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Reading Wheel of Time


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So, I´ve been reading WoT for 13 years and when I read the books the first time I was hooked. My bf (was still reading when I met him) thought I was too obsessed cause I wanted to discuss theories with him, even though he didn´t have a clue what I was talking about. Later he did actually read up until book 5.


I´ve had a break but now I´m doing a reread again and I´m at tFoH when Nynaeve and Elayne met Ronde Macura and had their first lovely sip of forkroot tea. I was so engrossed in that chapter that I forgot to do the dishes, lol. Afterwards I was so bubbly that I had to retell the whole scene for him. He had to comment on what REALLY happened. It wasn´t forkroot tea at all he said but Ruffietea that Macura managed to slip them silly girls and when Thom barged in their rooms... well he wasn´t there to rescue them. I got a little upset, I take my WoT seriously and Thom really wouldn´t do such a thing. :angry:


Guess I can understand him though, cause I´ma pester him about WoT until Christmas now. How does your loved ones react when you read Wheel of Time? Do they share in with the discussions on everything from who Demandred is to if the Aiel will survive or do they try to hide your books and give you that evil look when you lament how badly Logain has been treated for the third time that day?


Discuss! :happy:


Hehe. So you don´t pester her with theories and long expos about what´s happened in the books? Maybe that´s a girlthing.


lol, I have a similar issue. I've been reading WOT for only 5 years but have reread them several times (possibly crazy, yes), and did everything to get my friends and bf to read them...so far only one friend took the bait, and he'll discuss theories with me. My bf though usually just stares at me blankly when I start making references to Far Dareis Mai or saidar or start ranting about Elaida...he's used to it by now. He promised to read tEotW between now and fall though so we'll see!!!


And @LogainsPet: I think maybe it is a girl thing, since that one friend mentioned above excluded, I've only seen girls go on and on and on about book theories. :)


good to see I'm not the only lunatic obsessed with these books!


I got my hubby to read TEOTW years and years ago, and I wish I hadn't. I'm a fantasy girl and he is mostly Sci Fi, and he picked the living shit out of the book. He hated RJ's descriptive nature - my hubby always goes on about not needing to know about "the gilt on the door handle" or what colour coat such and such was wearing with gold filigree...




So, I just read the books, and re-read them over and over, and when the next book comes out I devour it in silence and if he disturbs me he gets a telling off and then I'm back into my book again. I don't discuss theories with him, because he wouldn't know what I'm talking about anyway and he wouldn't be able to give me answers.


Thats why we have DRAGONMOUNT!! Thank the Creator for Dragonmount...




Having said all that, if he had gotten hooked all those years ago, then yes. He would discuss the theories without an issue. We just both read Brent Weeks and had a huge discussion about that! So I know he would...


My wife was an avid fan, who became totally disgusted with Jordan's inabaility to finish the damn thing, and quit reading. She says that she might, MAYBE, pick it up again when the series has been completed and she knows that there won't be any more novels.


She's about reached the same piont with Martin.


My wife is actually doing her first reread after beginning the series sometime when KoD came out. She is currently up to The Path of Daggers and it is really interesting seeing her take on what is going on, seeing as how she doesn't frequent the 'Mount. As an aside, she figured out G offed Asmo without any internet help, pretty impressive imo.


I got my hubby to read TEOTW years and years ago, and I wish I hadn't. I'm a fantasy girl and he is mostly Sci Fi, and he picked the living shit out of the book. He hated RJ's descriptive nature - my hubby always goes on about not needing to know about "the gilt on the door handle" or what colour coat such and such was wearing with gold filigree...



My bf is the same. Well he isn´t a sci-fi guy either, he is an engineer, and like the engineer he is, he is very logical and analytic so he hates all that magic mumbo jumbo. He often complained that no one was normal in WoT. Everyone was awesome, or had great strenght in the Power, everyone had an awesome skill, be it good at the Power, making ter´angreal or being a Dreamer and so on. And he hated the descriptiveness of it all... pages with clothing, gilded stand-lamps, amazing pottery and all the other things we hard-core fans love, lol.


AielSedai: Maybe. Or it´s just that I´m more into the books. Specially now when I´m doing my reread and read about things I´ve forgotten or see in a different light I get all excited, and he just sighs and nods when I explain to him what was so fantastic.


I love the WoT books. But unfortunately I'm the only one that I know who reads them. I tried to get my boyfriend into them a couple of years ago. He read the prologue and part of the first chapter of EoTW and gave up. He says he can't read it because Robert Jordan is such a crap writer (which I highly disagree with of course).

So it's annoying when I'm getting really into WoT and sometimes come up with theories, but he always just looks at me blankly whever I voice them cause he doesn't have a clue what I'm talking about.

I'm currently working on my best friend. I've been trying to persuade him to gives the books a shot. He's actually got the first two books on his shelf, but alas he hasn't picked them up yet. Hopefully if/when he gets round to reading them we can theorise together.


lol, I have a similar issue. I've been reading WOT for only 5 years but have reread them several times (possibly crazy, yes), and did everything to get my friends and bf to read them...so far only one friend took the bait, and he'll discuss theories with me. My bf though usually just stares at me blankly when I start making references to Far Dareis Mai or saidar or start ranting about Elaida...he's used to it by now. He promised to read tEotW between now and fall though so we'll see!!!


And @LogainsPet: I think maybe it is a girl thing, since that one friend mentioned above excluded, I've only seen girls go on and on and on about book theories. :)


good to see I'm not the only lunatic obsessed with these books!


You're not the only one... and I think it's typical for girls only to get so excited about the book. Maybe it's childish too, but who cares? :rolleyes: Well, ok, my fiance does and that sucks. He's very practical, sensible and enterprising, what makes him my salvation in fact (gosh, how I adore him), because I'm a dreamer. Perfect balance, you see. I love fantasy books- no rubbish, true, but he tolerates no fiction. He's very busy, both studying and working, constantly under pression, while I'm just studying seamlessly and he hates seeing me read another WoT volume instead of doing anything serious. Thus I prefer to hide somewhere with a book and not admit that I spent the whole day reading again, when he asks what interesting things I've been doing :mellow: Don't know anybody to discuss with.


Do you know what I'm afraid of? That I will not be able to stop crying after reading aMoL finally. Once I was weeping for 3 days after reading a book (it was Swans' War vol. 2, I had been waiting for it for two years, devoured it in 3 days and knew I'd wait another two years for the last book... which, by the way, was never printed in Polish! How could they do that?). Come on, I'm almost 23...


A nephew of mine gave me the first book (Eye of World). Same nephew seems to have been getting the books for another relative.

Each 3 of us have read this series and/or might currently be reading.


Several people in my church's College Group also have read (and/or are reading) this series.



All other family/acquaintances seem to be ok with my reading.


Edit:: I seldom talk about this series in person; even when I am reading it in front of them.

Another edit:: Only in-person talking about it would be when they ask about it.


Hehe. So you don´t pester her with theories and long expos about what´s happened in the books? Maybe that´s a girlthing.


heh every now and then she will ask me a question about what I'm reading and I'll give her a summary.


My wife is actually doing her first reread after beginning the series sometime when KoD came out. She is currently up to The Path of Daggers and it is really interesting seeing her take on what is going on, seeing as how she doesn't frequent the 'Mount. As an aside, she figured out G offed Asmo without any internet help, pretty impressive imo.

am I stupid or is your wife incredibly smart then? Because I never figured out who killed Asmo, no matter how many times I reread the books!




I love the WoT books. But unfortunately I'm the only one that I know who reads them. I tried to get my boyfriend into them a couple of years ago. He read the prologue and part of the first chapter of EoTW and gave up. He says he can't read it because Robert Jordan is such a crap writer (which I highly disagree with of course).

So it's annoying when I'm getting really into WoT and sometimes come up with theories, but he always just looks at me blankly whever I voice them cause he doesn't have a clue what I'm talking about.

I'm currently working on my best friend. I've been trying to persuade him to gives the books a shot. He's actually got the first two books on his shelf, but alas he hasn't picked them up yet. Hopefully if/when he gets round to reading them we can theorise together.

Thats exactly what my husband calls RJ - a crap writer. Maybe we should all get together and lynch him.




I got my hubby to read TEOTW years and years ago, and I wish I hadn't. I'm a fantasy girl and he is mostly Sci Fi, and he picked the living shit out of the book. He hated RJ's descriptive nature - my hubby always goes on about not needing to know about "the gilt on the door handle" or what colour coat such and such was wearing with gold filigree...



My bf is the same. Well he isn´t a sci-fi guy either, he is an engineer, and like the engineer he is, he is very logical and analytic so he hates all that magic mumbo jumbo. He often complained that no one was normal in WoT. Everyone was awesome, or had great strenght in the Power, everyone had an awesome skill, be it good at the Power, making ter´angreal or being a Dreamer and so on. And he hated the descriptiveness of it all... pages with clothing, gilded stand-lamps, amazing pottery and all the other things we hard-core fans love, lol.


AielSedai: Maybe. Or it´s just that I´m more into the books. Specially now when I´m doing my reread and read about things I´ve forgotten or see in a different light I get all excited, and he just sighs and nods when I explain to him what was so fantastic.


Hah, my husband is an engineer too! Funny. Still, he likes Sci Fi, not fantasy. He reckons that all fantasy of today is wannabe Tolkein and won't give any a try with an open mind... Pain in the ass, really...


A OT funny thing that I remembered when reading that about Tolkien was when I, my bf and his dad went to see the first movie. Like 40 mins into the movie he turns to my bf and says. "Hmm... you? These hobbits... are they like shorter then everyone?" Lol.. we both laughed so hard.


Tbh my bf doesn´t read that much. He has a hobby of tampering with race cars so he spends all his days in the garage when he isn´t working =P. But when he comes in I wanna talk WoT, lol. He has managed to finish aSoIaF though but the whole WoT.. I don´t think he will ever do that.

Guest PiotrekS

When I tell my girlfriend something about WOT, especially Rand's three women, she looks at me flatly and coldly announces: "It was so obviously written by a MAN". :tongue:


My girlfriend isn't a particularly avid reader, but she absolutely understands. With this, and all my other book obsessions, I can look at her and say "Sweetie, the new Wheel of Time/Guy Gavriel Kay/Jacqueline Carey is coming out..." She smiles, and we understand that for about 48 hours, she's going to make dinner, do the dishes, and play video games by herself.


When I've finished, I'll be bubbly and chatty and want to talk to her all about it. She listens, asks questions if I give her enough information, and generally enjoys my enthusiasm because she wants me to do things I love. Then I go back to playing video games with her and making her dinner, which I also love. :)


(Didn't mean this to turn into a gush-fest about my girl, but many things in my life end up that way.)


my cats despise anything i read and anything i do on the computer.


my humans aren't interested in talking about this series. there was a little conversation until moirane got thrown away and the whole thing got weighed down with. . . well, anyway, no real people i know want to talk about these books. just the posters on the forums.


Growing up with WoT my parents tried to ban them from me for fear of them stealing my soul.


Now that I'm married whenever I read one or do a full re-read the wife says my personality changes. *shrug*


Nobody I know IRL reads them or would discuss them with me if they did so I'm flying solo with this series.

my cats despise anything i read and anything i do on the computer.
From my family owning various cats at various times (1 currently), I would guess that they were actually looking for attention.

Cats do not really despise any human behavior.


It took me ages to admit the depth of my WOT obsession to my husband. I started reading the books out loud to him after he read one of his favorites out loud to me. I kind of meant to read only TEoTW. Then I meant to read only the first three. Then about Book 6 he started coming up with his own theories. He's not obsessed (he's still working on ToM), but he's always good for some theorizing if it comes up. It's great to have someone to share it with.


I gave The Eye of the World to my girlfriend, who is a fantasy reader. She started reading slowly/normally and then I gradually watched her speed up the pace and tear through the final chapters to get to the end of the book! I think she might be hooked :biggrin: It's been great fun hearing her theories as she was reading (among other things, she theorized that Lan might be Rand's biological father based on the fact that Tam had given Rand a special sword of mysterious origin, and Min had a vision of a baby with a sword when she looked at Lan... I had never thought of that like this, interesting point of view even if wrong :happy: ). I'm now planning on rereading the whole series as she reads it for the first time so we can talk about the plot, characters and theories in depth (I've forgotten a lot of some books by now).


My ex however wasn't a fantasy reader and never showed any interest whatsoever in reading WoT, though she knew I was a big fan.


My best mate has never read the books (he likes fantasy but doesn't read much), however I've told him most of the story so he knows a fair bit about Randland and has always been interested in hearing about it.


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