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Revenge of the Sith Mafia - Game Over - Mafia Wins!!

Ithillian Turambar

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Ishy.. You're scum.. You don't love me..


I'm deathly allergic to chocolate.

The whole list thing was just a plot to get me to trust you...


I... I can't believe you betrayed me..


You all are bastards!!!


We've only eliminated two threats to the town, which in a balanced game (because its Ithi & DPR running it) there are at most 7 threats to the town for 22 players. This means that there could be as many as FIVE threats to the town. More than one of you is a lying liar who lies!


But it was me who gave you all a chocolate ... Not Ishy. Unless you are referring to me ...


And you just called me ...


The 'S' word!






Does anyone want to say a prayer for Mr Loke?


Thank you for the chocolates great lovely moddess :wub:



I will not say a prayer for the Panda. I can get all slicey slicey with my yellow green lightsabre if you wish it tho. :biggrin:




Arez, I am hardly stressed. Enjoy your delusions. My being viewed just helps the town less than if Kae had viewed an actual mafia member.


There are at least two evil characters critical to Star Wars canon during Revenge of the Sith that are missing.


Darth Sidious/Emperor Palpatine

Darth Grevious


....also, I am not 100% on Anakin but his willingness to post makes me feel a bit better about it.


This all definitely doesn't add up. Everyone has claimed except Darthe I think. Or did he ever actually claim Bail Organa? Is Darthe also the other Mason? No one stepped forward to admit to that either iirc.


Mynd, could you explain again how you used the telepathy power to vet jedi? I


Well, I thought the whole time that Basel was sum, so my ideas haven't been to trustworthy this game. The only thing I can say is that it's weird that everyone has claimed up till now except Darthe.


I am senator Bail Organa, founder of the rebel alliance and dead onscreen in A New Hope (I was on Aldarran so that is technically onscreen).


Actually, I think he did claim.


Turin, as one who claims to be a Jedi, I am surprised you never figured this out. The Sith, surrounded in shadows, cannot see the light.


I find that a little odd too. But Mynd and EP seem to know who he is. I was frakkin certain that Basel was mafia too. There is something that is just bugging the heck out of me but I haven't been able to dig it up. Kae gave us the mafia view on wombat so I guess we need to try to go there tomorrow.i


Mynd, call me the Jedi that didn't study anything but lightsabre fighting techniques. I am Jedi so now that everyone is claimed do you wish to enlighten me? I really would like to know. If no one wants to make it clear to the dumb one then I guess I have to wait until the game is over.


I claimed guys. I am doing actual research into the psyche of subconscious quests for meaning and finals so am a bit busy as of late, forgive me for not jumping on that early. Besides which, I think several of us were comfortable in knowing my identity for quite a while now since I breadcrumbed all over the place. I am really interested in seeing Turin, Ishy, and EP either vetted our outted. We are as positive as we can be about Wombat already so that makes things easier by a bit.

Hey guys. Turin is lying fyi. Cin Drallig was my safe claim. No idea why he didn't use his. Maybe he felt claiming an obscure Jedi was safer. At the very least, Turin is 3rd party and not the good kind.


So you have a safe claim....


And I am not mafia btw. Not sure why Sakaea got that read on me.


And are trying to say you're town. Well, I sure didn't get a safeclaim. So hush, you lying scum you.


Don't make me Separate your head from your body.


This all definitely doesn't add up. Everyone has claimed except Darthe I think. Or did he ever actually claim Bail Organa? Is Darthe also the other Mason? No one stepped forward to admit to that either iirc.


Mynd, could you explain again how you used the telepathy power to vet jedi? I


....Not paying attention?


Darthe claimed only like 24 hours ago.


Also, didn't Ishy already state that he was in a mason group with Maw since Maw was Obiwan?


AND you don't get how to use the telepathy to vet.


Smells weird to me. I am definitely glad Kae is viewing you.


It is all greek to me. But Kae will be viewing me apparently so that is good for me if possibly bad for town since she could have been utilized elsewhere.


As for missing things Ishy didn't seem to think Darthe had claimed yet either. And I just went back and search through ishy's posts and did not find where he posted that he was a mason with Maw. There were some days missing as I doubt Ishy would not have posted for several days. Du to that I am willing to admit that it could have been in there. Which also happened to be the same bunch of days I was running back and forth to Seattle to get rained on.


As far as the whole Telepathy vetting thing I have spome ideas but it seems they have holes in them if the Sith have the same force abilities as the Jedi. Especially since direct quoting the PM could result in ModKill. But I guess I will just remain ignorant and try to figure what makes sense to me.


May the Force be with you Master Yoda.


Darthe I figured you out the moment you told a reread had pertinent information way back in like day/night 2 whereas Mynd knew if not at that point shortly after I'm not sure how you could have been suspicious of either of us since then but hey who knows


Darthe I figured you out the moment you told a reread had pertinent information way back in like day/night 2 whereas Mynd knew if not at that point shortly after I'm not sure how you could have been suspicious of either of us since then but hey who knows


Never stop suspecting. Technically there are just enough jedi that if we hadn't managed to catch 2 scum then I would consider that they could be the mafia hiding together. That is one of the biggest advantages of roleclaiming.


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