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Rand will break the Wheel of Time

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Sorry, havent been trolling the forums lately so if this horse has been beat to death and boyond, forgive me.



Rand must break the Wheel in order for this to be "The Last Battle". As Harid Fel states, eventually they will bore into the prison again due to the Wheel. At some point it was whole, at some point they drilled into it, at some point they patched it. It will all just come around again and again.




(Cant wait for the next book. I get wood thinking about it)

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This is the "Last Battle" for the characters in the text but in reality it has happened many times before. Per RJ there is nothing unique about this age.


The only one who wants to break the Wheel is the Dark One. Rand toyed with the idea while on Dragonmount, but decided against it. He, and everybody else, including all the Darkfriends except Moridin, wants the Wheel to keep on keeping on. The Last Battle is just the last battle with the forces of the Dark in this turning of the Wheel.

  On 5/22/2012 at 1:18 AM, Suttree said:

This is the "Last Battle" for the characters in the text but in reality it has happened many times before. Per RJ there is nothing unique about this age.

I thought he said that Fain was unique


Well, yeah, but I think RJ meant that nothing significant will happen this age that will change the future of all other ages.

  On 5/22/2012 at 2:04 AM, Durinax said:
  On 5/22/2012 at 1:18 AM, Suttree said:

This is the "Last Battle" for the characters in the text but in reality it has happened many times before. Per RJ there is nothing unique about this age.

I thought he said that Fain was unique


Here is the quote I was referring to...



Q: At one point in the story we see Ishamael talking to Rand, and telling him that they have fought countless times in the past, but this is the final time. Is there anything about his Age that makes it special?

RJ: No . . . Every Age is repeated, there is nothing that makes this Age any different from any other turnings of the Wheel. The Wheel is endless.


Edit: Fain is indeed something new so I guess you could call him unique. Still RJ's quote is very clear towards the point I was making. There have been numerous "Last Battles".


Perhaps he had meant that so far everything is going according to how it usually does, but maybe something goes astray by the end, to do with Fain whos unique. But I don't think the wheel will end but perhaps something different happens still


Mabie rand kills the dark one and fain becomes the one who is locked up and in the next age fain is the one who is released

  On 5/22/2012 at 5:02 AM, Conan said:

Mabie rand kills the dark one and fain becomes the one who is locked up and in the next age fain is the one who is released


I am confused as to why every noob and his brother thinks this is a plausible theory.


the dark one is an entity that symbolizes the very force of evil and chaos. A creature that the DO contributed to cannot become the new DO.

  On 5/22/2012 at 5:11 AM, Terez said:
  On 5/22/2012 at 5:02 AM, Conan said:

Mabie rand kills the dark one and fain becomes the one who is locked up and in the next age fain is the one who is released


I am confused as to why every noob and his brother thinks this is a plausible theory.






I LOATHE the Fain=New DO.


It doesn't even make sense. Fain is a weasel, one who acquired dangerous powers, but he is no DO.


The DO is the equal of the Creator. Fain is an insane ex-DF merged with a puffer-fish Vampire.


Edit: Too be fair, it does seem a viable option when it is not looked at too closely.


If Rand kills the DO that means the AoL can't end in the War of the Shadow and there can be no 3rd age, right? So the wheel can't keep turning so the DO wins. It makes sense why Moridin called the idea stupid.


It's the Last Battle because the Wheel has seven spokes. By the time the Last Battle rolls around again—or by the time the prophecies start coming—no one will remember that there was ever a Last Battle before. It is the Last Battle of the Age, and the Last Battle of the Turning of the Wheel.


It's the Last Battle because the Dark One had been forgotten, and then the Bore was drilled, and then a great war was fought and a great victory was won...but the Dark One remained. This time, he'll be sealed up to be forgotten about again. It's the Last Battle that humankind will have to fight against the Dark One for a long, long time.


Perrin is going to kill Fain anyway, that's been foreshadowed since book #4. Prolly saves Rand for the second time while doing it.

It's what the Dagger is used for after his death that could make things interesting.

  On 5/22/2012 at 5:11 AM, Terez said:
  On 5/22/2012 at 5:02 AM, Conan said:

Mabie rand kills the dark one and fain becomes the one who is locked up and in the next age fain is the one who is released


I am confused as to why every noob and his brother thinks this is a plausible theory.

There's no reason to think it's not a plausible theory. No reason to think it is true either.

But still, it could be that in every Third Age the Dark One is being replaced.


Not that I believe that to be true.

  On 5/22/2012 at 5:44 AM, RandA lThor said:

the dark one is an entity that symbolizes the very force of evil and chaos. A creature that the DO contributed to cannot become the new DO.

actually... you're wrong.

The fact that the DO symbolizes evil and chaos doesn't mean he can't have started off as a normal human being. Ruin in Sanderson's Mistborn Trilogy is an example of this.

  On 5/22/2012 at 11:53 AM, Terez said:

There is a difference between 'extremely minute chance of being true' and 'plausible'.

Every loony theory is plausible unless team Jordan speaks against it or there's strong evidence in the books to suggest it's wrong.

Taimandred was a very plausible theory untill RJ himself denied it.

  On 5/22/2012 at 12:01 PM, fikkie77 said:
  On 5/22/2012 at 11:53 AM, Terez said:

There is a difference between 'extremely minute chance of being true' and 'plausible'.

Every loony theory is plausible unless team Jordan speaks against it


That's BS. We don't need an official word to tell us that some things are just ridiculous. And there is a huge difference between Taimandred and Fain=new Dark One. One is plausible; the other is silly.


Yeah and RJ said the DO was the Creator's counterpart, I assume that means he has always been around. Saying that a mere mortal could become the Dark One is like saying a mere mortal can become the Creator. Just will not and cannot happen. Now, could he be sealed in somehow and a few ages later escape as something more twisted than the love child of SH and Ishy that everyone believes is the DO made flesh? Yes, possible, but more than likely fain would just die, or as RJ said, be spat out cause he tastes bad.

  On 5/22/2012 at 9:56 AM, Terez said:

It's the Last Battle because the Wheel has seven spokes. By the time the Last Battle rolls around again—or by the time the prophecies start coming—no one will remember that there was ever a Last Battle before. It is the Last Battle of the Age, and the Last Battle of the Turning of the Wheel.


It's the Last Battle because the Dark One had been forgotten, and then the Bore was drilled, and then a great war was fought and a great victory was won...but the Dark One remained. This time, he'll be sealed up to be forgotten about again. It's the Last Battle that humankind will have to fight against the Dark One for a long, long time.


It is called the Last Battle because the War has not ceased since the Age of Legends, and Rand will force him to sign a peace treaty (aka - sealed away).

  On 5/22/2012 at 1:16 PM, fikkie77 said:

Hey, I'm not saying I believe it to be true. I just think the dismission is too rigorously.

Not in my opinion. It has been pretty much been beaten into our heads that the DO is the one and only DO that has and ever will be. The only one with enough power to create another DO is the Creator itself, if even it can do it. There are 3 constants that have been and always will be til the DO wins, the DO, the Creator, and TAR. No one else can become the DO. RJ has made that perfectly clear, so Fain becoming a new DO is not going to happen, ever.


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