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So, happy hearts & flowers month!


We're going to celebrate by talking about dating! Even us old married people need a date night now and then. :)


So, what's the best date you've ever been on? If you're drawing a bkank, what would be your favorite?


My favorite date was my birthday just before I got married. My then-fiance took me out to an awesome dinner at a small Italian restaurant and then a craft store and Barnes and Noble! He gave me a limit, but otherwise... Awesome date! I daresay he enjoyed it, too.


Okay, this is definitely a hard one. Mostly because they've all been with the same man (and covers the past thirteen+ years of dates. :biggrin: ).


One of my favorites early on was the one where he went with me to the National and World Morgan Horse Show, and we spent the whole day wandering around the barns, and watched some of the classes in various areas. And he listened to me babble about horses for 8+ hours and didn't run away screaming.


Our 6 month dating anniversary... he introduced me to the deliciousness of lobster.


We've had a lot of good date nights over the years. Most of them involve curling up and watching something new and interesting (be it on TV or DVD), or going out to eat and hitting a movie if we can find a sitter for the six year old. Spend hours chatting about movies, books, and what we're each writing at the time. Occasionally we'll get tickets to the theater. We went to see Phantom of the Opera together, Beauty and the Beast, Man of La Mancha... Bill Cosby live.


We do a lot of things together. Including 13+ years of going to SCA events together. :wub:


ooh my best date...well, i have two, and both show what a terribly easy person I am to please.


The first was with a guy I had a long distance relationship with before we ever met. He was my cousin's friend and we used to call each other every night and email. Then I finally got to go visit my cousin and the guy and I made our first date.


He lived in this little nowhere place where you could walk the highway through three 'towns' in about an hour. They had a dairy bar in one 'town', a Subway resaurtant/gas station in the next town and a Tim Hortons in third. And that was about it of the town.. i believe there was a Beer Store and a bank somewhere too, but really not much more.


He was working at the dairy bar and I met him at the end of his shift. I waited a booth and when his shift was over he came out of the kitchen and kind of looked around and then found me. He had only an old picture of me and the fact that he knew everyone else in town to go by hee hee.


So I first saw him when he collapsed into the seat across from me in a very dramatic 'i'm so tired' motion. We walked along the side of the road to through the three 'towns' to the tim hortons. We stopped for a few mins on a bench outside the gas station and just talked and then we went on to the tim hortons for 'coffee'. Niether of us drank it at the time though.


My dad spent the whole night driving up and down the highway keeping an eye on us, but he still denies it to this day. There was only one car, with plates from my province, and my dad's kayaks on top, on the road, and it passed it in both directions several times.




The other one wasn't so much a date as the best birthday surprise ever! I was in kung fu at the time, and we had this little ritual of going to Wendy's after class with a group of friends. While we were there my boyfriend snuck away from the table and was gone for a long time. When he came back he said he had a surprise for me, but I had to close my eyes. I had no idea what it was but all my friends made sure my eyes were closed and they led me outside. When I opened there was a guy with his car, the kind I have always been in love with but had never seen more than just driving by. I guess my boyfriend had seen him pull up and gone out to see if he would let me see it up close. The guy probably though it was a little weird, but when he saw how excited I was (and I was) he let me sit in it! I actually got to get in it..I was giddy for a week, and that day is still number 2 on my list of most magical moments with boyfriends....wait three..there was another one that is number two, but it wasn't a date, just a sweet thing.


Hmmmm.... My first one. We went into it not knowing if we were just hanging as friends or if it was a date. But when we were sitting in the hallway waiting for the theater to be opened I put my head on his shoulder and then we held hands during the movie and then ended up going to Cracker Barrel afterwards. It was nice :)


I'm here!


Before we were married we used to invite each other over for salads on Friday night. I remember that fondly. We also did a lot of camping.


Hello all! I think i will try to be active this time around...


My best date... There were a few good ones, but the guys always ended up to be suck jerks that I gave my best to forget about the whole thing... But there was one I liked very much.


It was (I think) August 26th, 2011. I met the guy 4 days before and I was VERY excited, because I liked him SOO much!!! We went to this cafe I always wanted to go to, but never had the chance(plus it was the closest to the place we met, and it was so hot outside, that we were both like - if it has A/C, it will do). We talked for a few hours, and he was so sweet, and the fact that I liked him very much made me smile all through the night... We would have kept talking all night, but I had to go. And he walked me to the parking, and he asked when will he see me again, and was just... SO SWEET!!! He is this amazing guy, and I had a feeling we clicked. I saw something in him... It turned out I was wrong, but that is irrelevant. I had such a great time that night!

It all sums up to this: It is not about where you go, but who you're with. biggrin.gif


Happy Love Day Kinsters! *blows kisses to all*


I just wrote a wonderful post about the first and only date my Bill and I had, that also just happens to be the night i fell in love with him!


Alas, I hit the wrong key and the whole thing disappeared, *sigh* I will try to write the story again and post it at a later time...but I am here! :biggrin:


I can't remember dating..... Honestly, I can't. I don't think I've ever had an official date in my life. I don't even know if I would recognise a date if it did happen.


Hmmm... weird. lol Oh well. I'll live vicariously through you all. :smile:


REally? I haven't checked in this month? Ahhh.

Well, I'm here...I think.


Best date..now that is a difficult one...


The setting is a Civil War Reenactment in TX on a farm during the month of March. A Shaman-in-training with gorgeous long dark hair noticed that I was being cut out of my friends (and our dates) conversation. I was really trying to live in the moment of pretend in the Victorian 1860's, having just come from a fine ball, and hearing discussion of Garth Brooks rather ruined it. He rescued me and offered to show me his white horse and the rest of the calvary line he was with. They were beautiful. We then spent the evening sitting talking by the fire (he was on watch) before having to duck into an empty tent--don't know who's--for shelter from the storm...the "date" finished at dawn with a walk up the hill to the big house's porch to watch the sunrise. It was a very chilly morning compared to the night before and he put his uniform jacket around me to keep me warm. Just after sunrise the snow began to fall. It was time to say farewell, reconnect with my friends (who were wondering where I had been), and drive 8 hours to home.


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