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The Blue Ajah's Harry Potter Week: Picture Caption Competition Judgement Day

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Ok, Mum's sweaters. We all know they're awful. So... here's to anything that might help.




They're right ticklish, these little fellows...



Picture 11.




Phrenology was always Voldy's best subject...


Picture 12.




We may not look it now, but we've taken Divination, and we're gonna be badasses. Who are also HIGHLY attractive. Just you wait.

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The results ...


My criteria were simple. It had to make me proper laugh, or go OMG, or both, or make me spit my drink out.


Day 1 Winners


Picture 1 Winner - Charis :biggrin:



Picture 1.




eh... I didn't even know two ghosts could DO that! ...Ron? RON?!



Picture 2 Winner - Moon :biggrin:


Picture 2.




That's one bad hat, Ronny.


Keep watching for more winners ...

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The results continued...............


Day 2 Winners


Picture 3 Winner - Fnorrll :biggrin:


Picture 3.




I see the future! Nooooo! I will be in a "should have gone to specsavers" advert!





Picture 4 Winner - Red :biggrin:


Picture 4.





educational Decree #17859493


When a teacher cannot get the pupil to absorb the material thorugh normal teaching methods, then one can face plant the pupils face in said material to phsyically absorb the material.


Keep watching for even more winners ...

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The results continued...............


Day 3 Winners


Picture 5 Winner - Mirsh :biggrin:



Picture 5



This year's Halloween party was starting out rather awkwardly.




Picture 6 Winner - Otpelk :biggrin:



Picture 6




[singing] If I were king of the fore-e-e-est / Not queen, not duke, not prince / My regal robes of the fore-e-e-est / Would be satin, not cotton, not chintz / I'd command each thing, whether fish or fowl / With a r-r-ruff and a r-r-ruff, and a royal growl - R-R-Ruff! / As I click my heels / All the trees would kneel / And the mountains bow / And the bulls kowtow / And the sparrow would take wing / If I, if I were ki-i-i-i-ng! / The rabbits would show respect to me / The chipmunks genuflect to me / Though my tail would lash / I would show compash / For every underling / If I, if I were king / Just ki-i-i-i-ing!



Keep watching for even more winners ...

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The winners continued ...


Day 4 winners


Picture 7 Winner - Key :biggrin:



Picture 7




You have to move your mouth like this. VAAAAAAAAAUL-De-Mort. See?



Picture 8 Winner - Red :biggrin:


Picture 8




Dobby: Dobby promises not to tell anyone about Harry Potters stash of Playgirl. Dobby doesn't judge what Harry Potters interests are in that area!


More winners to follow ...

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The results continued...............


Day 5 Winners


Picture 9 Winner - Berf :biggrin:


Picture 9




*after a few minutes of silence*

Ron: Just a thought, what if he attacks from behind?




Picture 10 Winner - Ed (Finally lol) :biggrin:


Picture 10




"Now, right up the butt right quick to check if it's stuck...hold still."


Still a couple more to come ..

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The last two results ...


Day 6 Winners


Picture 11 Winner - Mae S (Star Wars Reference Win!!) :biggrin:


Picture 11.




voldemort thinking: Harry come to me....come to me....I am your father....(evil laugh)




Picture 12 Winner - Fnorrll :biggrin:


Picture 12.




At the end of the series, the cast demanded to have back all the years of their life they had wasted...



That's all folks :biggrin:


Thank you to everyone who took part, you, it was an absolute pleasure seeing all of these pop up in my in box.


Prizes will follow shortly ...

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