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What uses for the power can you think of, that aren't being explored in the books so far?


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Can't do chainmail, could do plate armor. Personally, I'm still rather enthralled with the idea of a set of plate armor composed of filigree wires of cuendillar woven close enough together to stop crossbow bolts. That stuff would look awesome. There's no issue with cushioning the blows. Cuendillar absorbs any force directed at it and turns it to making itself stronger. Even if it didn't, it still does everything else armor should do: spread out the force of blows and direct that force around the body instead of through it.


There's a lot of stuff the Aes Sedai do with the Power that they could have been doing better. Why not permanent Keeping weaves around some boxes, and sell those boxes for some money? Even if they don't need the money, it helps people keep their food fresh, and could help mitigate famines and the spread of disease through food spoilage. It'd be a good thing to do.

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i would use an eavesdropping web and a bubble of air to contain my farts and throw them out the window. i would also use a bottle of ink and water+air to write on paper. a weave of razor sharp air to shave. and lots of weaves of windy air to get a peek up skirts (i guess i'm a dirty bastard, but i would).

  On 4/3/2012 at 5:24 AM, Testy al said:

i would use an eavesdropping web and a bubble of air to contain my farts and throw them out the window.

That would be a complete waste of a perfect opportunity for comedy.

How about a ter'angreal with a mini-gateway on the inside of a pouch, that leads to a large chest or storage room. Boom. Instant bag-of-holding. No more using mules to drag tents, supplies and weapons and stuff around with you when you trek around the country side.


"I say, caddie, hand me the Two Handed Sword of Shadowspawn slaying"


RE: cuendillar armor -- since we don't often find heartstone shields, armor, helmets or weapons having survived into the modern age, there may be a valid reason for that. Maybe the AoL channelers knew something about cuendillar that we don't. Hopefully we'll find out. Food for thought.


How about opening a number of large gateways that are one centimetre in front of where they exit behind a Shadowspawn arm? Then, should you manage to force the Shadowspawn to retreat, if they are in disarray they may run straight into the gateways, thereby being destroyed, before they notice there is something off


In the smoke and confusion of a cannon and damane type battle, this could turn an offensive push into an absolute rout


They should probably be more interested in making plants grow. Not roses, but things people eat. There was a ter'angreal that could take water from the air, that's something I think they could have done themselves before.


If they have enough strength in Earth and/or whatever else, then maybe they could help with extracting metals and other elements from ores. Mining might be beyond most women (except Egwene)?


Of course, their numbers weren't that impressing before, so their efforts might not have made much difference for average people in randland.

  On 4/2/2012 at 4:37 PM, Plato said:
Aes Sedai charging fees and allowing regular merchants the right to use gateways between cities. Hello Economic explosion!
Funnily enough, this is one that the characters actually thought of - it was part of Elayne's agreement with the Kin in ToM.


  On 4/3/2012 at 5:24 AM, Testy al said:
and lots of weaves of windy air to get a peek up skirts (i guess i'm a dirty bastard, but i would).
This does remind me somewhat of Patrick Stewart's guest appearance on Extras. "They try to cover themselves up, but it's too late, I've seen everything."

Here are my thoughts, some are repeats:


Cuendillar armor - I think shields, plate, banded, helms, and such have some validity. The shock absorbtion portion might be an issue, but I have always assumed that it would be much lighter and generally stronger. Some trade-offs to be sure. Perhaps not very useful for war armor, but might work well for some police-type armor or palace guards.


Cuendillar weapons - I was thinking along the lines of arrow heads and spear heads. Make it out of iron, sharpend it, and convert it to cuendillar. It would never need sharpening, and it would never rust. Make a bunch now and store them for when it is needed.


Waste removal - no so much along the lines of tying off a gateway, but using the power to clean up. Have a bunch of trash cans around the city. A channeler walks around, creates a gateway to the dump, lifts the trashcan with air, and dumps the garbage through the gateway.


Long range artillery (or assassinations) - Open a gateway, shoot the cannon through the gateway. Open a gateway with an archer beside you. Shoot the arrow through the gateway towards the target. Rand's dragon scepter gave me the idea for this one.


Masons - I work in construction. Watching masons (even steel workers) spending so much time hoisting material into place where they spend a bulk of thier time. Imagine if one person could move all of this around quickly.


Air and archery - Use a shield of air to keep your troops safe from enemy archers. Drop the shield when your side fires and raise it right back up. Didn't the Asha'man raise it part way at Dumani's Well? So just drop the portion that you need to shoot through.


Engine-less carriages - Just get a channeler to push the carriage along. If they can pick up a rock and through it with the OP, why not just push something?


Fire Fighting - why not have a group of channelers that will be called out as fire fighters to help control/quench the fires that occur in a city.


Hospitals - I think places that one could be healed were mentioned somewhere along the way in the AoL.

  On 4/3/2012 at 2:32 PM, Mr Ares said:


  On 4/3/2012 at 5:24 AM, Testy al said:
and lots of weaves of windy air to get a peek up skirts (i guess i'm a dirty bastard, but i would).
This does remind me somewhat of Patrick Stewart's guest appearance on Extras. "They try to cover themselves up, but it's too late, I've seen everything."


  On 4/3/2012 at 4:05 AM, From the Isle of Madmen said:

Could someone potentially weave a Traveling-shield so that everything that came at them was deflected?

BTW, would balefire be able to pierce an open gateway?


this idea intrigues me. imagine you are fihting someone. they come at you, drawing back for a thrust... and you open a gateway that leads directly behind them right in front of them as they do it. they stab through the gateway and impale themselves! priceless!


of course, if your a channeler simply decapitating them with air would suffice... and be simpler.


if you are fighitng another channeler, they could conceivably stop you before you open the gateway, severing the weave or shielding you or some-such.

  On 4/3/2012 at 3:00 PM, Pinzarn said:
Engine-less carriages - Just get a channeler to push the carriage along. If they can pick up a rock and through it with the OP, why not just push something?
We know there is a limit to what a channeler could shift with the Power. Given that chanelers are rarer than horses, certainly the really strong ones you'd need to shift any significant weight, it makes far more sense to just use a horse. Plus, of course, the poor channeler would have to wander along behind the whole way to push the cart along.


Hospitals - I think places that one could be healed were mentioned somewhere along the way in the AoL.
Another part of Elayne's agreement with the Kin in ToM.

How about walls and holes? When that army of Trollocs was attacking Rand et al at the mansion, my first thought was why doesn't he stop worrying about the Deathgates and all and just blast a 30 foot deep trench in the ground infront of them? That way, there's no need to be rushed and they can just blast them all away while having a nice relaxing supper or the like. Also, why did the Halfmen run forward with the Trollocs instead of having a couple hundred pop up in the room behind everyone?


Also, what about going into Dreamland and scouting out where someone's treasure room is and then opening a gateway into it to steal the his cash.


You could also compulse the enemy's scouts to have them deliver bad intelligence and get the armies turned around.


Well the fight at Algarin's manor is text book how not to fight an army of non-channelers with channelers :) If Taim were running the show, there wouldn't have been any danger to any of them.

  On 4/1/2012 at 9:04 PM, Torn Shadow said:

It wouldn't work, Thras, cuendillar can't bend, so you could never get it on or off, and you couldn't fight effectively while wearing it. That is why we don't simply have soliders wear very thick armor, we have materials that cans top bullets but they are useless because they restrict mobility completely.


What? Do you not understand how armor is made? Interlocking plates of cuendillar heald together with leather straps of pins of a different metal.


Multiple arrows flung at advancing trollocs. Why do you need archers just fling a couple thousand arrows at about a thousand miles per hour. It seems that channelers can stop weaves with ease but thinks that are moved by the power it seems that it is more difficult to stop. So arrows tossed with the one power would be difficult to shield against.


well for the armor. thin strike plates of cuenillar would be effective at least. protect vital areas.


use a burst of cold area attack. freeze weapons in their scabbards.


we see globes of light and fireworks type displays. why not a flash burst to directly use on trollocs. like flash bang grenades? maybe even strobe lights.


sound burst to disorient enemies.


soften the earth under an advancing enemy than harden it to eliminate mobility.


like others have said terraforming.


using delving on crops to find what is happening to them. than healing to repair them. work with the Og's. speed growth to make crops grow faster.


use earth to make sculptures.


have studies of the portal stones.


explosive bursts of air wrapped around heartstone shrapnel encased in clay.


tied of weaves of cold to make freezers

  On 4/5/2012 at 10:40 AM, Phariah said:

we see globes of light and fireworks type displays. why not a flash burst to directly use on trollocs. like flash bang grenades? maybe even strobe lights.

cadsuane uses something kinda like this against semi. although it would be interesting if used against a large group. the primary problem with the idea is that it will likely be seen by both sides. although i suppose there might be some ways to shield your side from seeing the blinding flash.

  On 4/4/2012 at 7:38 PM, Tom Sawyer said:

How about walls and holes? When that army of Trollocs was attacking Rand et al at the mansion, my first thought was why doesn't he stop worrying about the Deathgates and all and just blast a 30 foot deep trench in the ground infront of them? That way, there's no need to be rushed and they can just blast them all away while having a nice relaxing supper or the like. Also, why did the Halfmen run forward with the Trollocs instead of having a couple hundred pop up in the room behind everyone?


Regarding manipulating the grounds, the Asha'man did this at Dumani's Well. They created like an earth wave that knocked people down.

  On 4/5/2012 at 12:11 PM, Testy al said:
  On 4/5/2012 at 10:40 AM, Phariah said:

we see globes of light and fireworks type displays. why not a flash burst to directly use on trollocs. like flash bang grenades? maybe even strobe lights.

cadsuane uses something kinda like this against semi. although it would be interesting if used against a large group. the primary problem with the idea is that it will likely be seen by both sides. although i suppose there might be some ways to shield your side from seeing the blinding flash.

could even go to hi powered spotlight wide angle beam than. aimed right at the charging trolloc to cause the rush to falter.


earth spikes. cause spikes to grow in front of a charging force. super sized caltrops


like someone else brought up. take barrels of arrowheads and shrapnel. whip up a big blast of air for a close, wide range scatter blast


channel streams of oil/ grease with air over an enemy and use fireballs to ignite.


set up a sign shop. custom globes of light for your tavern/ inn


air conditioner. use the freezer as mentioned before than tie off a circulating breeze past it to maintain a cool house


an earth channeler shape metals into fine jewelery, custom made and sized

  On 4/5/2012 at 3:21 PM, Phariah said:

air conditioner. use the freezer as mentioned before than tie off a circulating breeze past it to maintain a cool house

Sammael already has one, a ter'angreal. Graendal was quite envious of him, this was before the Bowl was used.

  On 4/4/2012 at 6:36 AM, Blackhoof said:
  On 4/3/2012 at 4:05 AM, From the Isle of Madmen said:

Could someone potentially weave a Traveling-shield so that everything that came at them was deflected?

BTW, would balefire be able to pierce an open gateway?


this idea intrigues me. imagine you are fihting someone. they come at you, drawing back for a thrust... and you open a gateway that leads directly behind them right in front of them as they do it. they stab through the gateway and impale themselves! priceless!


of course, if your a channeler simply decapitating them with air would suffice... and be simpler.


if you are fighitng another channeler, they could conceivably stop you before you open the gateway, severing the weave or shielding you or some-such.


I do realize removing the channeler or other combatants the wiser choice, but I mean how could they sever you if what they were feeling for was completely surrounded by a Traveling weave? I mean to emphasize the protection from balefire here; if someone were to throw balefire through a gate would the gate disappate or whatever existed through it be destroyed?


Building by channeling... The Stone of Tear was made that way


Siuan showed Nynaeve a sword of air in the 2nd book, I think that one was temporary, but cuellindar seems unnecessary, seams strengthened metal works really well.

All armor is worn over a one or more layers of padding, generally one thick padded fabric and one thick leather.

Rigid Plate armor, fine. Shields, fine. Chain and wire... they would bond together in the conversion.

Best armor would be overlapping scale armor, small individual scales with loop on back would be manufactured first, cuellindared separately, then tied onto a leather or other strata. (better than using a waygate to defend against balefire, but in a pinch the gateway should work, but...


using a waygate to redirect an attack? waygates seem to open toward the channeler, so the channeler may have to first put themselves in danger, open the waygate (of limited size) then move to the other side... Air shield, easier faster, safer, also blocks arrows.

horizontal waygate... have those been invented? possible?

Using a waygate to access tents, food on a trip? really? Why don't you just go home and sleep in your own bed every night and have a nice home cooked meal as well?


using cuellindar for shrapnel? really?, any pebble will do just as well

There was a thread about this a while back... most channelers in WOT are appaligly unimaginative.


here's a short list:


Illusion disguises of the oppsite sex = Stroll right though Seanchan chackpoints without fear, or get a job as a cleaner in the WT novice quarters bathrooms.


This would not really work, since most channelers don't know how to hide their weaves, so they would be visible to opposing channelers. And once the knowledge becomes common, so will countermeasures such as an attempt to shield/disrupt everyone passing by. Illusions are used a couple of times in the series such as when Rand goes to meet Nynaeve. He disguises himself as an incredibly ugly man for some reason.


This is a thread about ways that would be cool to see the OP used, which aren't used very much or at all. The fact that "most channelers don't know how to hide their weaves" isn't a reason to say that (the suggestion for them to do so) is a dumb one.


Eavesdropping wards around a cannon = Silenced artilery


True, though channelers don't even know cannons exist yet. And if you have channelers, you don't actually need artillerary since a skilled channeler could do far more damage.


You're saying channelers don't know cannons exist yet- but you're forgetting that Elayne, who is commissioning these things to be built, and controls them in her army, is a channeler, a Queen, and an Aes Sedai. She is having them made, but you say that channelers don't need them. Why is she doing so then? perhaps because they're needed?


thirdly, whoever keeps calling Gateways- "waygates" should stop. just. stop. Those are 2 completely different things in the WOT universe. a waygate is used to access the Ways. a gateway is used to Travel.



Here's my list of possible uses of the OP, or cool things to be done that haven't been done much- or at all- yet.

1. A way to undo the 13x13 conversion to the dark side- or go even farther and turn any darkfriend to the light. but not using Myrddraall...

2. Flying with the OP. I would think they'd use weaves of Air

3. Healing Rand's wound, Healing could be a way for my first point to work... Healing Death would be cool- Nyn has done almost everything else formerly thought impossible

4. Gateways used in naval warfare- large ones ships could take through... for that matter, I'd like to see some large-scale naval warfare period.

5. Elayne figuring out how to make Angreal and Sa'angreal. Those would be handy.

6. A Ter'angreal that detects darkfriends and/or Forsaken and/or channelers converted to the shadow and/or animals used to spy for the shadow, etc. etc.

7. I'd like to see people study an area in the world of dreams, and use that to assist in Travelling while they're awake.

8. (A) Ter'angreal(s) that are designed to throw predestined weaves. Such as one that throws a shield (for non-channelers vs. channelers) or other destructive weaves (like the Balefire rod but different)

9. A weave of the OP which gives the ability to channel to someone who originally never had the spark and couldn't be taught. like creating the ability in them with the OP

10. I'd like to see Constructs be made, like the Nym.


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