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The Trollocs are invading Tar Valon

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Wow, another one! (So this is what happens when you actually have time to look! *laughs*)


Where do you read?

Where do you like to be when you're reading?


When I was younger, I think I did most of my reading in bed or curled up on the couch. Well, now that I think about it, I read pretty much everywhere. Walking down the stairs, in the car, while eating, etc.


Now I do most of my reading curled up on the couch. I tend to fall asleep if I read in bed. Oh, and I read while I'm in the bathroom... And while I'm eating. But that's more of a challenge since I mostly read paperbacks and they won't stay open on their own. I tried reading in the car the other day but I got a little bit of motion sickness. :sad:


I hear lots of people like to read in the bathtub. I've never tried that, but it sounds cozy.




After changing back into her alter-ego disguise, Key proceeded to her room. This invasion was definitely getting out of hand. She hadn't had to pull out the cape in many moons, the world having Aes Sedai and Asha'man to do most of what was necessary. Still, it had been nice to shake some of the dust off. Her room was much as she left it, fairly tidy though a few dresses were scattered around on the floor from trying to figure out what to wear that morning. Banded dress, or ...banded dress? She swore that the colors were lighter in some than others and sometimes, well sometimes that mattered.


She left her room almost as soon as she'd arrived. She was feeling restless now that she had killed an invader and needed to do something to calm herself down. It occurred to her that the Brown Ajah wing would be an excellent place to go. The Browns always had interesting conversations and they rarely did anything to rock the boat. They were smooth sailors, and that's what she needed right now. After all, bouncing off the walls as the clock raced toward bedtime was oh so annoying.


Upon entering the Brown wing, however, Key realized that there was a reason adrenaline was still pumping through her veins. Another trolloc slunk across the wing opening, his furry head swiveling around lazily as he looked for a meal. Crossing her arms beneath her breasts in indignation, the Accepted stomped across the hall and tapped the bear-like trolloc on the shoulder.


"Just WHAT do you think you're doing?"


Just like all other men, the trolloc gaped at her dumbly.


"If you even THINK you're going to be murdering someone here, you have another thing coming!" She uncrossed then crossed her arms again for effect.


The trolloc made a noise as if he was in pain. Key slowly reached up and drew the long braid over her shoulder. "Don't make me do it trolloc. You'll regret it."


*the old west tune that occurs when a duel takes place starts up*


The trolloc looked at his big hammer and then back to the braid, perhaps trying to calculate if he could get a swing in before she pulled it. He tightened his grip and lifted it off his shoulder.


Key laughed and tugged on her braid - hard. The trolloc dropped dead from the sheer brunt of a woman's anger & hatred. Drywashing her hands over the body, the Accepted knocked on the nearest Brown Sister's door. As she was Brown, the Aes Sedai would want to document what just happened of course.

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Wow - good spot Wolfbro - I actually thought that one got killed last week but no! It must have slipped through the net somehow. Key - that was pure genius! 3 bonus points for sheer hard work in crafting your Kills, they were works of art and I loved how they flowed. And Mills - hahaha! I have had to dig my BB's earphones out so I can watch the random stuff you post in your kills without waking the baby - I hope you appreciate all the effort lol


Points and Kills updated soon.

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There are still three Trollocs left to find on this alerts.


On a side note - have you guys noticed what superstars you have all become. Nearly 2500 views so far and that's all down to you guys and all the brilliantly funny and wonderful stuff you are writing.


Looking after this game for you is a joy and a pleasure!


Right - that's enough of that. Go get them last few Trollocs and I will do you a lovely Brand New Alert!


Ithi x

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Its time to kick a** and chew bubblegum...and im all outta gum - Duke Nukem



I've never been much of a fan of steam trains, but the way you described it gave me a whole new perspective on the matter - thank you, Paet!


It made me think of when I was a child, and they built a railway through part of our farm. It's the Sishen-Saldanha line, and used solely to bring iron ore from way up country (Sishen) down to the harbour in Saldanha, where it's loaded on tankers and transported all over the world.


Anyway, these trains are looong - some up to 2kms, if I remember correctly. We used to drive down to that part of the farm and just sit there waiting for a train. You could feel the thing coming long before you could see it - the ground would start to tremble, then to shake, and finally the sound would come. Finally this beast of a thing (not steam, but still exciting to us farm yokels :P) would appear around the corner. It could take minutes for the whole train to pass completely, and the sound was immense!


Ahh man ... thanks for taking me back in time, Paet.




Wolf creeped around the Tower, double-backing time and time again, and eventually found himself back in what he thought was the Warders Guild. except there was a train station here. Dumbfounded, Wolf walked carefully around the train, Clarence drawn. Wolf near had a heart attack when the trains whistle shrilled and he heard an unhuman voice shout "I ARE DRIVER! I LOVE TRAIN! trying to keep his laughter to a minimum,Wolf crept inside the trains cabin, and looked at the trolloc wearing the drivers cap, looking pretty content with himself. Wolf grabbed its arm and threw him into the coal burner, and listened to the Trollocs screams die down. Wolf left the train and muttered : 'Im not fond of trains...'

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I read this thread an hour ago and missed over this *growls*





Get off me yah loon! This is not helping my image! I'm dangerous, I swear!!

And what's all this Princess talk?




I've heard that the Reds are popular now...but where is everyone?




Wolf wandered through the Hall, yet again coming to the Red Ajah. He had scary fond memories of being here. He made his way aroun until he saw The Amyrlin [what appeared to be] rugby tackle another Sister. They however didnt see the Trolloc rushing towards them, holding a skull in his hand. Wolf ran as fast as he could and himself rugby tackled the Trolloc, flying over the bodies of the Amyrlin and the Red Sister, bringing the huge Trolloc crashing off the ground, with a sickening snap of its spine. Wolf didnt care, because in his head, his favourite Die Hard line rang through:


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Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert!


Another bumber batch of Shadowspawn for your slaying pleasure




Trolloc 1. 2 points plus bonus - Warders - Movies to Watch - Confirmed Kill by Millon.


Trolloc 2. 2 points plus bonus - Main WT Board - Too often left unsaid. Confirmed kill by Daruya.


Trolloc 3. 2 points plus bonus - Blues - I just ordered. Confirmed Kill by Key


Trolloc 4. 2 points plus bonus - Browns - why spellcheck is important. Confirmed Kill by Key.


Trolloc 5. 2 points plus bonus - Whites - White Weaves. Confirmed Kill by Daruya


Trolloc 6. 2 points plus bonus - Yellows - Theme Room. Confirmed Kill by Key


Trolloc 7. 2 points plus bonus - Aspies/Dorms - Help with Blue's Clue - Confirmed Kill by Daruya





Fade 1. 4 points plus double bonus - Grays - Garden Party Recipies. Confirmed Kill by Daruya

Fade 2. 4 points plus double bonus - Greens - Colour discussion. Confirmed Kill by Key

Fade 3. 4 points plus double bonus - Reds - Heroes and servants of all. Confirmed Kill by Daruya


All ShadowSpawn on this Alert has now been Killed. Please wait for the FINAL ALERT

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Modern Day Heroes and Servants of All


Thanks Mystica. It's really nice that you have a place on here where people can write about good things that happen.




Wandering through the Red Halls in search of snugglebites, Daruya stopped outside of a room and eavesdropped on a conversation about Heroes and Servants. It made her feel warm and happy inside to hear about every-day people who had a "servant's heart" - people who weren't afraid to do what was right and/or help other people. As she listened with a big smile on her face she felt a sudden chill when a cold hand gripped her shoulder and a dry, slithery chuckle sounded right by her ear. She wrenched away and turned to face . . . a Fade. His eyeless gaze was cold and sinister.


What to do? He was so close she didn't have room to grab a weapon!


"How . . . how about granting a girl's last request there, Mr. Myrdraal?"


His dry voice grated across her nerves. "And what would that be, maggot?"


"Well, see, I've got this candy here and since I won't be able to eat it, being dead and all, I'd really like for you to have it but I want to see you enjoy it first."


She stood there apprehensively while he considered her request.


"That doesn't seem unreasonable," he grated.

Daruya reached into her beltpouch and pulled out a huge jawbreaker. Giving a tremulous smile, she crammed the jawbreaker into the Fade's mouth and pushed it down his throat. The Fade stepped back, clutching his throat and struggling to breathe. Daruya took advantage of the opportunity his distress provided her to put some distance between them and she watched from several yards away as he staggered around, alternately banging on his chest and clutching his throat. He reached a hand in supplication toward her before falling to the ground, his body still twitching and convulsing even after he died.


"Darn! And I was looking forward to trying that flavor, too . . . "

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Green Ajah -

Color Psychology


My fave colours are Black and Dark Green. I don't know that they fit me super well but maybe a little.





Key strolled through the middle hallway, her steps echoing in the chamber. She loved this chamber. It was here where all the colors of the Ajah wings met - creating a beautiful marble rainbow on the floor. It matched her dress, too, making her definitely feel as if she were part of the Tower.


Hearing voices in the corridor, Key looked up to see a bunch of Greens standing in a group. They were discussing colors. Favorite colors, what they liked to wear, what the colors met, etc. In fact, they were so caught up in their conversation that they didn't see the thing lurking in the shadows. Seeing it out of the corner of her eye, Key jerked her head around to find a Fade bearing down on her.


Grabbing the tiny bag of Star Sprinkles from her the pouch on her belt, Key added the Sprinkles to her Color Belt and grinned victoriously as a rainbow burst from the belt to land on the Fade. Colors swirled all around the dark creature, filling in greens and blues, yellows, oranges, and red where there used to be only black and white. Groaning, the Fade tried to run away, but he was caught in the midst of the color swirl. Faster and faster the colors swirled around until the Fade fell to its knees, disoriented. Having no darkness left on him, the Fade was disconnected from his Dark Lord and soon dropped dead- its face pink, eyes green, and hair blue.

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Squeeeee! Found another one! Garden Party Recipes




Welcome to the Gray Ajah's Food and Drink Recipes for the Garden Party! Anyone may feel free to post whatever summer-type recipes they might have on hand for a good garden party! Whether it be drinks, appetizers, main courses or desserts, stop on in and feel welcome! I will start you off with a delicious summer breezy cocktail I've dubbed a Hawaiian Sunrise:


  • 1 shot of rum in a highball glass, on the rocks
  • Fill glass to just under rim with pineapple juice
  • 1 dash of grenadine syrup

Essentially this is a variation on a tequila sunrise, with a couple of changes. Swap out the tequila for rum, and swap out the orange juice for pineapple juice. It goes well for any summer parties, or anything with a tropical theme.




Daruya wandered aimlessly in the Gray's Garden. The Midsummer Festival was in full swing and everyone was enjoying the activities and discussions. As she wandered the garden, she found a HUGE pumpkin - nearly the largest she'd ever seen. Giggling a bit, she sat down on it. It would be nice to rest a bit in the garden and this pumpkin made a nice seat. She breathed in deeply, enjoying the smell of the freshly turned earth (they must have just weeded today) and the pungent green smell of the growing vegetables.


Suddenly, a figure in an inky black cloak stepped out from behind a trellis and moved menacingly toward her. Daruya slid off the pumpkin and scrambled to put the pumpkin between her and the Fade.


Light! Would this invasion never end? The Fade edged around the pumpkin even as Daruya edged around it away from him. Around and around and around they went till Daruya started getting quite dizzy. She shook her head to clear it and refocused her eyes. She looked at the Fade; he was swaying dizzily. As she watched him, he staggered and fell. Struck by a sudden inspiration, Daruya lifted the pumpkin (using Air, of course) and set the pumpkin on the Fade to hold him still. When he was safely pinned, she ran to the gardening shed and grabbed an ax. Returning to the Fade, she brought the ax down with a satisfying "kachunk" and lopped off his head.


As his head rolled away, she happily observed that the pumpkin was unharmed; there would be a plethora of pumpkin pies to enjoy soon!

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Rainbow Bright - lol, I knew that scene looked familiar. Remind me to make sure we have appropriate stabling for your unicorn. Daruya - good axe work and pumpkin pie all round.


I'm sensing tactics here with the AS going for the Fades first to bump up their points. We only have till Friday so every Kill counts. Who will be the ultimate champions?


Kills and points updated.

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Why spellcheck is important


Barmacral showed this to me and I thought it was hilarious and something the Browns (and others) might appreciate. :biggrin:


The 35 best obnoxious responses to misspellings on Facebook.




Key (who is a Librarian IRL) had spent a lot of time in the Library lately. She just KNEW she was going to be Raised soon and it never hurt to be super prepared. But after spending the last four and a half hours studying her brains out, Key was tired. Yawning, she grabbed up her books, papers, and pencils. There might be time to catch a quick nap before lunch. If not, then just resting would be nice. Maybe she'd take a stroll through the Gardens. Surely that Trolloc must be cleaned up by now.


Pushing open the door to the Library, Key stopped short as a trolloc stood in front of her, his muzzle dripping saliva. "How gross," she said aloud. The trolloc walked toward her, raising his club menacingly. Rolling her eyes, the Accepted set down her books and papers carefully and embraced the Source. "I really don't have time for this," she scolded as he rushed toward her.


Pulling on earth, Key elongated and hardened each of the pencil leads. She waited calmly until the trolloc was within distance and then shoved a pencil in each eye and a pencil in each ear. The trolloc made a few grunting noises before slumping down, blood trickling from it's eyes and ears.


"Studying can be quite dangerous it appears. I think that means I should give myself a break."

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Too Often Unsaid


I am all for this type of Thread.


We do too often take our wonderful staff and Mods for granted. Thank you all so much for all the hard work you do. This place is such a big piece of my life now - I genuinely would be lost without it and all the amazing people that come along with it.


Ithi x




Daruya stepped down from the podium after expressing her gratitude to the WT and DM staff. Sometimes, things just needed to be said regardless of the dangers that lurked in the hallways, rooms and gardens of the White Tower. It was all to evident that the Shadowspawn invasion was still ongoing; Trollocs and Fades had been found too recently to think they were all eliminated.


Lost in thought, Daruya made her way out of the room, smiling warmly at the adorable Ewok (and Blue Ajah mascot) making his way to the podium. No need to hang around; she new exactly what Verbal would ask for as compensation for his efforts and she wished him luck with that request. But there as work to be done and she had best be about doing it.


As she stepped out the door she came face to face with a snarling Trolloc. Not another one like this! His teeth were as long as his claws and they were long enough to just about stab a person through. Daruya stomped her foot in a fit of temper. As she did so, the Trolloc looked at her quizzically and stomped his foot. Daruya stomped her foot; he stomped his foot. Seized by a sudden fit of inspiration, Daruya began to sing and dance.


"You put your right foot in" and put her right foot forward. He grunted and did the same.


"You put your right foot out" and brought her foot back. He brought his foot back, as well.


"You put your right foot in and you shake it all about." She put her right foot forward and wiggled it and giggled when he grunted and did the same, hopping a bit to keep his balance.


"You do the hokey-pokey and you turn yourself around." She spun around in a circle and he did the same.


And, clapping with the beat, Daruya sang, "That's what it's all about!"


The Trolloc attempted to clap but got his claws tangled up and had to work at untangling them.


"Left foot now, okay?" Daruya said, sweetly.


"You put your left foot in" and put her left foot forward. He grunted and did the same.


"You put your left foot out" and brought her foot back. He brought his foot back, as well.


"You put your left foot in and you shake it all about." She put her left foot forward and wiggled it and giggled when he grunted and did the same, again hopping a bit to keep his balance.


"You do the hokey-pokey and you turn yourself around." She spun around in a circle and he did the same.


And, clapping with the beat, Daruya sang, "That's what it's all about!"


The Trolloc again attempted to clap but got again his claws tangled up and had to work at untangling them. While his claws were tangled, Daruya pulled her trusty little daggar, which had been freshly annointed with poison that morning, and stabbed him with it. As he fell to the ground, dying, she continued down the hallway, singing and dancing.


"You put your right arm in, you put your right arm out . . . "

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Daruya - you surpass yourself, truly you do.


Points and Kill updated.


Still five more Trollocs left on this alert. Remember that tomorrow is the last day. I may be generous and have a Fade Fest on the very last alert if everyone plays nice and makes an extra special effort to clear these Trollocs overnight ;-)

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I sure hope someone finds one so I can get back on the hunt, since I can't post another kill till someone else does.


Y'all have some time, anyway; I have to go get my oldest and get him to wrestling practice (from 5 till 7).


Come on, Aes Sedai . . . let's not lose our lead!

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