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Hey everyone! My cousins and I should be sending our bios today or tomorrow to be checked. But the Belrose sisters just wanted to say hello! We're hoping to roleplay twins and an older sister, all three of which run a tavern off of Caemlyn Road(Jodelle, Sapphira, and Kitten Belrose to be exact). We'll be in need of employees (guards, musicians, female entertainers) in the near future, so just a head's up :)


Hiya Faun and welcome. I'm moving your post to a new thread in this same board, which can be used as an introduction and 'hi' thread and for you to get to know the FL members if you like. This thread is just to post a link to your bios (when they have been approved and posted on the bio board) for people to look up what characters are around. It's not really a conversation thread :)

Posted (edited)

I sent my bio to FLDiv@dragonmount.com. Is that correct?


And thanks for the welcome :)

Edited by Faun

Yes, that's the one. :) One of our Bio Checkers will take a look at it soon but you should allow for a couple of days time to get a response. If you haven't heard anything within a week after sending in your bio, contact me.


Meantime, we get to know you!


So, who are you, where you from, how did you end up here and have you read all the books? And where are these two siblings of yours? :biggrin:


Hi there Badriyah and welcome to the Freelanders :) hang in there, one of the Bio Checkers will go over your bio and get back to you asap. This may take a day or two though, but no longer than a week. If by then you haven't heard back, give me a nudge and I'll look in to it.


Have you been here before? Your name sounds familiar to me. :smile:


Used to be a Bander at one point. Hope she'll come back. We could use a little more life in the Band.


But don't let me pressure you or anything... :tongue:


Glad to see both of you here, hope that we'll be seeing a lot of you!


Yes! I was a Bander, I was also an Aes Sedai in the Gray Ajah, and a Tinker, all about seven years ago!


And im sorry Quibby for not being around like I said I'd try to be, I suddenly had to move and things have been hectic but now I have my sister and sweet cousin to nag me about DM:p


Wow that makes The Band a whooping 3 members....lol Great to see another Bander!!! If/when you get your Bander approved we do have a Rp going to kidnap the Daughter of the Nine Moons...(and as Band protocol requires cause a little havoc along the way). Talk to Quibby if your interested. And first (all) rounds on Quibby...hehehehe


Sounds good hehe, I'll update Lavenas bio in the next 24hrs hopefully and then send it in<<< in the meantime, while waiting on our bios to be approved for the tavern, we are actually in the process of writing our grand reopening posts of HoT in our wild anticipation to get this tavern rolling. Ahhh can't wait for the bios to be approved so we can put up the first post each of us has written for our chars!!!


shouldn't be too long now, I see the bios have gone up for CC'ing. Once that's done, you will each get a thread for your characters on the Training Grounds here at the FL, though you'll need to be added to our usergroups by an admin (I will send in the request for this as soon as your bios are CC'd).


Awesome. But I'm a little confused. Do we *have* to start out with three separate threads? I think we were hoping to start out in one thread together. Also I thought that we would post our threads in "Dragon Reborn Role Playing: South".


The Training Boards Myst spoke of are in the Out Of Character (OOC) boards for the Freelanders (the ones we are posting in now). These Training Threads are where you can post links to any rps where your character progresses (gets a higher weapon score or stuff like that). Also, your training progress threads in the above mentioned Training Board, will have any information on any Required RPs needed to be done to introduce your characters.


You will be posting In Character (IC) in the "Dragon Reborn Role Playing: South" boards when you actually RP.


Alright ladies! I'm sorry, but I jumped into your intro thread before two of you got a chance to post. I've been excitedly waiting for your tavern to open, and I hope the few liberties I took with what you needed will be acceptable to you. :D


Well, I've just posted, and the party has started. I've given a variety of opportunities for people to jump in, so take one and post you guys!! Let's have a good time! The only HoT party in Caemlyn calls you!



Sapphira Lunette "Pixie" Belrose

The younger moon twin


I'll show up eventually, though probably not in the first RP. If it's okay with you, I'd like to use the inn as a base of operations for awhile.

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