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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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In the QT BG told us he confused watcher and tracker role:



10:49 PM ET (US) I'm still calling you Watchers, but feel free to quote me. :)



07:14 PM ET (US) Em, I always get trackers and watchers mixed up in name. Turin might make a valid point that Tracker is a more accurate role name for you.

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In the QT BG told us he confused watcher and tracker role:



10:49 PM ET (US) I'm still calling you Watchers, but feel free to quote me. :)



07:14 PM ET (US) Em, I always get trackers and watchers mixed up in name. Turin might make a valid point that Tracker is a more accurate role name for you.


Hmm. I guess that makes sense.

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I'd be down with lynching Arez. But then again, I'm always down with lynching Arez. Something about Arez makes him like lynch-candy or something. So I dunno if it's his play from before or if this has just become routine. Oh, Arez.



"When in doubt, lynch Arez" mehehehe


Anyway, I guess we have to claim then.. We're just bloody survivors.. Our special ability is "commute"


Every night we can choose one player commute, which means we get unaffected from any night-actions. I will post who we commuted.

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Official Vote Count


Arez(8): David, Turin, Despo, Tress, Dice, Ironeyes, Peace, Moon

John(2): Lily, Wombat



Not Voting(8): Nyanna, JohnSnow, Arez, Razen, Tiinker, Darthe, Lenlo, Andrew,



With 18 alive and active it takes 10 to Lynch.




Deadline Tuesday @ Noon CT

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I'd be down with lynching Arez. But then again, I'm always down with lynching Arez. Something about Arez makes him like lynch-candy or something. So I dunno if it's his play from before or if this has just become routine. Oh, Arez.






Survivor=Not Town=Bad. First bit of sense I've made out of this game in a while, and hopefully the lynch will give us something more.


Could someone post that nice pretty list with the character and role claims please?

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Then again, lynching Arez gives us more info and the downside is low considering he has claimed survivor.


We may as well lynch Darthe or Andrew then since they have the 1up


Well that sounds like a brilliant way to waste a Lynch. You're supposed to be town right? o.O

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Then again, lynching Arez gives us more info and the downside is low considering he has claimed survivor.


We may as well lynch Darthe or Andrew then since they have the 1up


Well that sounds like a brilliant way to waste a Lynch. You're supposed to be town right? o.O


? If Darthe is scum and we lynch him then great. If he's town and he gets lynched you can just use the 1up to revive him and bring him back immune to NK's. If you don't revive him and he's town then you're suspect. Not much different from the lynch we're riding on now is it?

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