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Weekend Plans


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Saturday, I'm going out to breakfast with my family and then to a play with a friend. Sunday, I'm going to an art class. I'll try to fit the gym in there too.

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Saturday is my hubby's birthday. He works 7am-7pm but I'll be making him a cake with the kids while he's gone. We don't have money for anything else, but I have all I need in the cupboard so I think it would be nice for him to come home to that.


No plans for Sunday yet.


Ummm... I have a baby shower to go to tomorrow night, so throw in a bunch of shopping in the morning. Then more shopping on Sunday. Monday is my girl-day. I have a Pedi and some me-shopping to do. :)


Yeah, it sounds like it, but it wasn't all that much. I don't go crazy very often, so it was a bit nice for a change. I'm debating how crazy I want to get tomorrow. I've promised myself a pedicure, at the very least!


Hey, it sounds like we're having some fun!!! (except for Xamol Na who has to work.)


What are you writing, Xamol Na?


What kind of cake did you make Kathleen? Did you guys have fun?


U4ea, how was the baby shower? What did you buy at the store?



I had a modification to my plans. I love football so on Saturday we went to a sports bar (ate a lot) and watched the Niner vs Saints game and what a game it was! We had onion rings and I had a French Dip. The play I went to see later was stunning. It is about a Holocaust survivor. Here is a link in case anyone is interested:




The art class on sunday was canceled so we slept in and then later went over to a friends and watched the NY Giants and the Packers. I got a hair cut and then made spaghetti for dinner and am thinking about the chores I need to do tomorrow. I might try to fit in a movie.


Is anyone else off tomorrow?


Actually, while the essence of my plans worked out it was the little things that made it personal that flopped and while it was a success on the surface it felt more like a fail over all.


Beauty and the Beast was in in 3d here. I had hoped to go to it with my daughter and husband, sort of a special thing just for the three of us. We were going to go on tuesday. My dad called on friday and asked to take us. My hubby was working but he said we should go. My dad works over seas and is rarely home, so he should get the special movie day. I couldn't get a sitter for the three year old and I ended up in the lobby with him for almost the whole movie.


I had planned to make hubby a pizza and cake, but we didn't have time to make it, so I ended buying him a cake and frozen pizza. I forgot to get decorations, but the one thing he had asked for was to have the kids decorate. We were so late getting in that I litterly just had enough time to through some pink streamers up and the kids were still drawing their cards to him when he came in.


I guess it all came together, but I feel like I cheated him out of his birthday fun.


Actually, while the essence of my plans worked out it was the little things that made it personal that flopped and while it was a success on the surface it felt more like a fail over all.


Beauty and the Beast was in in 3d here. I had hoped to go to it with my daughter and husband, sort of a special thing just for the three of us. We were going to go on tuesday. My dad called on friday and asked to take us. My hubby was working but he said we should go. My dad works over seas and is rarely home, so he should get the special movie day. I couldn't get a sitter for the three year old and I ended up in the lobby with him for almost the whole movie.


I had planned to make hubby a pizza and cake, but we didn't have time to make it, so I ended buying him a cake and frozen pizza. I forgot to get decorations, but the one thing he had asked for was to have the kids decorate. We were so late getting in that I litterly just had enough time to through some pink streamers up and the kids were still drawing their cards to him when he came in.


I guess it all came together, but I feel like I cheated him out of his birthday fun.


Oh, it sounds like such a stressful day! Maybe when things calm down a bit you can have a nice family dinner with dessert. When we are all stressed out, we find it calming to nest, eat and be together especially on a cold winter night. Maybe put something in the crockpot and bake brownies from the box. I get some that cost only $1.00 and they are fantastic.


Yeah, I may have a crack at doing it right on another night. It also didn't help that he worked a 12 hour shift all day and came home at the end of it so tired he could only eat one piece of the pizza.


It may be nice for all of us if we get him on his days off and make a nice day for him. Good thinking, thanks!


Yeah, I may have a crack at doing it right on another night. It also didn't help that he worked a 12 hour shift all day and came home at the end of it so tired he could only eat one piece of the pizza.


It may be nice for all of us if we get him on his days off and make a nice day for him. Good thinking, thanks!



Let me now if it works out. We don't always celebrate our birthdays on the actual day. We would much rather have it be relaxed with the family.


My husband is working 16 hours today, he will get home at 11pm and have to get up at 3:30 to be at work at 6am. We know about long shifts too.


The shower was fun! I tried to do my usual gift (buy the diaper bag they want & fill it up), but they didn't have the bag it anything else I would've put in there and hopping around wasn't an option, so I went with a diaper Genie and let Peanut pick out a few cute baby blankets. I took Tadpole with me, so everyone played "pass the baby" for a bit.


I had planned on having a Mani-Pedi play day today, but my husband forgot to write a check for day care, so my plans have been altered. If I write the check, I can't afford to do anything today. If I meet him for lunch to get a check, I can't get the pedicure. *mutters* I was really looking forward to the pedicure, dammit!


The shower was fun! I tried to do my usual gift (buy the diaper bag they want & fill it up), but they didn't have the bag it anything else I would've put in there and hopping around wasn't an option, so I went with a diaper Genie and let Peanut pick out a few cute baby blankets. I took Tadpole with me, so everyone played "pass the baby" for a bit.


I had planned on having a Mani-Pedi play day today, but my husband forgot to write a check for day care, so my plans have been altered. If I write the check, I can't afford to do anything today. If I meet him for lunch to get a check, I can't get the pedicure. *mutters* I was really looking forward to the pedicure, dammit!



I like filling bags up with stuff. I used to do that when my boys went to birthday parties. I'd spend $10 or $15 and the kids thought it was the best present. I'd put in all sorts of art supplies, a water bottle, a hat, some candy etc.


I want to get a pedi today but I can't really afford it now either. I'm still debating.


I'm the same boat Lor only its 3 hours later in the day!


I have plans for next weekend....if you call friday night at 6pm the weekend. I do :)


But for this one i have no plans just yet. Hubby just went back to work after 4 days off so he'll be working all weekend. And I guess I do have to go pick my daughter up from her dad's on Sunday night.


Well, I want to go the the movies with my family sometime this weekend.... maybe see Red Tails or Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close.


My son is participating in his first Fire Explorers meeting/training. Tomorrow there is a Holocaust exhibit and speakers that I am going to go see.


I'll try to fit in the gym and some grocery shopping.


Ok, saw "Red Tails" and it was very good. Out to lunch with the fam. Made it to the gym.


Fun! I went grocery shopping. Now its a day for chores. Yay. Just the perfect end to a rough week.



Just got back from Costco and then to a Holocaust exhibit we are sponsoring. I wish I could watch the 49er/Giants game.


I haven't done much today. I managed to start some laundry, but Tadpole isn't feeling well. :( .Neither am I, to be honest. Ugh.


I haven't done much today. I managed to start some laundry, but Tadpole isn't feeling well. :( .Neither am I, to be honest. Ugh.



Thoughts of wellness sent your way. I was able to watch most of the 49er/Giants game, so I am happy.


Yeah? I have been avoiding football. Who did you want to win?



It was hard. I am a Niner's fan but also a Fresno State fan (David Carr and Bear Pascoe on the Giants) so I was happy either way.


I don't have much $$$ to spend this weekend. Plans are still up in the air. I do like the gym. They have an indoor heated pool, a hot tub, sauna and steam room. Since I already pay dues there, that's likely what we'll do. Maybe the dog park as well.... walks, listen to music, sleep in....


My husband is taking his Rc car to the track this morning, so I have the girls. We're going to keep it pretty low key, maybe clean the toy room. Tomorrow is my brother in law's birthday, so we are going out to dinner.


Here's hoping it works out that way...


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