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Inheritace cycles similarities to WoT


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Since the last book has just come Out I've noticed consistencies in them


Roran uses a hammer like perrin

A poossible direct reference in Inheritence

and so the wheel turns Eragon thought

I will have more in a bit


Sheep :flamingsword:


I remember noting a few similarities. I think there's mountains called the "Spine" right? And we have the SPine of the World in WoT. These are right near Eragon's village and considered bad luck, the Mountains of Mist in WoT are right next to Rand's village and are considered a bit odd. Can't think of anything else atm.


Yeah, I thought of Perrin when I read about Roran's justifications for using a hammer. Too bad Roran is a terrible deus ex machina of a character.


The biggest similarity I noticed was Glaedr's instruction of sword-fighting to Eragon. He basically told Eragon to achieve the "oneness" and gave the exact same description of the void and the flame. Moreover, Eragon "sheathed the sword" in his fight with Murtagh.


It's not surprising considering how much Paolini's plagiarised from other works. Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Earthsea. It was only a matter of time before he stole from WoT.


The Battle of Endor errr... Battle of Uru Baen copied Star Wars (again) when Roran shouted "It's a trap."


Granted I still enjoyed the novel, with the exception of the ending and the Roran scenes. I read this series hoping for a happy ending which surprisingly didn't happen, if I want my dark/gritty epic fantasy fix I'll re-read ASoIaF.


It didn't have a happy ending? As someone who hates the Inheritance Cycle with a passion that might motivate me to read the last book. I might just wait for kippurbird to spork it though, she always manages to make me laugh.


It didn't have a happy ending? As someone who hates the Inheritance Cycle with a passion that might motivate me to read the last book. I might just wait for kippurbird to spork it though, she always manages to make me laugh.

Well the "good guys" still won. I'm still unconvinced that the Empire was evil. But yeah on the InheritanceForums boards, the rage from fans regarding the ending is already 50 pages long. The Roran scenes will make you want to gouge your eyes out, I advise on skipping or skimming through them.

Well the "good guys" still won. I'm still unconvinced that the Empire was evil.


It would have been better if Paolini had taken that idea and run with it, considering how many people share your view (Me included). It would have been an interesting twist, considering Galbatorix himself points out that the Varden were the ones stirring up trouble and that he was only reacting to them at the end of Brisingr.


If you're interested, there's a great fanfiction that focuses on Galby and the Empire in that exact fashion. 'The Storm Dragons' series by Opifex is a great read; Opifex herself is a published author now. It has a few problems, like the elves all being portrayed as evil to a man, but it's enjoyable if you take the view that Galbatorix wasn't such a bad guy.


i noticed them too but they must just be coincedenses.. no-one can be that blantent about copying others work.. like many people say that TEoTW is RJ copying LoLR..


tho i will agree... inheritance cycle is a fantacy version of star wars.. though that doesn't stop the series from being good (if CP never wrote eragon i wud have never have found my love of fantacy and subsuquently TWoT)


I thought there was some Belgaraid in the first book, as well. It's been a while since I read Eragon, I wasnt impressed with the book, though it was great that such a young author could get a book both completed and published.

  • Moderator

It's not surprising considering how much Paolini's plagiarised from other works. Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Earthsea. It was only a matter of time before he stole from WoT.


Heh - direct quote from a co-worker upon reading the first couple of books:


"Good so far, but if they blow up the Death Star, I'm done."


I thought there was some Belgaraid in the first book, as well. It's been a while since I read Eragon, I wasnt impressed with the book, though it was great that such a young author could get a book both completed and published.


If you look closer it's not as impressive as it seems. IIRC he was 19 years old when he first got Eragon published. He began writing the book at 16, but didn't finish until three years later. He was also guaranteed a publication since his parents own a vanity publishing company. He didn't have to go through the process of having his manuscript repeatedly rejected, edited and rewritten like other authors, and it really shows in the quality of his writing.


When I first read Eragon I was in my early teens and thought it was pretty good. When I discovered Eragon Sporkings years later and read through kippurbird's commentary I realised just how flawed it was. Hopefully Paolini will find his originality and come to regard the Inheritance Cycle as an old shame, much like Tolkien did with some of his earlier works.


There's a Spine of the World mountain range in Forgotten Realms. One of Salvatore's books is even called the Spine of the World. I always took it for coincidence. Besides, Randland has a Spine AND an Eye.


I read the book. After RJ, GrrM and Sanderson it's very thin and obvious. I liked Murtaugh's redemption though.


Saphira is easily the best character. Actually I thought the ending made sense.


However the series is not a patch on WoT, ASoIaF, J.V. Jones or (lately) Terry Brooks.

  • 4 weeks later...

The last book made I was cringing throughout. The only good parts are where Galbatorix is talking to Nasuada.


Also he writes as a fan of sci-fi and fantasy so I presume that's why it is terrible.


This is what happens when your parents are your publisher. Had Paolini gotten a string of rejections first like most other authors he might actually have ended up writing something decent.


This is what happens when your parents are your publisher. Had Paolini gotten a string of rejections first like most other authors he might actually have ended up writing something decent.


A decent editor would have been nice too, although Robert Jordan also had that problem. Oh, and some good research into Medieval tactics and warfare as well, because the way he uses siege weapons in his battles makes me cringe.


I enjoyed the first two books, thought the third was torture, and have absolutely no desire to spend any money on the fourth...not even the $10 kindle version.


I had never thought of the similarities to WoT but, most fantasy authors read each other and once you read something and like it, you're bound to use it in your own writing. I find myself doing it constantly and have to go back and change things so I'm NOT copying!

  • 6 years later...

There are huge similarities between the series. 

Here is a list I've made of the similarities:

Inheritance Cycle                                        Wheel of Time

Urgals                                                            Trollocs

Rowan                                                            Perin

Eragon                                                           Rand al' Thor

Dragons                                                         Torm

Razac                                                             The Ravens

The Spine                                                      Spine of the World


  • 3 weeks later...
Guest HelloIAmYourFriend

Why is no one getting the Trolocs and the Urgals, Fades and Shades, Ra'zac and Drakhar, Forsaken and Forsworn, Even the openings are similar with Rand,Perin and Mat leaving a village Rand being a farm boy and Eragon being a farmboy leaving his village, even Tam being injured and Eragons uncle is a little similar.


When I first read the scene in tEotW where Rand drags Tam to the village, I immediatly thought of Paolini's scene in Eragon. None of the other connections really jumped out at me, although the character of the Razac seem more similar to Mydraal to me.

As for urgals and trollocs, they are both basically just orcs.


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