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The Pink Loincloth Tavern

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Nikon's JotS verses reminded me



This is the ice cream farm near my parents - according to my niece it's taller than Aunty Diss (she has difficulty with my name, but I now appear to be her standard of measurement, there are also waterfalls that are taller than me :) - also apparantly the Dalek scared her)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, I think your stats have surpassed mine at this point...


Course, I lost to you twice already so I don't know that I'm saying much.  In fact, I've only ever won one dice battle, pretty sure it was against AJ and I had him seriously outstated.  Still almost lost that one.  The dice have no love for me.

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::Walks in from a long day on 7he range::

I'll have a glass of Orange Ale if you have some...  In honor of da Halloween season. How's everyone doing 7oday?

I thought you were honoring Horn.  LOL


Doing fantastical Nikon, how's you?

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uh, somewhat embarrassing :blush:...


I'm hoping to rent a car tomorrow and do some exploring along the coastal road as we have a three day national holiday (although why this wasn't attached to a weekend I don't know), anyways... (starts again)


So, I'm hoping to rent a car tomorrow and have just found out that it's almost certainly going to be automatic... which I've never driven before, as I'm, well, British and we have gears and a clutch and stuff :happy:


So, as I understand it, automatics have drive (to drive in), reverse (for reversing) and park (for parking) (duh!).  Do they have a clutch?  If so, what's it used for, since you don't need it to change gear, is it needed to start(?) (if not, I foresee horrendous accidents occurring as I try to brake and accelerate at the same time)  Moving on... If I'm wrong about this, please tell me! 

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