow a DOC.

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That was one weird fast lynch, and I agree, hammer...

Okay so John seemed scummy to a lot of people... I didn't expect it to go so fast he didn't even have a chance to explain himself properly! :blink: I would have been confused in his situation too, everything went so fast. We weren't horribly close to deadline at all, why did you hammer so soon???


David you FoSed Womby and me - How so? What are we saying that we look scummy? We nk'ed one of the people who we both found suspicious. Okay turned out he was town but we both were hoping to be bang on with scum there, he was pinging not only because he was one of those who hammered that ridiculously rapid Arez train...

I think we should accept this mistake of ours, it's happened before that vigs have been wrong - and instead look at WHY OUR DOCS ARE DEAD!!??


And it's not our fault Luigi didn't have a coroner report, I have no idea what that's about o.o

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We were debating between Andrew and John. I ultimately decided Andrew because of his sheeping Rand's reaction to the multiple mason team thing and because it would provide info on Darthe. Seeing John's flailing, I am guessing he is going to flip scum. Looks like we may have guessed wrong this time. Had we killed John, I would be pressing for an Andrew lynch today.

But I feel that most of the town are not on your wavelength here, as I don't remember anyone finding Andrew suspicious, at least not now.


I called Andrew out for the same thing Rand did that I thought was scummy.


Also, I'm kinda surprised the cops hadn't viewed Womby or Nya yet, just to make sure. They could always be a rival scum team that was trying to look town and take out the other scum team at the same time.


I can understand their doubt on Andrew, and honestly Darthe was kinda pinging me as well, so it coulda been a good idea to try and vet the other partner and stuff. Plus, if Darthe was telling the truth about their powers, the other one could bring him back, if they knew each other was town.


The only team I think could really be lying at this point is Peace and Moon. Moon has lurked the whole game, and Peace seems to have gone with the flow mainly. Plus, watcher can sometimes be a scum role, and have we even had their role officially vetted yet?


And of course it could just be symps left in those teams I mentioned.


In fact, it wouldn't surprise me at all if Womby/Nya were a Vig/SK team. One of them has been corrupted, and will try to influence the other and get them to choose certain targets which could, in the end, hurt town.


Would be an interesting concept.

We vied Katr/Moon N1 and she flipped town. But this doesn't mean they are still town. Just saying Moon was vetted ages ago.

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That was one weird fast lynch, and I agree, hammer...

Okay so John seemed scummy to a lot of people... I didn't expect it to go so fast he didn't even have a chance to explain himself properly! :blink: I would have been confused in his situation too, everything went so fast. We weren't horribly close to deadline at all, why did you hammer so soon???


David you FoSed Womby and me - How so? What are we saying that we look scummy? We nk'ed one of the people who we both found suspicious. Okay turned out he was town but we both were hoping to be bang on with scum there, he was pinging not only because he was one of those who hammered that ridiculously rapid Arez train...

I think we should accept this mistake of ours, it's happened before that vigs have been wrong - and instead look at WHY OUR DOCS ARE DEAD!!??


And it's not our fault Luigi didn't have a coroner report, I have no idea what that's about o.o

I do agree that we have to discuss how two docs went down in the same night. So, bg, are you sleeping? Where is John's death scene?

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Nice way to let everyone give out their results before hammering. Way to go everyone!!! /sarcasm.


One of the vigs should have been vetted today. Have none of yall considered they are SK's instead of vigs?


We followed Tink last night and he visited Wombat.


Why did you track Tink of all people?

I don't understand why you would track the doc either.


I would have gone with either Jon or Razen or maybe even a vig.

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I am aware of that possibility Des, but so far I think Nya is acting town.

I'm town, and I'm pretty certain Womby is town too.


Also, it appears you've all forgotten we've killed two out of three of the big scummsters, so much for gratitude. :madmyrddraal:


Heh I dunno about that other possibility you're suggesting dice - I've never heard about more than one mafia team in a game.


But someone is out there killing off our docs - and both of them at the same time!??? Is there like a role that doubles abilities or something? Because with so many believable roles claimed, I'm having a hard time thinking of how more than a few mafias could be left over :blink:


Also, David, you still haven't replied exactly why you find Womby and me scummy?

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Nice way to let everyone give out their results before hammering. Way to go everyone!!! /sarcasm.


One of the vigs should have been vetted today. Have none of yall considered they are SK's instead of vigs?


We followed Tink last night and he visited Wombat.


Why did you track Tink of all people?

I don't understand why you would track the doc either.


I would have gone with either Jon or Razen or maybe even a vig.


I already explained that. And we tracked Jon the night before.


What would tracking a Vig tell us? That they killed who they said they did? What does that tell us about their alignment?

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Well I felt there were better targets like John. You couldn't have gone for Lily otherwise she would just absorb the power. You went for a townie instead of 3rd party players like Razen.


How do you know we went for a townie?

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Well I felt there were better targets like John. You couldn't have gone for Lily otherwise she would just absorb the power. You went for a townie instead of 3rd party players like Razen.

This was in answer to Nya.

There were better targets, John, Razen. The rest seem to be telling the truth, I don't know. We viewed Moon N1, and Ironeyes N4, and both flipped town. We don't really know Darthe or Andrew's alignment, although andrew is likely to be town. You couldn't target the cops or docs for obvious reasons. Maybe you should have killed Darthe. We don't know for sure if Turin is town, it would be to the mafia's benefit to have a role-blocker working for them.

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Well I felt there were better targets like John. You couldn't have gone for Lily otherwise she would just absorb the power. You went for a townie instead of 3rd party players like Razen.


How do you know we went for a townie?

Based from the scene Luigi wanted to protect Peaches and Zelda. So you could infer that he was town.

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Well I felt there were better targets like John. You couldn't have gone for Lily otherwise she would just absorb the power. You went for a townie instead of 3rd party players like Razen.


How do you know we went for a townie?

Based from the scene Luigi wanted to protect Peaches and Zelda. So you could infer that he was town.


Not the best inference imo.

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Well I felt there were better targets like John. You couldn't have gone for Lily otherwise she would just absorb the power. You went for a townie instead of 3rd party players like Razen.


How do you know we went for a townie?

Based from the scene Luigi wanted to protect Peaches and Zelda. So you could infer that he was town.


Not the best inference imo.

Are you suggesting Darthe hold back from reviving Andrew so we can see possibly how he will flip?

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Well I felt there were better targets like John. You couldn't have gone for Lily otherwise she would just absorb the power. You went for a townie instead of 3rd party players like Razen.


How do you know we went for a townie?

Based from the scene Luigi wanted to protect Peaches and Zelda. So you could infer that he was town.


Not the best inference imo.

Are you suggesting Darthe hold back from reviving Andrew so we can see possibly how he will flip?


No. I am just pointing that if BG wanted to confirm Andrew as town, he would have given us a coroner's report. Darthe can do whatever he wants. I had not anticipated not getting an alignment on Andrew so idk what the best play is.

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I am aware of that possibility Des, but so far I think Nya is acting town.

Heh I dunno about that other possibility you're suggesting dice - I've never heard about more than one mafia team in a game.

I have- I was on one of five mafia teams in the There Goes The Neighborhood game a little while back. Mods do that in advanced games sometimes.

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I am aware of that possibility Des, but so far I think Nya is acting town.

Heh I dunno about that other possibility you're suggesting dice - I've never heard about more than one mafia team in a game.

I have- I was on one of five mafia teams in the There Goes The Neighborhood game a little while back. Mods do that in advanced games sometimes.

Kk, so the possibility IS there then...would that explain those double-doc NKs then d'you think??

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I am aware of that possibility Des, but so far I think Nya is acting town.

Heh I dunno about that other possibility you're suggesting dice - I've never heard about more than one mafia team in a game.

I have- I was on one of five mafia teams in the There Goes The Neighborhood game a little while back. Mods do that in advanced games sometimes.

Kk, so the possibility IS there then...would that explain those double-doc NKs then d'you think??

My first game in the BT had two mafia teams. But in order to have had both docs die they would have to coordinate and the teams generally do not even know of the existence of one another.


Or they could have gotten extremely lucky. I am doubting it tho cause there have been no kills at all from the mafia. I think that the master hand (BG) is stirring the pot.

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