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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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The result from the viewing was interesting. I want to wait to see who got killed so that I can make more sense out of it.


Kind of odd that you would get a result before the day scene is posted. I suppose I will understand if BG posts day almost immediately though.

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ok, I can't wait anymore.(I know it's only been a few minutes.)


We viewed Lily, and guess what, we came back with No Result, the same thing that happened when we viewed Despo the first time.


So I'm just wondering whether one of us (Me, Songstress, or Lily) is dead. If lily is dead would the viewing still work. And maybe either me or tress has been NKed, so our power doesn't work? I don't know, but we'll have more information once Day begins.


Actually I just realised something, Lily has absorbed the cop power, and because any power aimed at her won't effect her, so therefore I couldn't get a viewing. So Lily, if you get messaged that you got a power, it's the cop power. So this means we can two viewings instead of one, come the next night.

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How could you tantalize us like that?

Sorry about that, I just felt that I can't reveal anything until day, but to be honest as soon as the mod gives the information then the information is allowed to be in the game instantaneously.

'S allright. I wasn't serious.

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*sniff* *sniff* They were so young and beautiful... *sob* Why did they have to die this way? Why? WHHHYYY? *sniff* *sniff* Maybe it was the pink? Was that it? Who could hate pink soooo much to make this happen... so much death... *sniff* I can't even explain, just watch the footage...




Princess Peach lay in her bed dreaming of baking Mario a cake (cause that's all Peach ever seems to do anymore... amiright?). She rested so peacefully. She wasn't violent in nature and hadn't taken a big role in attacking those who the rest of the fighters thought were Bad Guys, she just wanted to help and make sure nobody got hurt. She had headed back to her room early that evening after saying goodnight to Mario. Zelda, her roomate, had gone out but she wasn't into that sort of scene. As she rested, she never saw the other person enter the room. This was one dream she'd never wake from...




Dicetosser - Princess Peach - Town Doctor has been NK'd


Princess Zelda had been out late that night hanging with the guys. Link had invited her to a party and she couldn't resist. Peach wasn't into that sort of thing, so her and Mario ducked out early. Luigi, Link and the guys were here and she sat at a table knockin' one back with the guys. Finally, she decided to head back, she'd need some rest for the next day's events. Luigi decided to walk with her as their rooms were down the same direction. They laughed and sang songs together as they stumbled down the hall. Zelda said, "Well this is my room, night Luigi" and entered into her room...


... into a scene of madness. There they were standing over Peach, Peach's blood spilling everywhere off the bed. The attacker whipped around and saw Zelda and attacked. Zelda quickly teleported behind the assailant, confusing them. She was about to knock the murderer out when from the door she saw Luigi poking his head in.


"Zelda? Is-a everything okay?" Something struck Luigi in the head and he fell over. Zelda lost her concentration and before she knew it, she was being pummled over and over. She didn't have time to react. She was losing conciousness and she looked back at Luigi one last time making his way to his feet before darkness took her.




Tiinker - Princess Zelda - Town Doctor has been NK'd.


Luigi... he stood up slowly... his head hurt. Peach lie motionless on the bed. Zelda on the floor next to her also motionless... what happened? He saw a shadowy figure jump out the window. "Heya! Get-a back here!" And Luigi followed out the window. Mario was always the one saving the Princess and now Luigi had had the chance and failed. The least he could do was catch the assailant. He ran and ran, but the woods got dark and scary. He pulled out his flashlight that Prof. Gadd had given him to hunt ghosts, but the batteries were dead. As he walked forward putting one foot in front of the other... his teeth started to chatter... step... step... step... and then as he put his foot down, there was nothing. He fell into blackness... "Mariiioooooo..... heeeellpp..."




AndrewLee - Luigi has been NK'd.




Team Royale has been Defeated.



It is now Day 6.


Deadline is Friday @ Noon CT.

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Please don't post NA's before Day scenes. I said that to folks on previous nights, didn't think I needed to explicitely state it every night. No harm done in this case, but a lesson for David.


EDIT: I'm also adding this as a rule on the front page from now on.

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Wow, I really want to know what happened. Wombat who did you target? And Razen did you get a vig shot as well. And maybe the mafia also carried out an NK as well. But from the scene it looks like one person killed Peach and Zelda and Luigi died by falling to his death. No indication of any vig kills here.

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Please don't post NA's before Day scenes. I said that to folks on previous nights, didn't think I needed to explicitely state it every night. No harm done in this case, but a lesson for David.

Actually I don't remember reading you saying that(maybe I skimmed?), but I'll take note of it now.

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