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The Trollocs are invading Tar Valon

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sneaky sneaky


Hello everyone! I thought this might be fun to do. If you have a

song or music video that you would like to "call in" and dedicate

to someone then let's hear them.


Maybe you Warders would like to send your Aes Sedai a song and a

message and vice versa if any Aes Sedai has that song that

reminds you of that Warder of yours.


Maybe you have a great little crew of Housemates in the dorms and

you want to dedicate a party song that tells the world about how

your group of friends throw down and have fun. Or for just any reason

at all....let us have fun with you! :biggrin:





*Millon hears a terrible sound in his search for shadowspawn.





As he approaches the room he sees a Myrdraal with a headset on dancing to the terrible sound.*


Sweet mother. They ARE eviiil O_O.


*before the creature notices him Millon quickly severs it's head witha thrown CD*

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Everyone who has not taken a WT/DM Class



You need to go to the lecture hall and sign up for this round of classes if you want to be raised. That includes all Novices and Algai who have not taken the class.




*Making his way back to his House of awesomeness, Damodred Manor, Millon decides to take the long way to survey the fields around the place. Make sure none of the trollocs had made of with the any of the flock. As he is passing a field of goats he notices the strangest sight ever.

A goat......wearing mismatched pieces of armor?*


What in the name of of the light?! Who put armor on one of my goats?!


*Looking around for the culprit or the better yet the herder to explain this nonsense*

Lil runt probably hasn't even done any of his chores either! No! he didn't of course. Look at these puppies! They all need to be sheared!


*the armored goat seems to tremble a little at the mention of shearing. So, Millon begins to heard all the goats to the shearing shed and begins to methodically shear off the goats fur. He gets to the armored one who is now trembling violently and baaaing up a storm.*


seems you don't want to be sheered huh? Too bad! and Millon buzzes it clean. As he Millon is walking away he hears the sound of tears and looks back at the trolloc who is now kneeling in the pile of it's fur and trying vainly to stick it back on*


Sweet creator I AM and IDIOT! *he says to the air when the trolloc leaps up and grabs it's helmat, throws it on and comes at Millon with a grabbed pitch fork. Quickly Millon picks up a hoe leaning against a stall and the begin to weild there instruments like quarterstaff and catch pole. Swinging stabbing jabbing thrusting. The trolloc hits a hanging lamp smashing it to the floor and instantly igniting the hay on the floor. The barn turns into a fire storm and still they fight. Smoldering ropes falling around them. Smoke billowing, goats screaming for an exit. Millon does all he can just to defend. He has no blade and this goat is HUGE. Every landed blow seems not to make difference. Toughest trolloc he has ever seen. He needs to end this now!


The trolloc over anxiously swings his pitchfork too wide and ensnares it on a hanging rope that is nothing more than a serpent made of flame. Trying deserately to dislodge the pitchfork Millon takes the opportunity to clip out the beasts knees and then pulls a roap on a trap above the trolloc emptying a great mound of hay and Millon dashes his final escape.*


Light have mercy on me for what I have done *he prays silently as the flames consume hay and trolloc and the screams begin. Just to end slowly.*

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Woah Mills, you must be psychic! I was just about to publish a clue for that one. An epic kill to end on. Thank you for that.


Kill and points updated.



Half Time Score: Warders - 120. Aes Sedai 121



All Shadowspawn in this phase of the game have now been killed. The game will now have a brief pause over the weekend and will resume on Monday. I look forward to doing it all again then.

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Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert!


That's right, we've had a little R&R over the weekend - but now its totally GAME ON again!


If you didn't have a go last time - it's not too late to join in. Tar Valon needs you and the points match between Aes Sedai and the Warders is really, really close.


Here is a bumper batch to start you off. Happy hunting!




Trolloc 1. 2 points plus bonus - Main WT Board - Too much WoT - confirmed Kill by Wolfbro


Trolloc 2. 2 points plus bonus - Warders - word association game. Confirmed Kill by Wolfbro.


Trolloc 3. 2 points plus bonus - Blues - ^>v Game. Confirmed Kill by Wolfbro

Trolloc 4. 2 points plus bonus - Browns - Favourite Words. Confirmed Kill by Wolfbro

Trolloc 5. 2 points plus bonus - Grays - Scavenger Hunt. Confirmed Kill by Wolfbro.

Trolloc 6. 2 points plus bonus - Greens - New Chapter in my Life. Confirmed Kill by Daruya




Fade 1. 4 points + double bonus - Reds - Shhhh She's coming. Confirmed Kill by Wolfbro

Fade 2. 4 points + double bonus - Whites - Logic Puzzle. Confirmed Kill by Tigara.


Good luck and may the Light protect us all!

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I just posted a kill (New Chapter in My Life) but the page vomited on me when I clicked submit. Grrrrr. Now to re-do the whole flaming post! I think Ithi posted her Alert the same time I was posting my kill!



I'm amused he asked you while you were at an Anime con. *ggls* And in cosplay I take it? That's totally awesome though. I'd want my b/f to do that too now that I think about it. *ggls*





Daruya cheered as Veranza made her announcement. As she made her way to the back of the room, she was startled as the door burst open and a large Trolloc burst in, growling and snarling horribly. Daruya shrieked and jumped back, looking around desperately for a weapon (sometimes we forget ouor most powerful weapon, the One Power, with a sudden fright). Spying a large figurine that looked to be made of jade on a nearby shelf, she grabbed it and brought it crashing down upon the Trolloc's head, braining him instantly. She stared in amazement at the figurine.


"Light! This jade is stronger than I thought or maybe it's jade-colored cuindellar? And what's with this Trolloc? Didn't we defeat them all last week? I'd better roust out my Blues to get on a search!"


(Later this afternoon, after my massage (myfascial release) and son's PACE appointment, that is!)

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Before bring you this month's puzzle, I wanted to share a fun fact with all of you. This is copied from Wikipedia:

"The logic puzzle was first produced by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, who is better known under his pen name Lewis Carroll, the author of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. In his book The Game of Logic he introduced a game to solve problems such as confirming the conclusion "Some greyhounds are not fat" from the statements "No fat creatures run well" and "Some greyhounds run well". Puzzles like this, where we are given a list of premises and asked what can be deduced from them, are known as syllogisms. Dodgson goes on to construct much more complex puzzles consisting of up to 8 premises." I think it's fascinating that the author of what seems to be such a nonsensical book, (Alice in Wonderland), is actually the father of modern deductive reasoning. He approached logic in such a fun and light-hearted way, how can it not be enjoyed? And in case you dont know - Alice in Wonderland has been examined by mathematicians and found to be a satire of modern Math.


On to the puzzle!


During a recent interrogation by the Amyrlin Seat, Elgee Sedai was interviewing five Ajah Heads to determine which one was actually a member of the Black Ajah. Below is a summary of their statements:


Mystica: it wasn't Daruya; it was Green Charis


Green Charis: it wasn't Raena; it wasn't Daruya


Raena: it was Daruya; it wasn't Mystica


Mirshann: it was Raena; it was Green Charis


Daruya: it was Mirshann; it wasn't Mystica


It was well known that each suspect told exactly one lie. Can you determine who is a member of the Black Ajah?


PM me your responses!




"Charis dear, can I borrow some sugar? This recipe calls specifically for white sugar and we only have yellow"


[indistinct hissing]


"Sorry dear, I can't understand you when you hiss menacingly."


[Charis isn't here, let me kill you in the meantime.]


"That's your line? You're just as bad as the movie I watched last night on the ter'angreal device, except less scary. Come back with 2 friends attached Too Graphic To Describe and then we'll talk."




"See, told you it was scary."


Channels the heat out of the air around the Fade while weaving water into it, the Fade begins to move and then cannot, as he is now frozen solid.

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Over the course of the event, I shall hide a few pictures of summery things in the threads here in the Grey Ajah. Your job is to find them and quote the post here on this thread. The winner is the person who has found the most pictures at the end of the week. Anyone can participate. Everyday I'll post here the pictures that are hidden, and I will cross them off when they are found. Have fun and happy hunting! :biggrin:





After retrieving his beloved sword [called Clarence] from the impaled Trolloc, Wolf felt good about himself. He was hosting a game for the Greys, and that was all he was focused on... until a Trolloc tried to jump on him. Wolf turned expertly and did the first thing that sprang to mind: and kicked the Trolloc. Hard. In an unspecified area. The Trolloc howled and fell backwards, while Wolf drew Clarence and stabbed the Trolloc in the heart. Sheathing his blade as the Trolloc fell dead, Wolf went back to concentrating on his game, and walked away whistling "What Is Love?" by Haddaway and nodding his head.

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38. When you actually tell people "You are so {insert proper Ajah here}"





Wolf strolled through around the White Tower, just to clear his head. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a huge Trolloc that looked like he was guarding a door. Wolf walked over and heard the Trolloc roar "None shall pass!" Wolf raised an eyebrow and eased Clarence from its scabbard just in time to parry the Trollocs blade. Wolf drew his sword up and across, severing the Trollocs arms. Wolf grinned and sheathed his sword as the Trolloc looked in amazement at where its arms used be. Thinking the Trolloc was now harmless, Wolf turned to leave when the Trolloc kicked him in the backside. Wolf turned and drew his sword at the same time, severing its legs. despit having it turn into a full-on Monty Phython-esque scene, Wolf kicked the Trolloc in the head and walked on muttering "Flesh wound, eh?"

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*attempts the near impossible by sneaking up on an AS from behind*

*suddenly Wile E. Coyote sneaking music blares up out of no where*


Nuts to this

*tacklehuggledives Mysty*


Hi there, welcome back :3





Finally realising the Shadowspawn threat inside the Tower, Wolf darted around from Ajah to Ajah, dorm to dorm. "Please be safe," he thought and darted around a corner into the Red Ajah. Stood straight in the middle of the hallway was a Fade, and Wolf froze in his tracks. The Fade never moved, but Wolf unsheathed Clarence and stood at the ready. The fade then drew his sword and charged at Wolf. Wolf, remembering all he was thought and all he read, ran towards the Fade, his sword leading. Waiting for the Fade to slash first, Wolf ran along the wall until he was a good two feet above the Fade before turning and striking down with his sword, his momentum taking the blade through the Fade. Wolf shuddered when he heard and felt Clarence bound off the ground. Wolf half-opened an eye to see nothing in front of him. He turned and saw the Fade thrashing on the ground, refusing to die. Wolf shuddered again, sheathed his sword and continued running through the halls.

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^ Oh man. I can has both? haha. Um...I think I would choose to be a witch because then I don't have to be all tricksy with words - I can be my normal blunt self. Also, I can still do powerful magic even when I'm hurt badly or preggers!


> Antsy to get out of work in 20 minutes! I've already finished all my work :D.


v if you had to choose a male and female name for a child just out of the WoT names, which would you choose?




Wolf continues through the Tower, worried about his Bonded. He can sense she's afraid, but that's it. No pain. Thankfully. He continued through the Ajah's, now running through the Blue Ajah. He could hear the sounds of roaring and screaming, and as he turned the corner he could see a Trolloc cornering a group of Novices. He heard the Trolloc roar; "YOU WILL MAKE FINE MEAL FOR I! I HUNGRY!" Wolf had to act fast, so in one motion, he drew his sword and cut the Trolloc below the knee. The Trolloc screamed in pain and it fell sideways, clutching its stumps. Wolf stood over the Trolloc and pinned its arms down with his feet and let the Novices go at it.

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Woah wolfbro - you are tearing through the WT! Three of those kills are confired. Myst's welcome back Thead in Red, the Blue ^>v game and Too much WoT ones. Unfortunately the Brown Rome and Warder Brandon Sanderson ones are already dead. There is a full list of all kills just underneath the OP for you to check.


Points and kills updated shortly.

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ah okay. ill use the Brown one I had on this on so:


One of my favorite words is Quastch, German for nonsense, malarkey, bollocks, etc. It just sounds phonetically cool somehow.




After dealing with the Fade, Wolf began to feel sick, but he knew his duty, his duty to protect the Tower. He ran through hall after hall, and made his way to the Brown Ajah library. He could hear a deep breathing that could not be human from inside the room. Because the corridors between the shelves were so narrow, using a blade was out of the question. Wolf came to a corner and peered around. A Trolloc had a cookpot there in the open space, and was tossing books into the fire to keep it alight. "Well, if thats what you're gonna use them for..." he thought as he searched the shelves for the biggest and hardest book he could find. He grinned as he took a book named "Trollocs and Shadowspawn" from the shelf. It weighed near a ton! He held it and creeped slowly toward the Trollc, before chucking the book at its head. The Trolloc flipped headfirst into the cookpot and screeched as he boiled. Wolf grinned and said to himself "oh, that's Karma".

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Wolf continued on his walk around the White Tower, and decided to head back to the Warders Guild for a little rest. Upon reaching where he usually settles down for a nap, Wolf saw a Trolloc lying on his pallet, in between the othe two that are always there. Wolf raised an eyebrow. "Goldilocks is it? Trying to find Baby Bears bed?" Wolf grinned to himself and silently unsheathed his sword then thought. Making sure the Trolloc was still asleep, Wolf went and made a boiling bowl of porridge. Making sure he had Clarence in one hand, Wolf smashed the bowl of porridge off the Trollocs head. The Trolloc jumped from the pallet and roared "TOO HOT FOR GRAGAK!" Trying to contain his laughter, Wolf slashed the Trolloc once and watched as it crashed to the floor dead. Wolf erupted into a fit of laughter and sheathed his sword.


^my other Warder One

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