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[s]Goal: 100,000 New Goal: 200,000[/s] New Goal: 250.000

Toy and Minion

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You can register independent, but then you can't vote in primaries.


Having to register to vote is dumb though. Why can't you just, you know, vote without having to align yourself with a political party first?


This boggles my mind still. You should be allowed to vote whoever after registering and not be penalized.



Not in anywhere near the number to impact a federal race, I doubt, but the sort of thing that could sway city councils and school boards and the like.


If schools got something to do with politics something is very wrong in your country.






Not in anywhere near the number to impact a federal race, I doubt, but the sort of thing that could sway city councils and school boards and the like.


If schools got something to do with politics something is very wrong in your country.


We actually had a small victory in the school board race here a month or two ago. The Republicans proposed a plan that would close all of the elementary schools and fire half of the teachers, compress it all into one megaschool with an untenable student-teacher ratio and basically dump a bunch of 5 year olds into something the size of a small college campus. There were no actual complains about the standing elementary school system, but the project was going to cost something to the tune of $42 million and the Republican school board was all getting a slice of that pie.


They tried to argue that it could be funded in the long run by money saved firing a lot of teachers, but it wasn't remotely clear how this was ever going to fly with the teachers' union (one of the few things in America still unionized) plus tax payers were going to have to cover the cost up front.  The blow to education didn't really phase anyone on the right, but any time you mention increasing taxes Republicans panic.  So campaigning mostly on the latter issue, we had a bunch of Democrats reregister as Republicans and run for the school board seats on a platform that the standing system was more fiscally conservative.  They won across the board in the primaries, and now a hard right town has a left-leaning school board.


Here we have Catholic school boards as well as public and both receive the same funding from the government. Isn't the US education system in shambles already? Firing teachers and having bigger class sizes will only make it worse.


And school placement shouldn't be based on income, that's just wrong. I know here, it's all based on who's school limits you're within.


Just my 2 cents


This truly is a crapsack world...


(and I am very happy I do not live in the USA, though I kinda wanna get out of the EU as well)

We have lots of space in Canada! You're welcome too Shad!

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This boggles my mind still. You should be allowed to vote whoever after registering and not be penalized.

I actually don't think this is a problem. You can vote whoever the heck you want in the general election, as long as you're registered. Party affiliation on your registry simply permits you to vote in their primary: i.e., you get to have a say on which candidate your party puts forth for the general election, but you don't get to have a say in which candidate every party puts forth.


It's actually a lot more democratic in the Republican party than in the Democratic party. The Dems have something akin to the electoral college where one person can step in and override x thousands of votes. This is part of why Hillary Clinton got the nomination even though Bernie Sanders was the more popular candidate.


I think the problem is more the electoral college and the fact that we're stuck in a 2-party system with no run-off votes.


And school placement shouldn't be based on income, that's just wrong. I know here, it's all based on who's school limits you're within.

Legally speaking it's based on which limits you're in here too, the boundaries are just drawn based on income. It's the same reason a region that's 75% Democrat can wind up with 1 Democrat representative and 3 Republicans. It's just classic gerrymandering worked to fine precision via modern technology that can crunch all the numbers and spit out a map where one side always wins regardless of how people vote.

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That image should tell you everything you need to know about US politics.


It pretty blatantly explains why in an election where democrats earned more votes than republicans, republicans walked away with their largest majority of seats in 70+ years.

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Same everywhere I think,


It takes between 12,000 and 20,000 votes to elect a member of a national party (Plaid, SNP, DUP, Sinn Fein etc) 40,000 to elect a conservative, 48,000 to elect labour, 500,000 to elect green and UKIP gained over 500,000 and have no representation.


Conservatives were the largest single party, but by 2% and they have roughly 50 more seats than Labour.


Green typically have the highest rated policies of all our parties and yet have almost no representation

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