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Teh Tainted Times - June edition!

Nyanna al'Meara

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WELCOME to the new edition of the monthly Tainted Times!


Me llama Nya Skeeter and I am the current wielder of the tainted QuickQuotesQuill to bring you the freshest, hottest BT news every month





First of all, another warm welcome to our newest crazy Civies –

Arez, who's turned out to be an evil shadowy Panda :happy:, Aeneas our own resident 'Roman', MorningStar who seems to have adapted to the crazehness well already, Basel who’s rocking it out with Rolling Stones spam, Gustaiv keeper of the apparently shadowy noodles, RandA lThor who’s already right at home neck-deep in our happy spamminess, and kancharla.hemant, who may or may not have pinched the One Ring somebody left lying around again and turned invisible >.> I do hope she didn’t fall off a skimming platform whilst travelling here. :unsure:





This month has seen promotions galore…splendidly enough, many of our newest soldiers have joined the Shadow, which (being compleeeatly unbiased as SL of the Shadow)is clearly the most whizzboompowGRAAAAAND faction hereabouts. :baalzamon: They Who Have Entered Into The Coolness are fresh-baked Soldiers ruaridh7, Darthe, and Arez al’Loke.


The lucky Lighties have collected a nice haul too – WildTaltos declared his luminosity on promotion to Soldier. And Songstress has been impressively busy, being promoted to both Soldier AND Dedicated this month – she has also chosen to [cue: chorus] aaaaaaalways look on the briiiiiight siiide of life, dee doo, dee doo, dee… …Also, hats off to Matrim Hat-rim, who has earned himself a sword pin to add to his floppy bonnet too – my little brother, a Dedicated, oooh I’m so proud! *glows* :rolleyes:


Ahem. Congratulations, all! :biggrin:


Congrats also to Turin, the new almighty shadowy M’hael, and Ithi, new [sith] Storm Leader for the Shadow. FEAR THEM! :P

I understand the Lighties are also in the process of looking for a new Storm Leader to fill up their ranks, so hopefully we will be back with more news on that next month!





May twenny-twelve.


...teh month The Journey came to an end...


THE MONTH that will go down in legends unburied by the spam –


That's right, ladies and gentle[asha’]men, because it IS spam itself! Did you not hear the RAWR go up!!?? Indeed, GOAL: 100,000 has been completed!!!!!!

After an exciting, breathless rush of finest spam, which set a new record no. of posts in one thread in an hour – an impressive feat in itself, victory was seized in a flash of Crimson by Ayla, the now officially crowned Queen of Spam, who most fittingly posted the all-conquering word “llama” in Post. No. 100, 000. Here, the historic quote for your viewing pleasure:




Don’t it bring a tear to yoo’ eyes? :blush: What a number! Ah, a glorious moment for the Black Tower indeed.

Reactions include gob smacked speechlessness and glazed reminiscing rambles.

But never fear, the llamacorns and nana trees have not been left to sink into nothingness, for the ambitious Spamsters immediately chose a new target! That’s dedication; now we are pushing for Goal; 200,000, and what’s more, the ultimate aim is now to beat both high-scoring White Tower Social Group AND the General Discussion Boards in overall post-counts…a daring venture, so kudos to everyone helping to kick spam butt!


In other news, we now have an official BT curse word (always a fun thing) – SPAMMIT. Savour the feel of this’n on your hissing tongue as you spit it out in irritation. :smile:


We had yet another occasion to celebrate from this May! The Queen’s Golden Jubilee Birthday-

…err, I mean, HEAR YE, HEAR YE! A new DRAGON HAS RISEN! Both Lighties and Shadowies are grovelling before the supreme mightehness of the Lady Dragon Reborn, TinaHel!

We are sure to be in for a treat as some changes will be going underway. Things to be updated, things to be rewritten, and yet MOAR things to be rejuggled – yes she can!

Thank you for stepping up to lead our group to even greater Glorifispamtion, we look forward to times ahead.


Which brings us to the next point on teh programme…






In the merry month of June, we have a few very entertaining and fun events for everyone to participate in!

A cool thing going on on our main board is Rand’s new game ‘Empire’. It’s already started, but maybe you can still come join in, it’s looking like a fun contest!

Blacktowerites, as many of you already know our invasion into Shayol Ghul is underway as of today! Do trundle over there and squish some fuls or the like, most satisfying. :wink: We could always offer them poisoned nanabrownies or gifts or… O.O ….oh my, there’s an idea…*runs off to cause havoc and mayhem*


That’s it for May news folks, if you’d like to be interviewed for next month’s edition please shoot me a PM, but beware, the tainted QuickQuotesQuill may report more spammy radomness than you’ve bargained for… :baalzamon: Signing off, shadowy llamacorNya.



WELCOME to the new edition of the monthly Tainted Times!


Me llama Nya Skeeter and I am the current wielder of the tainted QuickQuotesQuill to bring you the freshest, hottest BT news every month





First of all, another warm welcome to our newest crazy Civies –

Arez, who's turned out to be an evil shadowy Panda :happy:, Aeneas our own resident 'Roman', MorningStar who seems to have adapted to the crazehness well already, Basel who’s rocking it out with Queen spam,


Umm... that would be Lenlo. :tongue: Right user, wrong band. :tongue:


Dont worry, im sure we can come to an agreement on which is better. Right Basel? >.>


Also I did not lose that ring! It was Fedex...


Dont worry, im sure we can come to an agreement on which is better. Right Basel? >.>


Also I did not lose that ring! It was Fedex...


Len, that's nothing. You should see the thoughts for what I might do after my current song thread is done!


Has Len actually been posting in his Queen Thread? It's easy to get confused when it's being filled up by Basel and Ayla lol.


Nice write up Nya :smile: I think you are the bestest at writing stuffs ever!


Has Len actually been posting in his Queen Thread? It's easy to get confused when it's being filled up by Basel and Ayla lol.


I'd have to check, but I think he has. These song lyric-picture threads are a great deal of fun. Ithi, I'm sad to have not been around when you did Bohemian Rhapsody.


Oh Light I dread the day.... Actually I dunno about them, they seem to be rather spiteful and sneery about it and blab whenever I go on :sad:


But I daresay that may change with time, once I master Compulsion... :baalzamon:


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