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Well thank goodness for Rereads, as I remembered it all wrong! Don't try and do this at work, whilst being interupted and after a bad nights sleep!


Okay I'll start again. It wasn't meesh that put the first vote on Vanion. But I forgot Vanion posted two posts. So back to the post and Red's vote on him..




Vanion, on 25 January 2011 - 06:02 PM, said:


Band wagon?


I didn't band wagon. I didn't ever read the first few pages of posts.


I used the great and powerful Random.org to make my day 1 vote, as I always do.


Locke was just unlucky enough to correspond with the number picked. Its how I always handle day on of these games. Nothing personal, just random selection, since there is no way you can be sure of whos who, and there isn't enough information on hand to make an educated guess.


You are just as likely to pick right using the random generator.





this entire post screams scum



blame random org -- check

admits to not even reading before voting -- check

makes excuses for bandwagon vote -- check



if it looks like scum, talks like scum, and wiggles like scum; i say apply more pressure. FOS at you my fiend









Vanion did over explain a little, but it didn't shout of desperation or anything to me.


However could have Red have done this to take any heat that might have built up on Locke, it's worth keeping in the back of my mind.


Song also found what Vanion said suspicious. Which brought about Limi's comment about them both. To me this didn't sound like she was protecting Vanion, more an observation, at least in my eyes.


then we have Meesh vote for Vanion (she is actually the third as Keyholder already had a vote on him)


then Locke with no reason, but then he was the next highest on the list, so not necessarily an evil vote.


Meesh seems to think Limi was defending Vanion.


Ed then suspects Vanion and also Limi and Red, as he thinks either one could be working with Vanion. Of course if he does suspect that Vanion is evil then by lynching him that could help prove/disprove his theory about Limi or Red. So the common denominator is Vanion, so to me it would be a natural thing to vote Vanion, if I was him. but I'm not!


Aemon found this odd and thought it more so than Vanion's comment.


song accuses Aemon of Aemon saying that there wasn't any pressure on Vanion and yet he doesn't vote for him. I can't see the logic there. just because someone is not in danger of being lynch doesn't mean you have to vote for him.


Aemon says he more suspsicious of Ed.


And there are plenty of others who haven't said too much.


So the thing to think about is who, further down the line, will provide us with some good information. Is the vote on Vanion a pull off Locke, or just unlucky in the way things have gone. To me the best reason for voting for Vanion right now is to get information, not off the comment he said before.


From that we may glean info about Locke, Red, Limi, Ed, Song maybe even Meesh, depending of what his alignment is.


I have also realised the the end of day will be tomorrow at my Lunchtime, so I don't know if I could get on at work to vote, it depends where my boss is... >.>






and that, ladies and gentleman, is how the cookie crumbles.


I honestly dont know what to think or do. I drank too much last night, didnt get enough sleep, had to wait around on my coworker all day, and now, im gonna take a hour nap before i have to go do my twelve hour shift.


So this is just technically my "please dont modkill me" post.


so please, dont modkill me lol.


ill have a coherent opinion for you in the morning.






You can't say screams scum from a single post. Its day one, what you know about anyone, already unless they outright say it, is minimal and its hard to make an educated guess.. and just pin pointing someone from the first day... meh just makes it look like you're trying to take the attention off yourself


Took a bit to get back to this thread, but I've been observing...

  On 1/25/2011 at 7:02 PM, Vanion said:

Band wagon?


I didn't band wagon. I didn't ever read the first few pages of posts.


I used the great and powerful Random.org to make my day 1 vote, as I always do.


Locke was just unlucky enough to correspond with the number picked. Its how I always handle day on of these games. Nothing personal, just random selection, since there is no way you can be sure of whos who, and there isn't enough information on hand to make an educated guess.


You are just as likely to pick right using the random generator.

This screams scum to me as well; you should be watching to see how the votes unfold, third vote makes the bandwagon, it's a dangerous place to be. You admit to both not watching the votes AND not reading what's happened. Very scummy indeed.


  On 1/25/2011 at 8:07 PM, Little Miss said:

Geeze... Song and Red jumped on that pretty quickly...

I would have done the same had I posted in time, Vanion gave bait whether intentional or not and they jumped on it.


  On 1/26/2011 at 12:21 AM, Locke said:

I feel needs to vote Tigs for 1)Rippin' on the awesome Packers and 2)I didn't say anything about Pittsburgh or the Steelers!


But....Vote Vanion

Yet you don't, but you vote Vanion without any reasoning whatsoever. Fourth vote.


  On 1/26/2011 at 3:36 PM, WWWwombat said:

I don't get the Vanion train. I don't like it when people do random stuff on day one either, but those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Right now my top suspects are Player, Aemon, and anyone else (Ed iirc?) who wants to hear from Vanion before voting. Last I checked, we weren't at L - 1 or anything and Vanion is usually pretty inactive. Therefore waiting for Vanion smells like stalling and/or teammates waiting for a fake claim. Also, Red seems off to me. She is a bit more aggressive and confident than usual.

Had to quote you, I've heard the underlined part twice today, still don't get what it means...


Also, loved the recap Talya, thanks.




You can't say screams scum from a single post. Its day one, what you know about anyone, already unless they outright say it, is minimal and its hard to make an educated guess.. and just pin pointing someone from the first day... meh just makes it look like you're trying to take the attention off yourself

What attention on herself was there in the first place? Did I miss something. This post IS rather interesting, and quoted/noted for later reference, Tinker. It seems you're trying to distract the lynch from Vanion, though I do admit the bandwagon is suspect but not totally unfounded, if that makes sense to anyone but me.


Sorry Wombat, hate to disappoint, but I'm going to hold off on voting consensus, I still have time yet to replace a vote and I don't feel now is the time, I'll let things unfold a little more or not change my vote at all. Vanion's silence is irking me, honestly.



Song(1): aemon

Limi(2): play3r, alannalynn

Locke(2): Tigs, Vanion,

alannalynn(1): limi

Vanion(6): keyholder, Red, Mmeesh, Locke, Talya, Song

wombat(1): aust

Tigs(1): ed

Song(1): MCS

MCS(1): Kaylen

Kaylen(1): Wombat

Red(1): Tiinker


With 21 alive it takes 11 to lynch.


Okay so here's the thing. I don't think Vanion's post was that big of a deal. I think that a lot of this has been blown out of proportion. However with about 15 hrs or so left until deadline, Vanion is our best chance at a controlled lynch. And I agree with whoever said it that his alignment will give us a clue into the alignment of a few others.





This has been a very eventful day 1!


I agree with Talya. The point of lynching Vanion is less the minorly scummy seeming post he made and more the intense reactions that followed.


(After reading that recap) Ed, were you talking about my not putting a vote on Vanion? LOL. All I said was that 4votes is not pressure. I never said I wanted to apply pressure to him. I was simply commenting on all the people that talking about pressure. Your reaction to this (FoSing me) makes me think you should be the one to go down today. I honestly don't find Vanion's post as scummy as what you are doing.


just to make sure...UNVOTE




first, great recap Tal!!!


2nd, Aemon i'm unsure of what to think of your vote on Ed. i agree with you that Ed's post was scummy, but with the deadline so close soemoen might think your trying to detract away from a controlled lynch. especially if we do lynch Vanion and he ends up being scum.



now i'm gonna take Tinke's post line by line since he wants to FOS me & deflect from the current vote. never thought beating the grass woudl be this much fun, look at all them snakes wiggling out and showing their true colors.


  On 1/26/2011 at 9:52 PM, Tiinker said:

You can't say screams scum from a single post.


yes i can, yes i will and have done so on many occasions. in fact this is the first post i've seen from you and guess what, it screams scum to me.


if i can't say someoen is scummy from a single post, especially when said post is scummy and said person isnt posting much; then how am i supposed to find out if that person is scum or not and get the reactions i want?



  On 1/26/2011 at 9:52 PM, Tiinker said:

Its day one


and?? would you rather us have continued with meaningless joke votes that woudl give us next to no info and result in a ranom lynch?


last time i pointed out an scummy move, (jokingly at the time) it ended flushing out a scum and we lynched him Day 1. if it's worked once, why not again?



  On 1/26/2011 at 9:52 PM, Tiinker said:

what you know about anyone,


i don't know anythign about anyone but myself; as far as i'm concerned your all scum.



  On 1/26/2011 at 9:52 PM, Tiinker said:

already unless they outright say it


in my entire Mafia career i have never once see a scum admit that they are scum. no one out right admits their scum unless they want to be lynched; and as we all know, scum don't want to be lynched.



  On 1/26/2011 at 9:52 PM, Tiinker said:

is minimal and its hard to make an educated guess.. and just pin pointing someone from the first day...


it has nothign to do with an educated guess Tinker, and everything to do with the fact i think his post was scummy. i've already explained why i think his post is scummy, it has nothign to do with an educated guess.


not reading the thread is somethign scum do, whcih is something he admitted to doing. his "random" vote happened to end up on the person with the most votes there for making it likely that a bandwagon would form since Day 1 usually ends in a rush of votes on the erson with the most votes and not much info.


tbh, the pin pointing will come tomorrow, once we have more info; because agree with my vote FOSing on Vanion, we're goign to get a heck of alot more info from his lynch now than we would a normal Day 1 type vote.



  On 1/26/2011 at 9:52 PM, Tiinker said:

meh just makes it look like you're trying to take the attention off yourself


i'm a bit confused where that part of your case comes from.


what attention did i have on myself before i FOS'd Vanion and placed myself center stage?? please explain this so i can understand cause i dont think i even had a vote on me before you.


That was a nice recap Talya!


And GEEZE! It haven't been in a game that was this busy in a long time.


Tink, I will admit that one post of yours looked a little odd to me, especially since it looked like you are trying to pull fire of Vanion.


And Aemon - Say What? I understand that Ed's post looked a little odd, but this close to the End of day one, you unvote and go after him?


As to the Ed or Vanion thing, I was and AM hoping to hear from Vanion soon, but also keeping in mind hopefully a controlled Lynch, I am going to unvote and vote Vanion.


Personally, what he did do was not in very good interest for the town either way.


Not reading, or paying attention to the game play can cause missed dead lines, confusion, in which aren't good for the town.


I quoted Meesh's two lines way up there and said that was why.

Would you like me to repeat that it was an unusually long explanation for one small accusation when nothing was really going on in the day?!



I thought not.



Red, you're only mad because I lightly FOSed you with Limi. tongue.gif



Really Aemon, they're in order!! (just saw there was another page there....you implied he needed more pressure!)


  On 1/26/2011 at 6:06 AM, Song of Ice and Fire said:

Though it's funny that you mention it not being enough pressure aemon, yet you don't add a vote yourself...



  On 1/26/2011 at 6:29 AM, aemonkristen said:

I actually see more scummyness in Ed's post than I do in Vanion's. As I said before, I will change my vote after I have heard from both of them. I don't feel like spending all day voting and unvoting.



  On 1/26/2011 at 10:14 AM, ed2funy said:

Song has a point,





*snort* Wow Aemon...do you not remember me at all? I'll have to play a few more games I guess. tongue.gif



Anyways, I take full responsibility for my vote, because I still think Van's post was really scummy. Unvote and Vote Vanion


Also, I find it odd that AJ completely ignored my part in this game. angry.gif The last game, you harrassed me, and now you ignore me.



Ed maybe she's just playing hot and cold with you ;)


I'm not entirely sure what to think either - lately my day one's have been going weird. I'm not going to rehash everything that's been said. We need a controlled lynch though and Talya's recap and reasonings make sense to me.





Vote Vanion


Ed, I didn't comment on it because I'm a little unsure what my position is. I felt omitting it from my post was better than defending a side. You seem to be playing like you usually do as far as I can tell.


Aust: I can't believe you say Hot/Cold and I immediately start singing Katy Perry...


Controlled lynches aren't very valuable without competing candidates. I guess Locke kinda counts, but I didn't see much there. Red is acting very intense so far this game. Not sure what to think of that. Oh and Alanna, that proverb means one shouldn't condemn someone for something one also does. In other words, I think a lot of the people who are decrying Vanion's random vote are guilty of day one complacency as well i.e. they are hypocrites. Anyway, I'll help consolidate.




Vote: Vanion

  On 1/27/2011 at 1:41 AM, alannalynn said:

Aust: I can't believe you say Hot/Cold and I immediately start singing Katy Perry...


Really....I think of IcyHot. But that joke is not for PG-13 DM tongue.gif


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