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Looney Tunes Mafia


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We at ACME Corporation have greatly improved our product over the years and would like to encourage you to visit our factory. We ask that you leave your old grudges at the door and just enjoy the tour. Please ignore all rumors of sabotage. They are totally untrue. You will be perfectly safe. You have my word on that.



William Befired

CEO ACME Corporation


You all received a copy of this letter and since you like gadgets (C’mon. You know you do) you all showed up for a visit to the factory. Somehow, the gates got locked and you are all stuck inside the factory/testing grounds. Old grudges abound and some of you decide this is a good time to eliminate your grudgee. Somehow the ones who feel that way team up and are after the rest of you. You can run, but you probably can’t hide. Lucky for you, there are gadgets everywhere and you can try to smoke out the toons with grudges and eliminate them. Choose carefully, now.





-- Days and Nights will last 72 hours and nights will last 48 not counting day one. It will probably be 5-6 days.

-- You may not quote any part of any private communication I have with you. This includes PM’s, QT boards, or IM convos.

-- You may not talk off thread unless you have been specifically told otherwise.

-- I don’t care if you edit posts, but please note, others will, and you will be looked at with suspicion

- This is a hammer game. When the hammer vote is cast, we stop counting votes and unvotes. Period.

-- If no majority is reached by the deadline, there will be a random lynch.

-- Lynch votes must be bolded and red. Example – VOTE LILY

-- You must unvote before voting again. Again, bold it please.

-- You are required to post at least ONE game-related post per day/night cycle in order to stay in the game. We want a very active game here.

--Self-votes are not allowed

--Your characters alignment has very little to do with their alignment in the cartoons. I chose the bad guys randomly, so feel free to reveal who you are or even talk like them if you want.




1. AJ

2. Song, Speedy Gonzales, Ninja, Solo, killed night 2

3. Krak, Pepe LePew, Lynchstopper, town, nightkilled, night 1

4. Kat, Sylvester, vanilla townie, nighkilled, night 3

5. Aust

6. Tigs, Tweety, vanilla townie, lynched, day 4

7. Limi, Marvin the Martian, vanilla townie, nightkilled, night 1

8. Adella

9. Player, Daffy Duck, analyzer, town, nightkilled, night 2

10. Arlow, Petunia Pig, mafia, lynched day 5

11. Verbal, Taz, Mirror placer, nightkilled, night 4

12. Ahmoodah, Porky Pig, mafia roleblocker, lynched day 3

13. Red

14. Aemon, Bugs Bunny, mafia, lynched day 1

15. Alanna, Yosemite Sam, vanilla townie, nightkilled night 5

16. MCS, Henery Hawk, vanilla townie, killed day 2




Get to lynching!



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  • Club Leader

Checking in! BTW:


Self-votes are not allowed

Thank god! (Or maybe I should say mod-god :D). There's been so much of this going around in mafia games lately and it's really very silly.


You're welcome, and thanks for reading the rules. :biggrin:

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