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The Trollocs are invading Tar Valon

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Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert!


Well the Shadowspawn are so impressed with all your hard work that we have extra volunteers this time. That's right - a bumper crop!




Trolloc 1. 2 points plus bonus - Warders - My Geekness Runneth Over. Confirmed Kill by Wolfbro

Trolloc 2. 2 points plus bonus - Blues - Anime and video watching. Confirmed Kill by Key

Trolloc 3. 2 points plus bonus - Browns - Where do you read. Confirmed Kill by Key

Trolloc 4. 2 points plus bonus - Grays - Guess the Plant - Confirmed Kill by Key


Trolloc 5. Moved to next alert


Trolloc 6. 2 points plus bonus - Reds - Dagnabbit. Confirmed kill by Wolfbro

Trolloc 7. 2 points plus bonus - Greens - Emerald Inn. Confirmed Kill by Wolfbro





Fade 1. 4 points plus bonus - Yellows - Start of WoT books. Confirmed Kill by Daruya

Fade 2. 4 points plus bonus - Whites - Engrish. Confirmed Kill by Millon

Fade 3. 4 points plus bonus - Hall of Tower - New WT Adviser Pankhuri. Confirmed Kill by Daruya


Who knows when they will start to appear. Keep your eyes peeled >.>



All Trollocs on this alert have now been Killed. Please await the next Alert!

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I was reaing over the Kill list and found a mistake:



Fade 5. Greens Bleach - Confirmed Kill by Wolfbro.


Fade 13. Reds - Shhhh She's coming. Confirmed Kill by Wolfbro


Fade 14. Main WT board - Post Pictured. Confirmed Kill by Wolfbro


Fade 15. Aspies - Help with Brown event. Confirmed Kill by Wolfbro







Wolfbro. 9 Trollocs - 18 points. Kill Bonus - 21. 2 Fade - 8 points. Kill Bonus - 5 points. Total points - 56



I've killed 4 Fades, but its only down as 2. Sorry if I'm nitpicking. I'm bored :tongue:

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Hahaha no its fine Wolfbro. I needed to do a check anyway - so this has just given me the push I needed. I don't want to be having a recount when the final scores are published on Friday.


Can you imagine the Fall Out if it is a close one and I get it wrong? There could be a Steward's Enquiry, and News of the World Sting Operation and a Point Rigging Investigation. Now THAT would involve more work lol


This is just counting.


It's fine - honest.



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Can you imagine the Fall Out if it is a close one and I get it wrong? There could be a Steward's Enquiry, and News of the World Sting Operation and a Point Rigging Investigation.


That sounds like fun - we should totally do that *nods*

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New WT Ambasssador


.. our newest White Tower Ambassador! She is an awesome woman, one of my own Ajah and I think she will do great in this position. As a Level 3 Ambassador, her duties for now will be greeting New Members and being their easiest go to person about the WT (and other things if they happen to enquire about those) and if she might get minor assignments within Ajahs and the Guild that might require help. :smile:


So... Please Congratulate




I have absolute faith that you will be great hon! *snugglebites the Red*




Daruya hummed as she walked down the hallway toward the Hall. It was SUCH a relief that her headache was gone now; those Yellows are nothing short of amazing with their healing powers. She felt lighthearted and happy as she stopped by the bulletin board and noted the announcement about Pankhuri being made an Ambassador. "Well done, Pankhuri!" she thought.


As she read the announcement, she caught a hint of movement out of the corner of her eye and there, from the shadows, slid a dark figure in a ink-black cloak. Daruya felt her blood freeze. Light help her, another Fade!


She took a careful step back as he flowed toward her. Then she remembered . . . she still had the remnants of her snack in her belt pouch and surely that would buy her some time. She hurriedly pulled the skin of the yellow-fruit from her pouch and tossed it on the floor in front of the Fade. He didn't have time to turn aside; he stepped squarely on it and the look of shock on his face as his feet went out from under him almost made Daruya laugh. She did let a somewhat hysterical giggle escape as he flailed his arms, trying to regain his balance. As he hit the floor, Daruya pulled her pretty little dagger (the one Elgee gave her) and stabbed him in the eye. His agonized scream gurgled away into a horrible death rattle and he continued to thrash around since his body refused to recognize that he was dead. Daruya nodded in satisfaction, retrieved her dagger, and continued down the hallway. As she did so, she made yet another mental note to refresh the poison on her deadly little dagger; it was surely losing some efficacy by now and she could not afford to run into another Trolloc or Fade without being prepared!

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I got one!


Gray Ajah Midsummer Festival - Guess the Plant


Hi Sakaea.


Sorry that is not correct. I have found it difficult to locate a clue for this plant - but the latin name for their main family group or Genus is Solenostemon.


I hope that helps


Ithi x




The day had dawned bright and early, a beautiful blue hue to the sky. The birds chirped and sang, their little voices a pleasant sound to those awake. Key took one look outside and decided that she would find some way to get out there and enjoy the sunshine. No matter if Daruya was trying to keep her nose to the grindstone. Planning for Harry Potter week had occupied so much of her time the past week that she'd barely been able to slip to the Kitchens for bread and water!


Hours later, the poor Accepted still sat at a desk working away. Lunch had flown by, and so had dinner now. The place had been bustling, but had now trickled down to that quiet buzz of silence. Looking up from the pile of notes in front of her to the window outside, and then back again, Key decided now would actually be the perfect time to slip outside. She gathered the papers and stuffed them in her bag. It would be too risky to go to the Main Garden, but she happened to know of a small garden inside the Gray quarters.


She slipped through the halls, careful to avoid well traveled hallways and careful to hide her face when she came across anyone that she knew. Soon, the sun's rays were shining all around her and the heavenly scent of flowers filled the air. The Grays were wonderful cooks, and thus had the best smelling herbs conveniently planted in their Ajah garden.


Key walked around, enjoying the scents. There were so many! Dill over here, Echinacea over there, and so many lovely colors! She had just settled down into a lovely shaded corner when she heard the rustle of leaves. Opening her eyes, for she had closed them earlier, the Accepted saw a grotesque beast standing in front of her. His goat head was all slimy with goat-y sweat and his beady little eyes were staring at her. Where most (some?) women would have been afraid, however, Key merely patted the ground next to her and waved her hand at the thing to encourage him to sit down. She, after all, had been trained in the art of conversation by the Green Ajah. The conversation went a little like this:


Key: 'How cute! A Trolloc. In the White Tower! Care to join me? Have a seat!'

Trolloc: *grunt*

Key: 'How did you ever make it this far? And with those awful tiny hooves!'

Key: 'Seriously, come take a load off. I bet the feeling of rest and relaxation will do wonders for you! And if not, well there's plenty of grass to snack on.'

Trolloc: *grunt again*

Key: The grass is super comfortable! Actually, I wonder if the Grays care for it using the Power. You'd think that at this time of year the grass would start to lose the vibrant green color.

Trolloc: *tilts head and grunts*

Key: I do really like what they've done with the place though. Even the smell of you can't overpower the lovely smell of the plants. You'd think a sweaty, bloody, goaty Trolloc would make it difficult for me to smell the flowers, but that is so not the case! *takes a deep breath*

Trolloc: *grunts*

Key: You're not very good company, are you? Is *grunt* all you can say? Honestly! I don't know how the Black Ajah does it! I would have to be surrounded by other AS all the time because I need conversation in my life, ok?

Trolloc: *grunts* *fidgets*

Key: Seriously! I haven't had anyone to talk to all day and all you can give me is *grunt*. If that's the best you can do, well then you had better get comfortable because I have a lot to say. I don't actually need you to talk in order to listen. Okay so, the other day I was in the Library and ...


*hour later*


Key: ...so then I said to him, I says, "If you can't handle that then how are you supposed to handle the bulldozer!" *dissolves into fits of laughter*

Trolloc: *stabs himself to get away from the chitchat*

Key: Pity. I did so enjoy having someone to talk to. Ah well, back to my notes.

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How would you start WoT books


I was just doing something shayol ghaul related and I came across the quote of how WoT always starts.


"The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come to pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the Third Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past... The wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings or endings to the turning of the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning."


Well, what if WoT DIDN'T start this way and we'd need a new standard way to start it. What would it be? :D








Daruya continued wandering the halls and made her way to the Yellow Ajah. She really had to thank them for getting rid of that brainbuster headache she’d had earlier in the day. As she stuck her head into the door of the main Yellow hall, she spotted a flash of yellow disappear into a room at the far end. Aha! Surely that particular Ajah member could take the message to the rest of the Ajah! Daruya hurried down the hall and flung the door open. There in the middle of the room, with a somewhat guilty look on his face, was a Fade. He was wearing a yellow gown. As if a yellow gown could hide what he was! Whatever had he been thinking. Daruya burst out laughing. She knew she should be afraid but he just looked so . . . so ridiculous. As she threw back her head and laughed, she saw some of the . . . implements . . . attached to the ceiling. Nyn and her interest in ancient torture devices! Obviously she was running out of room in her own quarters so she’d started hanging them in other areas of the Ajah. Daruya giggled. Using flows of Air, she released the fasteners holding up a wicked-looking club with foot-long spikes on it that just happened to be directly above his head. At the click of the opening fasteners, the Fade looked up – just in time to see the spikes penetrate his face. This Fade didn’t even get a scream out as one of the spikes pierced his vocal chords. He collapsed into a pool of yellow silk and gore.


"I hope that wasn’t one of Nyn’s gowns; she’ll be so mad she’ll resurrect him and kill him again!"


She shrugged and, humming, returned to the hallway, resuming her search.

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Excellent work Ladies and gent. Also Key - I loved loved loved that one.


Points and kills updated shortly. This will be my last check in tonight cos am off to sleep - so please keep an eye on each other's work for duplicates.


Catch you later x



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Wait Dar, I thought the Blue one was this one:


Anime and general Video Watching over the Interwebz


Ooooh!Boy am I glad I dropped by the Blue Ajah! I've got plenty of favorites.. Sakura Card Captors, Fruits Basket, Vampire Knight, Chibi Vampire, InuYasha, Chobits.. The list goes on.. Do any of you ever read the Manga online too?




Key headed back to the Blue wing, her conversation in the Gray gardens now finished. It had been ages since she'd had someone just sit and listen to her without offering and advice in return. It really had been sad that he'd impaled himself on his sword and died - she'd could have taken him back to her room and just kept him in the corner. It wasn't as if a Trolloc would need sunlight or room, right? She had an extra blanket, and she'd have brought back food and water every few days. Trollocs were like Schefflera, right? You only had to feed and water them a few times a month?


Singing a Bieber song under her breath - Millon had subjected Bieber on a Trolloc earlier in the month and it had been stuck in Key's head ever since. She really was ready to do something drastic to get it out - and maybe throw Mills in the moat for exposing her to it in the first place. Still, it did kill that Trolloc readily enough and that was really the main goal. If her talking made a Trolloc commit suicide, then surely Bieber would do worse things.


The Blue wing looked much the same. Unless you count the Trolloc standing in the middle. Of course that looked the same as it had last week when she'd killed her first one. This trolloc was equally as stupid looking. It even had a bird's head. Key very much disliked birds. Occasionally she found one that was 'all right,' but this one wasn't even close. Plus, his beady little eyes looked too much like the trolloc in the garden and that just made Key sad that her quiet ....companion wasn't around any longer.


Then, this one had the audicity to squawk LOUDLY. Looking around, Key spotted the phone booth she'd had installed and dashed toward it. The trolloc grappled for her, and managed to pull off her glasses, but she wiggled away and dove inside the red glass cannister.


As soon as she entered the PHONE BOOTH FIELD, her eyesight was markedly better and those glasses were no longer needed. As her transformation took place, she stood up straighter, shook out her glossier hair, and donned a red cape. Stepping out from the booth, Key shook out the red cape until the SK was visible.


Contray to popular belief, the 'SK' did not stand for 'Serial Killer,' 'Stupid Knuckles,' or 'Sally Knieverson.' It actually stood for 'Stupendously-awesome-cool-it's-amazing-that-you-can't-guess-my-alterego Kid.' She wasn't crazy about the kid part, but she was still carded for Rated-R movies occasionally, so she figured it would work for another 10 years. You heard me, TEN YEARS.


The Trolloc bounded forward, recklessly unimpressed with her immediate transformation into SK. His mace swung forward and ...stopped, bouncing off her shoulder as if it had hit metal. He looked up at her, his hawk-y gaze a bit confused. She *grunted*, apparently now able to speak his language and he shook his feathered, but human like, legs in fear.


SK grinned and nodded. Grabbing the trolloc around his throat, she put one hand in the air and pushed off. The pair sped up, their speed increasing along with the altitude. It wasn't long before the ugly bird began to claw (CLAW) at her hands, and it was even shorter before he passed out. She let go then, watching the bird fall through the sky. It would interesting to note where and when he would drop. She'd have to keep an ear out for that.

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*walks in and plops down on one of the couches*

So how is all the lovely Greens?




Wolf was tired from all his killing. He trundled through the Ajahs, until he came to the halls of the Green Ajah. He found one of the nice, comfy, inviting couches that the Greens had plenty of and settled down for some kip. No sooner had he closed his eyes than he heard a Trolloc howl inside the room. Visibly annoyed from lack of proper sleep, Wolf grabbed one of the feather cushions and began to beat the Trolloc senseless. 'DON'T' *smack* 'DISTURB' *smack* MY *smack* 'SLEEP!' *smack*. Wolf grabbed another cushion and continued to beat it mercilessly in a haze of feathers. By the time the Trolloc stopped moving, you'd swear it was a huge malformed turkey, or a Trolloc shaped teddy bear. Nevertheless, Wolf lay back on the couch and dozed off.

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LOL! Okay, I finally found one.








I defy all Logic filthy shadowspawn!!


*Millon spins in place muttering incantations. Stops in place, throws up his fists to the skys and light surrounds him. Glowing spheres spin about his body and he disappears. In his place stands!!!.....................A CHOCOBO!!!*






*Millon stands victorious and does a victory dance!*





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