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Mistborn Mafia: The Hemalurgic Spike


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I'm still good with lynching you Mynd. You've been at the front of quite a few town lynches and I think learning your alignment can tell us a lot about who is left considering you've been kicking shins all of the place but have left some alone


Oh, btw, I'm just switching to Mynd. Forrest is too long to type all of the time :P


A bit nervous are we AH? And obviously voting for me. Let's hear from Graendal's Favourite and Turin to chime in.




I've stated where you've been pinging all game. I'll go through and do a WoT on that (again) tomorrow evening if necessary, but honestly I don't need to convince you that you're mafia because you already know.


Care to defend your constant attacking of townies this whole game?


Care to defend your constant attacking of townies this whole game?


I attack everyone and trust no one. It's called scum hunting. The town wins if we eliminate all the threats, regardless of how many townies die first. Sure, we'd hate to lose townies, but this is actually where you were foolish in thinking you were winning after Smiley's demise. You actually were losing.....perhaps I can explain why.


You see, every townie death helped us narrow down who among those left had to be scum. Since it would have been ridiculous for Songs of Ice and Fire, Wwwwombat, and Sakaea to vote their own mafia partner and then leave their votes on him as his train built up....we all can safely remove them from suspicion. Follow me so far?


Since one of you (and our other killer) took out TWO masons, essentially CONFIRMING Blackhoof as town, we can eliminate him as well.


That leaves Meesh....who I viewed as solo-win with the finder ability. Which I used again last night and got a mafia reading. You REALLY should have listened to Lenlo. Or did you really not think I had the finder power all this time? How else did I suddenly know Meesh was solo-win with our roled finder dead? Pity. Still, she is not yet a threat to us this day.....someone we can take out later on.


Christine....HA, null read on that one. Does she know she is even in the game? I'll take an inactive mafia who might forget her night kill over an active one any day. If she is scum, its only a matter of time before we get to her. So why bother really when there are larger fish to fry?


That leaves three players who went out of their way to not vote Smiley. I viewed one of these three following players and got a MAFIA reading:


Aiel Heart, Graendal's Favourite, or Turin Turntable


One of those three IS mafia....confirmed. But who did I choose? Who will you choose to lynch? Did I view GF? OR maybe AH? Or what about Turin? Or maybe I'm lying and viewed one of the masons? I think the rest of us should wait and see who among those three will be the first to vote. Only one who knows he or she is town would not vote one of the other two.


*pours three glasses of fine Barefoot Moscato*


Enjoy the wine, you stooges! :rolleyes:


How many can there be of mafia? 4-5 at the start with 2 solos? I'm not really sure I buy Mynd here. He's ignoring possibilities. I think killing him should tell us where to look better than anything, while letting the mafia guide us by claiming finder....


I prefered to reveal this later, but Bronze allomancy I had for two days. It allows you to find out what metals a person has beginning and end of a day. Christine had allomantic gold and ferruchemic chromium the start of the night before last, and nothing at the end of it. Not a very enlightening thing to know. Mynd had at the beginning and end of last night feruchemic zinc. Did tend to make me more suspicious of Mynd after him claiming Finder.


I'm about to probably go inactive for the weekend, but Vote Mynd.


In my opinion he has been BY FAR the scummiest. He stayed on every train even if it seemed that there really was a townie, and pushed every single one. Oh he claims that it has narrowed down the field and all, but he could have backed off and found alternatives when it did seem that someone was town, and we wouldn't be in trouble now. I've really not liked his play this game. I know he likes to kick shins, he just usually doesn't kick them off of cliffs


The fact that BOTH Graendal's Favourite and Aiel Heart refuse to consider each other or Turin is quite amusing.


By all means, lynch me. It will prove my viewing. And the town still wins with me in the game or not. But I prefer to remain. No sense in losing the finder ability.


I'm find with a lynch on Graendal's Favourite. I think we should still hear from Turin though before clinching this one.


I tried to track AH and failed last night. So I'm going to assume I was blocked (how convenient). I'm guessing I could have seen AH visit either Lenlo or Player.


I happen to believe Mynd, so I'm going to Vote GF


Turin, what do you think?



That leaves three players who went out of their way to not vote Smiley. I viewed one of these three following players and got a MAFIA reading:


Aiel Heart, Graendal's Favourite, or Turin Turntable


One of those three IS mafia....confirmed. But who did I choose? Who will you choose to lynch? Did I view GF? OR maybe AH? Or what about Turin? Or maybe I'm lying and viewed one of the masons? I think the rest of us should wait and see who among those three will be the first to vote. Only one who knows he or she is town would not vote one of the other two.


*pours three glasses of fine Barefoot Moscato*


Enjoy the wine, you stooges! :rolleyes:


deleted some stuff and bold and underlined pertinent line.


I don't know have been willing to vote h how you put me in the group as trying desperately not to vote smiley. I placed my vote on EP as a joke but was largely absent early in the game. tbh I missed the smiley lynch due to work issues. I can tell you I would have been willing to vote him but you wouldn't believe it anyway. As for where we are now If I would look to who of the three names you put forward I would lean toward lynching, I will say Heart. I have been in a few games with her and I think this is the first that I haven't seen the big sparkly board with all the claims and stuff. Granted she is nearly as busy as I have been lately. She has been in general a liitle not heart-like I guess. the late jumping onto the Des train was odd too.


Vote Count:


Mynd (3): Graendal; Aiel Heart

Graendal (2): Mynd; Sakaea

Aiel Heart (1): Turin


Not Voting: Christine; Blackhoof; Wombat; Song; Meesh


With 10 alive it takes 6 to lynch.


Deadline is 5:00 PM Monday



Mynd, wanna confirm or deny GF's claim about your metal(s)?


Same goes for Christine although I don't expect her to show up. She should really be replaced.


Mynd, wanna confirm or deny GF's claim about your metal(s)?


Honestly, the whole metal thing is a bit over my head. I had Tin that had given me the tracking ability, but that was stolen. I spiked Despo and got Zinc, which essentially gives me the power to finder Zinc metal craniums. I got a solo-win read on Meesh 2.0, and then got a mafia read on of the three people mentioned (AH, GF, Turin).


One of those three is for sure mafia based on my read. But which one? I am currently voting GF, but is that who I viewed? Perhaps. Or perhaps I am watching how the one I did view reacts. Maybe I viewed AH and I am waiting to see if she is willing to throw GF under the bus to save herself. As of yet, she hasn't changed her vote.


Shall I just come clean on who I viewed or shall we let them squirm some more?




Seriously though, I trust mynd.... kind of. He has killed a few townies and bussing a teammate to gain trust is not a bad tactic. Bussing two though.... ludicious.


I vote that mynd reveals who he viewed. No sense dragging it out.



Yeah.....I was gonna kinda not mention that but.......you are the only confirmed townie. But then again, after this lynch, I'll be all but confirmed as well so.....*shrugs*



I vote that mynd reveals who he viewed. No sense dragging it out.


But I'm having too much fun messing with them though! I'm pretty sure of two of them, but I only am 100% on one from my read. I can say that it wasn't Turin though.

My tracker ability was stolen, I've just been informed. So not blocked, spiked.
For curiosity sake, who did you target and why?


Aiel Heart. Because I was suspicious of her last day phase, and still am today.


In my opinion, GF and Des haven't stuck out nearly as much. I'd go back and do a reread, and I probably will after this day phrase if I can find the time. Honestly, I might have to drop out of the game. I have a bunch of projects and exams in the next few weeks, but I hate to back out on a game I started.


At this point, Mynd has pinged me consistently though out the game and has done much more to attract my vote than either of them. Not saying that they haven't ever pinged, but I find it much more likely that Mynd is scum.


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