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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II


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Holy Shit.



It's going to be a fascinating weekend at the box-office with the launch of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2" so keep checking back here for updates as they happen.


Friday Morning Update: The first domestic figures are in with DH2 pulling in $43.5 million from 3,800 locations for Thursday midnight screenings alone, easily topping previous record holder "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse" with $30 million in midnight shows. IMAX theaters took in over $2 million in midnight business alone.


Globally the film is already at $105.1 million after two days, that figure is expected to skyrocket by the end of the weekend.


Saturday Morning Update: Wow. DH7.2 pulled in an absolutely incredible $92.1 million on Friday, a figure that includes that $43.5 million in midnight screenings. Without question that's the single biggest opening day figure of all time, easily ahead of "The Twilight Saga: New Moon" with $72.7 million.


Eyes now turn towards Saturday and the question of whether the film can top the $51.3 million that "Spider-Man 3" earned on its opening weekend Saturday to claim the 'biggest second day of release' record. Rough estimates have Potter sitting at around $180 million for the three-day weekend.

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More figures


Sunday Morning Update: With an additional $42.8 million on Saturday it didn't break the second day record, but that doesn't matter. "Deathly Hallows Part Two" now has a three-day domestic opening weekend estimate of $168.6 million, the biggest of all time and ahead of previous record holder "The Dark Knight" at $158.4 million.


IMAX's 274 theaters delivered $15.5 million in revenue, a record opening for the large-format exhibitor. The film earned an astounding $38,526 per screen average across 4,375 theaters. Overseas it took in an additional $75 million on Friday on top of the $82.5 million it had already earned during the week.


Sunday Afternoon Update: Warners has issued a press release confirming that the film has rung up a worldwide total of $476 million including Sunday estimates - $168.5 million domestic and just over $307 million overseas.

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Saw it... meh. It was good but they glossed over things that really should have made more poinant. Seemed like the Battle at Hogwarts was cheapened. It was almos tlike a Cliff Notes version of the books. A lot of the emotional ties found in the book were absent. For those that read the book, I guess it would do though.

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i'm still unsure on how to go about criticing this one.



the Gringots & Hogsmead scene was rushed to say the least & i dislike how they handle the placement of the Sword as well. it felt like they wanted to get to the battle and just did the bare minimum for the points leading up to it.


i would have enjoyed having the dialouge between Harry & Aberforth go more indepth, considering a major conflict for Harry was his struggle with how he veiwed DD given what Harry discovers about him and how much of an important figure DD was to Harry throughout the series. i also missed them included Aberforths best scene; of which he berates the DE's for confusing his patronus for a stag. the "its a GOAT!" scene in the book is a well needed brush of humor considering the seriousness of the situation and also showcased Aberforths character which got most of it's development in tDH's.



this whole "i can feel the horcruxes" BS that Hollywood did came out of left feild and was a poor way to make up for their mistake in HBP. i mean with the whole RoR scene in the movie, it left out the setup JK did which allowed Harry to remember where the Diadum was. i understand Hollywood had to pull a fast one to make up for this, but they coudl have come up with something better; liek having Ginny tell harry she remembered seeing a diadum that looked liek Ravenclaws or something like that. havign the Grey Lady know the location considering where Voldy found the diadum was rediculous at best, and that entire scene was choppy and made no sense. what about the back story between her & the Bloody Barron?



theres also the showing Voldy weaken everytime a Horocruxe is destroyed ... DD made a point of saying "he can't feel them when their destroyed, he had to ask Mafloy abotu the diary before he knew it was destroyed and he didn't know about the ring" i want to say they even had DD say this in a previous movie; so a really big muck up on Hollywoods part there. i do like how they showed Voldy becoming mentally unstable the more he learned that Potter was defeating him, and how close he kept the snake not to mention you could see the relationship between him and Nagini; of how he seemed to love her as much as Voldy could love anything.



neville was outstanding though, the bits of comic relief liek "Ya! you and whose army" on the bridge was greatly placed and i loved it. plus the slip in about him and Luna was outstanding!!! but i'm sad we didn't get Percy's reprieve on screen or see Fred's death. the scene with Lupin and Tonks trying to hold hands still makes me tear up though, and i'm glad they included that considering the callous way Rowling treated those two in the book.


i didn't expect to cry for Snape either, his death was relaly well done, as were the memories; though i have issues with the placement considering they already had a Shrieking Shack set from the third movie. honestly i liked Snapes death in the movie much better than in the book; the snake being on the ground and striking him multiple times is more realistic than shoving a tube over snapes body and nagini biting him once. as many times as i've read the series, i never cried or teared up or even felt more than pity for Snape as he lay dieing, but Rickman was moving enough to make me bawl like a kid during this part.


the final battle was shoddy at best, here is where i wish they woudl have stuck directly to the book. from the time Voldy has Hagrid parade Harry's corpse infront of everyone, to the verbale b*tch slap Harry gives Voldemort before the final spell is flung; it was frankley done better.


i did cheer allowed when Molly confronted Bella though; heck i almost leapt out of my seat when she did it because of how epically great that scene is both in the movie and in the book. but the final death of Voldy was poorly done, instead of a rebounding curse they just have him disentigrate! i mean, common it doesn't even make sense!!



i loved the addition of the scene in the Chamber though, i had whished JK was able to include it in the book and was glad Hollywood took the time to include it themselves. the Fiend Fyre was outstandingly done and just as i imagined ... though i was taken aback by the change in actors fro Crabbe ... especially since he was black when the character is white and has been white in all the movies.


i was also sad that they didn't include Kreacher leading the charge of house elves for his Master Regulous. again, that was another great scene in the books that most of us fans were lookign forward to seeing.



most of all though, i was disappointed in the Ollivander scene. having Ollivander tell Harry about the Deathly Hallows was like a slap in the face; especially since that was hte point behind traveling to the Lovegoods in Part 1. Ollivander only concerns himself with wand and wand lore, not some fable myth that only lunatics believe in. it was done in porr form and just shows a lack of planning on the directors part; theres a time & place to explain certain things, and the time for this was at Lovegoods house.



also, yes. i cried my eyes out when Harry's parents escorted him into the woods; just like i always do when i get to that part while reading the series. i didn't stay for the ending though. i detest the epilouge "19 years later" in the book so didn't feel the need to subject myself to that part of the movie.



out of all the movies, it wasn't the best but it wasn't the worst either; i was pleasantly pleased with it, which is saying alot considering my utter dislike for how they did HBP. it's still not enough to make up for that mistake of a movie though

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i didn't stay for the ending though. i detest the epilouge "19 years later" in the book so didn't feel the need to subject myself to that part of the movie.



Don't worry, they f*k'd that up too. It was rushed and about 2 inches deep. A lot of the nuances and emotional wrap ups are glossed over.

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I have a question (I'm only up to GoF so sorry if it's answered in the books) what's up with Snape and Lily Potter both having doe patronus spells? Harry says it's curious, and Dumbledore basically goes "not really". Confused...

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i think a lot of the huge money thing is because of IMAX and 3-D. those tickets are expensive. i wonder if a headcount would be as impressive, relatively speaking. when star wars first came out, we were lined up around the block to see it 20 times each. but movies were cheap, so the earnings were probably lower in comparison, no matter how many tickets were sold.


(i don't remember about the patronus, sorry. . . time for a reread i guess.)

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I have a question (I'm only up to GoF so sorry if it's answered in the books) what's up with Snape and Lily Potter both having doe patronus spells? Harry says it's curious, and Dumbledore basically goes "not really". Confused...


this is explained in tDH's honestly. even in the movie they doa decent job of explaining. short story is, it's because Snape loved Lily. same reason he's been helping to protect Harry and why he betrayed Voldy in the first place.

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About the patronus issue, A patronus is a physical manifestation of a person's emotions, usually this is in an animal form. In the books we do see, or rather we are told by Snape, that Tonks's has changed to a wolf (Lupin),At the time it is just refered to questionaly as a big dog, after wards we are told that Tonks is in love with Lupin. Because everything that Snape did was for the love he felt for Lily, a person would expect that his patronus would reflect this emotion (as stated patronus's are a manifestation of emotion) That Lily's was a doe would reflect her feelings about James who was a stag.


Now this does bring up an interesting question thou, now that we know who winds up with whom, would R/H and H/G's change?


Nevermind that.

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because the main reason why Lily's sacrifice held such powerful magic is because Voldemrot told Lily she could be spared if she just stepped aside. Lily made a concious decision to sheild Harry, therefor casting powerful magic.


thsi is why the mother Voldy kils in tDh's while hunting for Gregor didn't hold the same magic even though she was sheilding her kids as well at the time.


thsi is also why i don't believe Harry's "sacrifice" should have held at Hogwarts, he was never given the choice to live; he was marked for death the moment he went into those woods; though i guess one could argue its sort of the same as Lily seeing as he had the chance to flee and made the concious schoice to instead go into the woods *shrugs*

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I have split feelings about the movie. There were a lot of new scenes that aren´t in the book and some of them worked and some of them didn´t.



1. Neville on the bridge - amazing!


2. The scene were Snape asks the students if they know something about Harry and ends up dueling McGonogall. It was weired that the students that hide were there at all but the scene was great. McGonogall was great all through the movie.


3. Snapes death scene. It wasn´t at all as I had thought it should be but it was great anyway. But I don´t think they should have moved the scen to that place.


4. The battle - too short, too few fighting for Hogwarts. I was missing some of the teachers, Hagrid, the centaurs and the house elfes.


5. The ending scene. Bla! Everyone should be gathered around them and they should have said "Avada Kedavra" and "Expelliarmus*. I don´t think I would have understood the scene if I hadn´t read the books.



Over all it gets four stars out of five. I cried, I cried and I cried. I´m seeing it again on saturday and then I will see if I see something that I missed the first time.

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i think a lot of the huge money thing is because of IMAX and 3-D. those tickets are expensive. i wonder if a headcount would be as impressive, relatively speaking. when star wars first came out, we were lined up around the block to see it 20 times each. but movies were cheap, so the earnings were probably lower in comparison, no matter how many tickets were sold.


(i don't remember about the patronus, sorry. . . time for a reread i guess.)


I'd like to know how many tickets were sold too and how it compares to A New Hope or the Dark Knight even.


I know for certain more people went to see a Dark Knight just by doing the math. The DK was only in 2D and for tDH to get as many butts in the theaters out would have had to pull in about $210-225M.


My wife and kids went to see it today and they really liked it. Me I'd rather watch the inside of my eyelids (which is how I typically watch the HP movies).

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