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Feast of Fools Nominations: Green Ajah FoF 2012

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I was going to nom Key but Ishy beat me! *laughs*


I say Reki for something muhahahaha



>.> if i wasnt in finals i would find that funny and cute....



so i Nom Rasi in my place! :tongue:


:tongue: You crazy!

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*Turin is juggling a circle of 4 multi-coloured balls that when he is distracted by his Aes Sedai Ithillian and Poet nominate him for additional Foolish duties. The balls fall in spectaular fashion with all 4 of them bouncing of his head and then sliding off androlling around him in a cirlce on the ground*


That is most odd. Foolish you might say. We have already gathered an impressive list of Fools Candidates for our list of openings. The nominations will be closed today at 12:00 noon GMT -8 or there about. Then all names will be sent on to be sorted by our great Captain-General Charis. Then the real Foolishness will begin. So if you think there is someone else out there that should be given an opportunity to fulfill their full Fool potential, make sure you send their name in.


*capers off bobing his head to keep his bells jingle jangling as he moves*


Nice graphics Turin! :D


You don't have to worry about what position you're nominating them all for. What position they get once nominated will be a complete surprise thanks to Charis' lovely sorting hat.


We will all get to guess who was who at the very end. Jinkies! It's a mystery!




Haha, thanks Lessa. :D


OK, I nominate:




Eternal Phoenix



weee Poet <3s me :O *falls out of the ceiling vent I was lurking from*


I was going to nom Key but Ishy beat me! *laughs*


I say Reki for something muhahahaha



>.> if i wasnt in finals i would find that funny and cute....



so i Nom Rasi in my place! :tongue:


I was going to nom her! I second her!



I second? third? the nomination for Ishy.


Mills, Ithi, and Nya definitely get my vote too.


I think Verb would be super fun/ny in charge :laugh:.


I nom Turin, Basel, Razen, and EP *nods*. Let the boys have the run of the place *grins*.


Aiel Heart should have some fun too - I'd like to nom her as well!


I nominate Hiarth - whatever he gets should be interesting


WOULD have nominated Hiarth, but for some reason he's forgotten to actually join. This must be fixed! We need more Hiarth in the rest of the Tower! *Eyes firmly and points to WT/W 101 sticky for easy access to joining form*


Instead, I'll nominated EP.


Turin cartwheels in bells jingling coming to a stop after only slightly bumping the firebirdy.


More seconds, and thirds oh my. excellent choices all. but the time for nomming is coming to a close. So in that spirit I will put forth the name of our Amyrlin Elgee. The woman aught to at least have a shot at a job since she is so kindly allowing someone else to sit in her seat for these days.


All this talk of nomming and seconds and thirds leads me to think of second breakfasts and elevenses and now I am hungry. Which way to the feast? I am dressed already I aught to be able to get in and grab a turkey leg.


The Fool capers off in what looks almost to be a jig.


Turin staggers in turkey leg in hand.


Yes, a very nice feast is set up indeed. Many fine foods and exxxxcellennt beverages. I only had a few as I still have work to do. *hiccup*


Ithi dear, What have I done now? nothing to warrant that stern gaze. I am being the most gracious host.


The time for nommmmmminating is now past. I must take this list of names to the Captain General and let Charis get them all sorted out. Those of you selected for the available positions will be notified when she is good and ready. All the rest of you will be able to try to de-de-decipher whoooo is whoooom.


Turin carries the bag with the nominations away not noticing Elgee has swiped the paper with her name on it. He staggers only slightly brandishing his turkey leg at an offending slinky.


Turin wakes up from his"resting" place on the floor another turkey leg and a bottle of Glenlivet on the floor near him.


We need to open up the dining area as the rest of the honoured guests Fools should be arriving soon. Now it will be for the rest of us to guess whoooo is whooooooom. I refuse to give ANY hints because...






I don't want to.












okay because they neglected to tell me. Happy?



Ahem, okay the Feast can now officially begin


Some food






Some wine to keep everyone just a little foolish.




Some other supplies to keep some of you extra foolish. I'm looking at you Keeper of Fools.



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