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Princess Bride Mafia - Game Over!


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Knew I was forgetting something

Dead Townie Dead Mafia Alive Claimed Role Alive No Claimed Role


1. A. Heart--Fezzik--town--Mason--breaths are numbered

2. Smiley

3. Song

4. Ithi--nameless townsperson--town--vanilla--random killed D1

5. Turin

6. Des-Des--Inigo Montoya--town--Mason--breaths are numbered

7. Rhea--claims nameless townsperson--town--Vanilla

8. meesh

9. Paet

10. BG

11. Matt McsCTM

12. Locke

13. Player

14. Talya--claims nameless townsperson--town--Vanilla

15. Nyn--claims nameless townsperson--town--Vanilla

16. Kae

17. John McApe

18. wombat

19. Solimind--Claims Miracle Max--town--doc

20. Tina

21. Verbal

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Well it going random lynch gave us pretty much as much info as I feel we would have gotten from a Rhea lynch, but it's still really really lame to see my bonded die on day 1 two games in a row :madmyrddraal::madmyrddraal: :madmyrddraal:


Tbh tho, we got something fairly good with her coroner's report: now it looks even sketchier, all the peeps claiming roleless nondescript townsfolk characters. Out of that grouping, I trust Nyn the least, and Talya the second least.


Sorry for missing like all of Day 1 folks. I was actually back yesterday as I said and had a whole 8 paragraph essay written out until it came to be that my internet wasn't working. Most of it isn't relevant anymore.


UnVote. Vote Rhea. Don't really have much of a read on her right now, but she's the only shot for majority, and I would much prefer that to random. If I had my choice of a lynch though, I'd go for CTM or Sakaea. CTM because of MCS's posts before he left (in which he didn't say anything of value and then made 2 bologna cases) and then some other small stuff that I'd have to re-read first. Sakaea because her reasoning on voting Des way back when, as Rhea pointed out, was rather ridiculous.


Also, on that bit about Talya rolefishing. Yeah I thought it kinda scummy in the way she asked the question, but honestly, when I read Des's roleclaim post, I assumed he was claiming a power role. It didn't even occur to me that he was referring to his mason role as useful until Talya asked the question.



I agree with Wombat. Random lynch odds aren't really that bad, especially considering the amount of vanilla claims popping up.


What in the... Locke you're making my head spin. How did your feelings on random lynches change that much in 4 mins?! FOS


I was sleeping, but looks like my vote wouldn't have mattered anyway as I would never vote for no lynch.


Also it's weird that there's so many people outted so early in the game. We should go ahead and mass reveal tomorrow to get it out of the way lulz


So much FOS for this post. So much.

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BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Despo for standing aside to prevent a controlled lynch on a questionable claimed vanilla townie that allowed a random lynch that could have lost the town the healer or finder D1. Town was lucky that only a vanilla was lost. I think we would have gotten more info from Rhea's coroner report as there were people during the day that actually pushed for her lynch and others that defended her somewhat. I don't think Ithi's name came up more than twice during this entire day phase. How do we get more info from the report of a undiscussed town member than from one that was discussed at least some during the day?


I also must say that I didn't really like the "aren't all the townsfolk from Florin?" comment. It was speaking around the question without answering it.


Last did you FoS Song for the first part or second part of her comment? I could see having a strong reaction to her not wanting to vote NO Lynch, but that is a personal choice I would say. The second part was obviously(imo) a joke due to all the purple in Heart's list.


BG I agree that the first person to post the unnamed townie would be the most likely telling the truth. With those following along behind being less reliable as they went.

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@Turin: I was FOS'ing her for both her stand against the no lynch thing, and for her excuse for not being there during the vote, and because she hasn't responded to any FOS's against her. I got that the second part was a joke, but even that kinda rankled me a bit.


As for your comments about Rhea's lynch, I still felt it was a random, out of nowhere lynch, and anyways for a while there we had a better chance at no lynch than we did for Rhea's lynch. There were going to be so many last second "consolidation" type bandwagon votes that analyzing the voting record on her train would've been a little tough. And the only reason she ever got FOS'd in the first place was removing a joke vote from me. It felt wrong for me to agree with the logic behind her lynch, for consolidation or no.


@Tina: Uh huh. You're on my list too, don't worry.

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oh my so many posts, sorry to hear Ithi go. To be honest I don't get too much of a good feeling from CTM, probably because he came in late and my mind makes that look auto-suspicious, otherwise the most he's done is squabble with ape, which has been amusing. I don't necessarily trust Ape too much either, I don't know if his multitude of posts and analysis is an attempt to influence others, and isn't the thread supposed to be locked after day time? or is that something that we don't follow on DM?

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I'm always one for a free meal...count me in :biggrin:


I would say I have had a quick read since last night, but it has taken me all morning, sneakily reading it between working, lol.


A few pointers, Rhea's town claim, seemed off to me, she just said Vanilla townie, no mention of the forin bit nor townfolk. But when asked if she was one, she only answered with a question, a bit like someone worried about a lie detector. I think turin was in my head at some point, because he pointed out a few things I wanted to say!


As for Des, there would have been a little more info on Rhea than we have Ithi. I'm actually inclined to believe his claim, it's a big role to fake claim for him and AH. however he could have helped.


I think with Song's post, it was the fact she said even if she was there she wouldn't have been any help as we wouldn't have got the no lynch anyway. It suggests to me that she wouldn't have voted for Rhea, becaus eif she had been around then she could have saved us a random lynch.


i can't believe all those that have claimed Townsfolk are what they say they are



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I was sleeping, but looks like my vote wouldn't have mattered anyway as I would never vote for no lynch.


Also it's weird that there's so many people outted so early in the game. We should go ahead and mass reveal tomorrow to get it out of the way lulz


What evew to do you mean?


Your vote most certainly would have mattered, we were 1 vote away from lynching your scum mate Rhea. She told us she was roleless, and okay to kill, but then voted no lynch instead of herself and forced it to go random. Scummy.

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Hey! Just got back from uni so I'll comment on some stuff.


Leelou said in the first post that every death will be followed by a coronary report.

LOL, coronary.... :tongue:


Meanie :tongue:




Right now I'm finding it REALLY hard to believe Rhea and Player. Though Rhea is my number one suspect.



First of all player. I don't really get why he revealed. I already explained why I did. Whether it was a smart move or not, who knows. But there was a reason. Rhea was being voted against so it counts as a legitimate reason to reveal. Player's was redundant. There was already someone vouching for Talya so she wasn't being thrown to the dogs. Having second person confirm it doesn't really add anything. It really does feel from my part that he's trying to attach himself to us.


I also don't really like his recent posts where he casts suspicion at people without really giving any reason, as if he's some credible source now.


Rhea I don't believe you. Also I dont trust Ape...




Well I don't trust, CTM, Ape, and Wombat

Rhea to a lesser extent.


Don't ask me why cos I'm not really sure. I just felt like sharing that


4 hours after he suddenly adds CTM and wombat to the list as well. This time he actually says he's not sure why lol


Something just don't sit well with me in regards to him. Totally keeping an eye on him.





As far as Rhea goes.



Not so bad, and yet a fourth townsfolk of Florin vanilla... rhea, are you claiming townsfolk of Florin as well?



Aren't all the townsfolk from Florin?


This leads me to believe that she's lying her ass off. So I agree with Turin and Talya for feeling that this comment is off. If she was actually what she claims, she wouldn't have asked this. She also wouldn't have named herself vanilla town in her initial reveal. Talya, on the other hand, was very specific in her reveal (which is why I believe her). So yeah, I'm pretty sure I know where my vote is going on day 2.



I'm also wondering if player is making a point of putting Rhea in his top two suspect list to avoid any sort of association between them. First he points at her and John. Two people so it won't be that obvious. And then he adds more names to his suspect list saying he doesn't know why... smells like a bit of a cover up.





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Just on the color thing, Sparkly...you and Despo are dead townies?

As good as dead at this point :P we've basically staked ourselves out to die. But who knows, maybe the mafia won't kill us now because they want to get rid of the "more important" people first

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I'm always one for a free meal...count me in :biggrin:


I would say I have had a quick read since last night, but it has taken me all morning, sneakily reading it between working, lol.


A few pointers, Rhea's town claim, seemed off to me, she just said Vanilla townie, no mention of the forin bit nor townfolk. But when asked if she was one, she only answered with a question, a bit like someone worried about a lie detector. I think turin was in my head at some point, because he pointed out a few things I wanted to say!


As for Des, there would have been a little more info on Rhea than we have Ithi. I'm actually inclined to believe his claim, it's a big role to fake claim for him and AH. however he could have helped.


I think with Song's post, it was the fact she said even if she was there she wouldn't have been any help as we wouldn't have got the no lynch anyway. It suggests to me that she wouldn't have voted for Rhea, becaus eif she had been around then she could have saved us a random lynch.


i can't believe all those that have claimed Townsfolk are what they say they are



I was sleeping, but looks like my vote wouldn't have mattered anyway as I would never vote for no lynch.


Also it's weird that there's so many people outted so early in the game. We should go ahead and mass reveal tomorrow to get it out of the way lulz


What evew to do you mean?


Your vote most certainly would have mattered, we were 1 vote away from lynching your scum mate Rhea. She told us she was roleless, and okay to kill, but then voted no lynch instead of herself and forced it to go random. Scummy.


I was the first vote on Rhea *rolls eyes* That's why it didn't matter because I was already voting on the person who everyone was trying to get lynched, whom I think is Ms Scummy. And I would never go for a no lynch on Day 1. Not even to get a majority. I have had this stance since the very first game I played when Lily suggested this tactic.

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@ Wombat - yes.



Vote Count


No Lynch (8): BG, Turin, Des, meesh, Talya, Nyn, Kae, Player

Rhea (4): Song, CTM, wombat, Ape

Solimind (3): Locke, Smiley, <3

Talya (2): Tina

Smiley (1): Solimind

Turin (1): Paet


With 21 alive it takes 12 to lynch.


Not voting: Ithi, Verbal, Rhea


2ish hours to deadline

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BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Gilder. Mmmmmmmmeesh, Heart is convinced that she and Despo will be dead soon due to their reveal today. I think she is being a bit overly dramatic.

*Sticks tongue out at Turin*


So appearently I missed two roleless claims last night. I assume these are the posts?

Ill vouch for Nyn and Talya's thing. It rings true to my ears


I don't remember the movie very well, but anyone find it odd that this booing hag of Turin is a character and we still have 3 non descript roleless characters?....



wealistically, we have thwee roleless.


Plus the assumption that the BOO hag is roleless town.


... and before Talya claimed roleless, I said lynch me to avoid random.


So that makes 5 presumed roleless in a 21 person game.


I don't know that that is a stretch.

Dead Townie Dead Mafia Alive Claimed Role Alive No Claimed Role


1. A. Heart--Fezzik--town--Mason--breaths are numbered

2. Smiley

3. Song

4. Ithi--nameless townsperson--town--Vanilla--random killed D1

5. Turin

6. Des-Des--Inigo Montoya--town--Mason--breaths are numbered

7. Rhea--claims nameless townsperson--town--Vanilla

8. meesh

9. Paet

10. BG

11. Matt McsCTM

12. Locke

13. Player--claims nameless townsperson--town--Vanilla

14. Talya--claims nameless townsperson--town--Vanilla

15. Nyn--claims nameless townsperson--town--Vanilla

16. Kae

17. John McApe--claims nameless townsperson--town--Vanilla

18. wombat

19. Solimind--Claims Miracle Max--town--doc

20. Tina

21. Verbal

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