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THE BIGGEST QUESTION LEFT..... and it's about Bela

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If Bela was Seanchan, she'd be the ugliest horse in the world because she'd be totally shaved. :shock:


Taking baldness to a new level...oh yeah...




All Hail Bela!!!


Ive discovered the perfect spokeperson for Bela!!!






Hooray for Vemynals bunny, Spokesperson of the great and powerful Bela!!!


All Hail Bela!!! :!:

  • 7 months later...

What have I told you people? Bela is the Brown Power Ranger, and will summon her giant Pony Zord to defeat the Dark One at the last battle. I mean it's totaly obvious. ...Isn't it?















No wait Ive got it! Ilyena reborn was split into 4 parts. Min, Avi, Ely and Bela! They will all fuse into Bela's body like Rand and Moridin and Rand will have a supreme horse wife thingy


Please, polygamy is one thing, beastiality is a whole 'nother horse race!

But it would answer the question of why Min said that there was going to be  something strange about Avi's kids. :o :o



hahaha I have nothing new to add but I have to say that the "something strange about Avi's kids" made me laugh out loud--and I'm at work... luckily no one was paying attention :).

Guest leebarr

When Rand falls in the last battle Bela will be the first there to open a can of whoop ass. By the time Rand is healed nothing will be left to do. All bow to Bela the super horse with her teeth of steel.


Bela killed amodean?




We need pages and pages of evidence. What a break through.... I knew it. Everyone else has been eliminated as a suspect....




I have never laughed so much at a thread.....



TwoRivers Born...


BS is going to flip out when he sees realizes we have figured out Bela's true role in the books. I'm sure he was all thrilled with being able to spring it on us in AMOL.



Long live Belatopia.



Tworivers born.




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