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A Memory of Light Speculation


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Also, is there a reason why the shadow side would not expect exactly that?

The Lightforces jumping to the bore trying to seal it / attacking there?


I don't know, the longer I think about it, the more I'm sure somethings going to go terribly wrong at the beginning / attack on the bore.

(Though ultimatly the light side will win.)

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Of course something will go wrong. Just because it has to be exciting and not predictable.


The DO has some kind of plan to win this time for reals. Or at least we get a lot of clues to that (from Ishamael). One time he sais that the last battle won't be fought in the way Rand thinks it will (don't remember exact quote).


And some things just don't make sense otherwise.


Why is Ishamael naelbis? All the other forsaken that died got screwed over.

So I conclude that he did his job just fine.

But what objective? The only thing I can think of is to get Rand to take callandor. Pushing him to fullfil the prophecy.


And why should the forsaken not kill Rand? Clearly he is needed to do something.


What's up with the DO getting Rand to channel the true power? Seems odd.



Can't really draw any real conclusions :>

  On 11/19/2010 at 1:36 AM, Hopefire said:
  On 11/19/2010 at 1:05 AM, Raap said:

I'm hoping for/expecting some kind of revelation regarding the Dark One himself. Like finding out who/what he actually is, why he wants just about everyone dead, what his relationship with the dragon might be(if any), etc.


I also don't really expect him to be resealed though. That wouldn't be much of an ending, but really just a restart of the series. He's definitely going to be destroyed/transformed or some such.

I think that the Dark One's role and nature is pretty simple and has been made clear. He's the antithesis of creation. I don't think that there's much more to it than that. The Dark One wants to destroy the Pattern utterly. The Creator creates, the Dark One destroys. Equal and opposing forces. If there's any big revelation, I think that it'll be that the Dark One has won in ages past; when the Dark One wins, he destroys the Wheel of Time and the Pattern, and then the Creator remakes creation.


I don't think that the Dark One will be destroyed or transformed; I do think that Fain will be bound outside of time with the Dark One, and that all future turnings of the Wheel will differ because of that.


See I was under the impression that Rand was of the mind that the Pattern must be changed finally. Yes, it's all cyclical and the fact the Dragon has to keep being reborn to keep resealing the Bore is prevalent, but I was under the impression that Rand wanted to finally end this cycle and destroy the DO so he didnt have to keep getting pushed out in to the pattern time and time again. If the pattern keeps repeating itself, obviously something needs to change so that it doesn't, otherwise, resealing the DO over and over again seems an act of futility. I understand the whole without evil there could be no good argument, but really, I think Rand/Lews are getting tired of being spit back out every other lifetime to keep repeating the same agenda. I think this time, it will be final. Fain will be the anomaly in this age. His like hasn't existed int he other timelines and events. It's a different factor to the already repetitive nature of the Pattern. The biggest foreshadow I've always felt was the huge impact his dagger played in the 1st 3 books. Perhaps his dagger is the instrument that will seal the fate of the DO once and for all.

  On 4/1/2011 at 5:21 AM, ice9planet said:

also, Maybe Rand will die at the Last Battle, but will be tied to the Horn and when Mat blows it, Rand will come back and finish the job.


Hahaha, rinse and repeat. But isn't he already tied to the Horn?



  On 3/16/2011 at 6:53 PM, plague fiend said:

Rand will realize that in order to free the world of the DO he will have to sever any influence that consists of the DO. He will shield the world from the DO and there by removing Saidin and Saidar from the world. No more channelers.


How could the True Source be removed from the world? And why would he want that to happen?


And why would RJ want this series to end without channeling?


Just some random speculation.

Demandred is going to led a massive invasion on ALL of the major cities in the WoT world. We get the perspective of Caemlyn at the end of ToM. However, (this is speculating that he's behind the Caemlyn invasion) what if he did it to about 15 or so unsuspecting cities. Most of the world is unprepared as of now due to that one get together (Fields of Merrilor? Not sure of the spelling). If this happened, I could really see a chapter being dedicated to a rapid fire invasion of the Dark written in the form that the "cleansing of saidin" was.

Throughout this whole series, It seems like the Light has been near invincible. I just want to see the bad guys do at least something. They really need to redeem themselves.


Just some other things I'll speculate.

- Rand will go and try to break the seals. Except the seal Taim gave to him was a fake. Therefore, the Dark One will be running amuck (not physically) in the world for the majority of the last book.

- Lanfear will somehow get back to the light (maybe one of her wishes from that supper weird and crazy fox world).

- Lan will find something (not sure what) in the blight after he blasts through (if he does).


Obviously I could rattle on and on and give hundreds of predictions, but I'll just leave it at that.

Also, sorry for my Wheel of Time stupidity (not knowing names, etc.). I'm not a super Wheel of Time knowledge database like some of you here. I've only read the series once and don't spend that much time on here so some of my ideas are bound to be stupid. But this place is pretty awesome.

Guest Brian Sedai

Things I'd love to discuss with anyone who has ideas:


1) Anyone have theories on what part Elayne and Aviendha's Talents with ter'angreal will play? Or Egwene's Talent with metal?


Maybe Elayne and Avi's Talents become important after the Last Battle, so they can begin the rediscovery and recreation of ter'angreal that continues until the world returns to the technology of the Age of Legends. But I hope Aviendha uses her Talent to decipher why Elayne's copies of Mat's medallion don't work, and that it becomes important in the showdown at Shayol Ghul. Maybe, once corrected, Elayne can make something else out of the Power-resistant metal? Or medallions to arm the team? It seems strange that Jordan would have her create flawed copies without intending her to correct the mistake before the end.


Egwene's Talent with metal has been talked about since the beginning of the series, and I can't imagine it won't be important in the Last Battle. I think she will turn something important into Cuendillar, like Perrin's hammer, or a metal ter'angreal Elayne makes after figuring out the medallions.



2) From The Prophecies of the Shadow revealed at the end of ToM: "...and the First Among Vermin lifts his hand to bring freedom to Him who will Destroy, the last days of the Fallen Blacksmith’s pride shall come. Yea, and the Broken Wolf, the one whom Death has known, shall fall and be consumed by the Midnight Towers. And his destruction shall bring fear and sorrow to the hearts of men, and shall shake their very will itself.”


The first part sounds like Perrin uses his hammer to break the seals on the Dark One's prison. But is that badass hammer really necessary to break seals that are already falling apart? What else could Perrin break/hit with it that would free the Dark One?


As for the rest, does anyone have an interpretation other than Perrin's death? Perhaps the Broken Wolf whom Death has known is a metaphor for Hopper/Perrin's hammer? Or maybe he does indeed die and is called back by the Horn of Valere.



3) What was the significance of Perrin's vision in Tel'aran'rhiod when Rand explode into a beacon of light, and what the hell was that glowing mass Nynaeve found on Rand's brain under the barbed madness?


When Rand dies, I think the light Nynaeve found will explode out of him, either to hold off the Dark One while the others work, or to be the time-altering force that restores the prison to its original state. Perhaps this is a manifestation of the Light itself.



4) Are we ever going to find out what the Dragon--the creature on the banner and Rhuidean markings--actually IS?

  On 4/5/2011 at 3:01 AM, Remy Blobet said:

Just some random speculation.

Demandred is going to led a massive invasion on ALL of the major cities in the WoT world. We get the perspective of Caemlyn at the end of ToM. However, (this is speculating that he's behind the Caemlyn invasion) what if he did it to about 15 or so unsuspecting cities. Most of the world is unprepared as of now due to that one get together (Fields of Merrilor? Not sure of the spelling). If this happened, I could really see a chapter being dedicated to a rapid fire invasion of the Dark written in the form that the "cleansing of saidin" was.

Throughout this whole series, It seems like the Light has been near invincible. I just want to see the bad guys do at least something. They really need to redeem themselves.


This led me to think of something.

Demandreds position that we've never established, we have hints - but thats all. From Sammael we have "the south had Demandred written all over it", we have the trolloc invasion of Caemlyn - and if you are right, all the major cities.


What if Demandreds hidden area is in the ways? That means he could have led trollocs south - Remember those trollocs Tylee (seanchan commander) found outside ebou dar and took them to prove that trollocs were indeed not stories at all. If Demandred has been hiding within the ways, hes pretty much had access to every possible area in randland. Moreover, Machin shin was waiting for Rand at every entrance, so he could not enter - why not a safety precaution cooked up by Demandred? It is also quite possible that Fain gaining control over, or dispersing machin shin, he could have foiled this plan, but since none have tried to enter the ways in fear of Machin Shin waiting, hes been let off the hook, and could finish his plan to gather trollocs inside the ways to leap at every exit.




Taim was Taim is Moridin. Mazrim Taim has never appeared onscreen.


Narishma will kill Rand and Fain at the same time with Callandor.


Nynaeve will discover that the Hundred Weaves can be used for something important.


Rand and Moridin will swap bodies.


Lan will not die.


Egwene will die.


Gawyn will die.


Moiraine will end up bonded to Rand. Either she will force Alanna to pass hers, or Graendal will kill Alanna and Moiraine will bond Dark Rand afterwards, and influence his personality with the new bond.


Androl and Dragons. That is all.


Rand and Nynaeve go to rescue Lan. They find Slayer. Lan reveals some past, Nynaeve delves Slayer, finds out how to un-Darkfriend someone. Then they go to the Black Tower.


Demandred has a private mixed gender circle. And not a small one. He will try to use it to bring Moridin down. Moridin, Cyndane and Moghedien will link and kick all their asses.


Ok so Ive seen a lot of post and such elsewhere and here about Rand's blood being spilled on the rocks of SG. What if it doesnt mean him but someone who shares his blood? Such as Luc, Galad, and even Gawyn and Elayne share distant blood ties. I think Luc will die regardless but perhaps one of the others will spill their blood on SG.


Other then that...


1. Mat will bring the Seanchan over to Rand, or Rand himself will go bow before Tuon asking for her alliance. Thus meeting what he was told in the door to the Finn, (Paraphrase: The north and south and the east and west must be as one)

2. Rand Sedai will use both Mo and Nynny opposite of him as he wields Callandor. ^

3. Min will be in danger because of her research for the use of said sword that is not a sword/|\

4. The Last Battle is going to be bad ass |


1. Mat will bring the Seanchan over to Rand, or Rand himself will go bow before Tuon asking for her alliance. Thus meeting what he was told in the door to the Finn, (Paraphrase: The north and south and the east and west must be as one)


This is a wrong quote. In your sentence you make it seem like it is answered as a hole. RJ has put them in the book as 3 seperate sentences.

The North and south must be as one. This can be explained in a number of ways, i´m not quite sure which though. The other 2 I think are meanth this way:

The east and west must be as one: Ancient aes sedai symbol, Saidin and Saidar must be used as ONE.

The two must be as one: LTT and Rand. Already done.

  On 4/6/2011 at 8:00 PM, A Rant Lord said:

1. Mat will bring the Seanchan over to Rand, or Rand himself will go bow before Tuon asking for her alliance. Thus meeting what he was told in the door to the Finn, (Paraphrase: The north and south and the east and west must be as one)


This is a wrong quote. In your sentence you make it seem like it is answered as a hole. RJ has put them in the book as 3 seperate sentences.

The North and south must be as one. This can be explained in a number of ways, i´m not quite sure which though. The other 2 I think are meanth this way:

The east and west must be as one: Ancient aes sedai symbol, Saidin and Saidar must be used as ONE.

The two must be as one: LTT and Rand. Already done.



it actually says that the North and East must be as one, not the North and South. And that the South and West must be one, rather than the East and West. So yeah, I believe it suggests Rand must tie some deal up the Seanchan. Cause Rand has the North and East tied up, and the Seanchan have the South and West tied up. How else they gonna be as one?


1# 3 become 1 = Rand figures out that it will take all 3 powers to seal the bore properly. remember that it was said that if LTT had females help him seal the bore they both would have been effected by the backlash. Min keeps saying that there is a deeper flaw within Callandor. the book is all about balance. Rand will need to use Saidin, Saidar and the True power to seal the Bore. the True power to prevent a backlash.


2# Perrin will put the smack down on Fain. i know most think it will be Rand, but he has enough to do. besides i think Perrin deserves to kill him and would be fitting. i mean Fain killed his whole family. i can see Fain, "wait you killed me!?!?! a blacksmith!! i am to kill the Dragon it can't end like this..."


3# Avi will get to kill a Forsaken.


4# Gawyn is gonna get 2 other Warders to join him and all 3 are gonna wear the Bloodknife rings hoping the bond will keep them alive. / or he gives them to Elayne to recraft w/out the harmful side effect.


5# Mat will make it to the Band in time for them to save Caemlyn.


6# Tuon will finally channel and bond Mat.


7# Egwene is gonna realize that some of the Rulers she is counting on are gonna side w/ Rand and she has less backing than him. she will than finally see she doesn't know as much as she thinks she does and shut up and listen to rand while eating humble pie.


8# the White Tower and Black Tower become joined w/ Rand at its lead. the Oldest Aes Sedai and first Asha'man it is only logical choice.


9# Rand goes to settle the Black Tower becomes trapped. this is Perrin's second time he must be there to save Rand as per Min's viewing. Logain helps and gains glory by putting the boots to Taim.


10# the song is found.

  On 11/18/2010 at 6:11 PM, Exy said:

I really can't see singing being involved. Singing was a method to make crops grow better, and it required the Nym to work. I don't see how that relates to the Last Battle at all.



Well there was that terangreal that Elayne has in the palace that Aviendha said had something to do with growing something holes and could be acessed with a song to that item might be needed to help make a new and intact prison for the dark one


Rand brings Tuon before the hall of the White Tower. Tuon can barely keep her countenance in front of so many marath´damane. Egwene gives her a BIG piece of her mind. Tuon stays stubborn. Rand slaps an a´dam on her, giving the leash to Egwene. Tuon breaks down and swears to do everything, just to be free of the a´dam. Rand frees her, she swears fealty to him and agrees to hold the Dragon´s peace after Tarmon Gai´don. Tuon back to her palace, then off to Tarmon Gai´don with the whole Seanchan army.



Well there is the whole thing about kneeling before the crystal throne and all and that might have been accomplished but just having Mat marry Tuon as for his binding him. I honestly think that the crystal throne is some kind of binding chair and that Rand merely has to channel into it just to bind her to him but as Tuon is now the empress maybe Rand and Mat's children will marry or some such

  On 11/18/2010 at 6:11 PM, Exy said:

I really can't see singing being involved. Singing was a method to make crops grow better, and it required the Nym to work. I don't see how that relates to the Last Battle at all.

I agree. Imagine how awful it would be if the greatest fighting force the Light has, put down thier horn bows and spears, took off their veils, and started singing during the last battle!

  On 3/21/2011 at 7:40 PM, Impressive Bosom said:

Almost no mention of the Horn of Valere whatsoever... it has got to have a role still to play.


I thought one interesting possibility might be the death of a major player (like Lan) and then to have his return when the Horn is blown, a new Hero added to their ranks...

Mat mentions it in TGS when he farewells the Aes Sedi- somthing along the lines of tell Egwene shes got somthing of mine and once I've taken care of some other matters I'll be comming to claim it.

  On 11/22/2010 at 3:32 AM, roostr19 said:

First I have absolutely no idea how this last book will be finished in one volume. As much as I would love for it to be two or three more books, remember ALL three were originally intended to be one book. So unfortunately for us a lot of what has been discussed will not happen, just not enough time. I'm afraid we might all be disappointed in the loose ends that were not tied up.


Here's my prediction - The battle at the end will destroy all powers - True Power, Saidin, Saidar... this has happened in a lot of series past.... This age will be the last age and all will become similar to our current age - technology not magic will rule. I don't think we'll have any other major surprises, deaths, etc...


And while I'm at it I know it's been said this is not correct even by RJ himself, but Taim is Demandred.

I agree with the Demandred call. Remember how Taim showed up just after Amosedon was killed. And anyway where else would he be? All the other nations are weak that one of the other forsaken haven't already had their fingers in. Not sure about all powers being destroyed as the one power is used by the Dragons children and others in the Aiel future seen by Avendiha.

Any thoughts on how Perrin will die as per the Dark Prophecy and the end of book 13?

  On 4/11/2011 at 11:25 PM, Tashalynn sedai said:

Rand brings Tuon before the hall of the White Tower. Tuon can barely keep her countenance in front of so many marath´damane. Egwene gives her a BIG piece of her mind. Tuon stays stubborn. Rand slaps an a´dam on her, giving the leash to Egwene. Tuon breaks down and swears to do everything, just to be free of the a´dam. Rand frees her, she swears fealty to him and agrees to hold the Dragon´s peace after Tarmon Gai´don. Tuon back to her palace, then off to Tarmon Gai´don with the whole Seanchan army.



Well there is the whole thing about kneeling before the crystal throne and all and that might have been accomplished but just having Mat marry Tuon as for his binding him. I honestly think that the crystal throne is some kind of binding chair and that Rand merely has to channel into it just to bind her to him but as Tuon is now the empress maybe Rand and Mat's children will marry or some such

The kneeling only appears in the Seanchan prophecies. These were written by hawkings ancestors- nothing in the Aes Sedi's ones. I thought this may mean that they had been basterdised by the Seanchan, popular thought seems to say that it needs to be fufilled however. Any thoughts?


Here's a thought; if the crystal thrown is a binding chair then the seanchan now have the means of recovering it-gateways. and if the writings on fortuona's robe are anything to go by she may well be very motivated (omens and all) to recover 'her' throne.

  On 4/11/2011 at 1:25 AM, Phariah said:


7# Egwene is gonna realize that some of the Rulers she is counting on are gonna side w/ Rand and she has less backing than him. she will than finally see she doesn't know as much as she thinks she does and shut up and listen to rand while eating humble pie.



If this would be the only thing to happen in the book I would STILL be a happy camper. To me, the most infuriating personality in the book.

  On 11/18/2010 at 6:41 PM, Elan Tedronai said:

black tower and white tower merged together under logain and egwene.

rand al thor loses the ability to channel whilst sealing the bore from the DO. gets to live the rest of his days with his harem in peace.

all forsaken dead and buried.

fain dead possibly gets killed by perrin.

mat and tuon go back to seanchan lands.

perrin becomes king.


lan and nynaeve become the first of malkieris to rule malkier.


game over

Perrin deserves to kill Fain...

  • 3 weeks later...
  On 11/18/2010 at 3:20 PM, Wiegrief said:

Major developments:


Fields of Merilor - I foresee this linking to "The Dragons Peace" and Rand going the Fortuona to beseech her help.

- likely linked to saving Lan in Tarwins Gap

- Rand finding out Elayne is pregnant and he is a father will make for an interesting read.


Reuniting - Rand reuniting with Mat (maybe linked to Seanchan alliance) and more importantly Moiraine.


Lanfear arc - I think Lanfears 3 demands from the Flinns revolve around Lews Therins love or on revenge on him. We know that she is now in his dreams and he may pity her or try and save her. "No one has been in the shadow so long as they cannot return to the light"


Black Tower - There is the lead up to the fight in the Black Tower. Finally figure out if Taim is evil and what happened to Logain. Logain will probably reappear and be the protagonist for this arc.


The Last Battle - open to speculation, but I imagine Rand will not be the major aggressor he will protect everyone from the Dark One.

Well as to the last battle rand said i was never a sword and that everybody will do the fighting against the shadow while he fights the dark one

  On 4/12/2011 at 3:26 AM, LOB said:

Any thoughts on how Perrin will die as per the Dark Prophecy and the end of book 13?


He's got to get the Broken Crown of Saldaea first, as per Min's viewing in TEotW15.



And the Lord of the Evening shall face the Broken Champion,

and shall spill his blood and bring us the Darkness so beautiful

From the shadow prophecies, Epilogue ToM


this seems to be part of both prophecies, has anyone given thought to how the shadow could use Rands blood (Harry Potter-Voldemort crossover). So obviously Rand can't win by nose-bleeding at Shayol Ghul


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