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Favorite Quotes/ Moments (Full spoilers)


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I really liked the Avi bits too. Although my favorite prt was when Mat beat the Snakes and Foxes and had his moment not accepting his luck but understanding it. I also loved his speech to them as he left the Tower. "You Unwashed Lumps on a Pigs Backside" HA I love how BS writes Mat.



I was soooooo excited for this part, I was probably more nervous that Mat entering the Tower. I loved the whole scene and got chills when he figured out how to get out.


Also, loved Perrin stopping balefire and Egwene's amazement. Berelain and Galad, what a perfect couple!

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So, I'm just gonna go ahead and post since my requests for a seperate thread are getting lost in the spam. There are three things I did not like about this book, both of them have something to do with the writing. Now, as a disclaimer, I think Brandon's writing has improved in some ways, he's getting more comfortable and so on.


1. The way things are written, specifically just how many...modern things sneak in. 'Aria' 'Diva', in the section where Birgitte is commenting on the players. I haven't reread tGH in a while, but I thought that the 'players' as explained by Thom were theatre actors, more Passion play than Lohengrinn. But it's just one of the things that took me out of the story, there are so many things that cropped up that were too 'modern'-sounding. Another example is when Noal says 'gentlemen...to arms', or some such, has anyone used gentlemen in the book before? I may be seeing things, but it just seemed terminology that I haven't noticed before. Lords and Ladies, masters, etc...that I can definitely see but not so much on the gentlemen. It's just things that I've noticed that were modernistic, if that makes sense. Again, notice the 'p.s' in Mat's letter, did we ever see anything like that?


2. Mat is gone. Or rather, our Mat is gone. I don't know, I really liked the parts with Mat, as I always do, but up to KoD I liked reading Mat. Not even what he did or said, but how he was written, they were beautifully written section. Sly, witty, slapstick-y, a 'woe is me', thing, but those things weren't overdone. This Mat, he's...like if you took Mat and then made him more Mat, you exaggerated everything about him. Which Perrin actually says in the book. I don't know, I'll still read and reread those parts more than any other char's sections, but still, I can't help but be saddened that the old Mat is gone. And also, the letter I liked, the typos were just baf(Mat is not an idiot, we've seen a letter he wrote before) humour that Brandon shouldn't have done, he's trying to make Mat ha-ha funny which unfortunately he can't pull off most of the time.


3. 'triple pike line' in the early parts of Maradon siege, I don't know something about that made me laugh.


P.S. If Luckers or whoever wants to create a Least Favourite...thread, go ahead and just move this over.

  • Moderator

Any chance we can have the less liked things thread? I've some complaints to make but I don't want to bogart this thread. *gets his old man cames and practices his curmudgeon fist shaking*


I considered it, but realistically it'll just get swarmed by fan boys screeching at you for not liking the same things they did. Sorry.


It was only one page back.


Things I didn't like:


1. The Mesanna plotline. I was looking forward to a story of Egwene following some clues and figuring out who she was. Instead she just got smoked in Dreamland and they casually mentioned that she was Danelle. Kind of an anticlimax.


2. Weiramon being outed as a DF. Another thing that was built up over a number of books and then it was just "OK, I know you're a Darkfriend. Go away". "OK, I'll go away". Then we never hear from him again.


3. The Tuon chapter. It had Tuon in it and she didn't die horribly. Nuff said.


4. Verin's letter to Mat. I was expecting something more and it raises the question of why she didn't bother to mention this to Egwene, which seriously undermines the impact of what was previously one of my favourite scenes in the series.


2. Mat is gone. Or rather, our Mat is gone. I don't know, I really liked the parts with Mat, as I always do, but up to KoD I liked reading Mat. Not even what he did or said, but how he was written, they were beautifully written section. Sly, witty, slapstick-y, a 'woe is me', thing, but those things weren't overdone. This Mat, he's...like if you took Mat and then made him more Mat, you exaggerated everything about him. Which Perrin actually says in the book. I don't know, I'll still read and reread those parts more than any other char's sections, but still, I can't help but be saddened that the old Mat is gone. And also, the letter I liked, the typos were just baf(Mat is not an idiot, we've seen a letter he wrote before) humour that Brandon shouldn't have done, he's trying to make Mat ha-ha funny which unfortunately he can't pull off most of the time.


I agree with this, even after ToM. Mat got a much better grade this time, but still fell a bit short. It's not something tangible that you can really grasp and say "this is how to do it right" either. TDR through KoD Mat was amazingly clever and marvelous. Probably impossible to capture once gone.


I hold out hope, however, that the last chapter of AMoL has at least one Mat PoV in it, even if it's somewhat short. If there is one, it would go far to soothe whatever ill feelings or sense of loss I've had pertaining to this.


Not much of poster, more a lurker these days, but I just finished the book and I thought it was all kinds of awesome, one of the best in the series, and felt compelled to share.


The Tower of Ghenjei sequence is just about my favorite in the entire series, next to Dumai's Wells and Rand in Rhuidean. I had chills the entire time and thought it was written great. Finding Moiraine, Jain's last stand, the secret of the ashandarei... I had to put the book down and just walk away when they escaped, it was a very epic and powerful sequence, and it moved me. I didn't think it was rushed at all. What else would they have done? I was completely happy with it and there was still a huge surprise there with his spear, even after all of us thought we had the whole thing figured out.


The Slayer/Mesaana section was great as well, along with the forging of Mah'alleinir. I was getting worried about the Perrin storyline, considering that he hasn't done all that much since book 6.


I've been reading these books since they came out and have re-read them so many times, so to finally read some of these events after nearly 20 years of foreshadowing and theorizing was very emotional to me. Maybe I don't analyze the characters and pore over their every word as much as others do, but they all felt like the same characters I've grown up with and I think Sanderson has done an excellent job, so I really don't understand all the complaints. I firmly believe that all the events in the book were what RJ wanted to happen, and I trust Team Jordan has not overstepped their bounds and thrown in other crap or goofy letters just because they can. Read the books and enjoy the rest of the story that RJ left us. Harriet is still the editor and she knew RJ and his will more than any of us ever could.


Anyways, great book, looking forward to the final one. Finally.


The 'Aiel' with the red veils. Very creepy and tense. I guess they were the unknown channelers during the Murandy siege?


I think think that that was the '______ in the Blight' thing that's been going around, but a mere clue or allusion.


wow there are too many to choose one.


Lan's whole traveling through the borderlands and his reactions as more join. especially the first when Buren asks permission to done the Hadori.


Mat's whole prankster attitude brought back. the sweet buns was a great one.

how Mat took out the gholam.


Rand's reforged being. i love him. when he arrived in Saldea and took out that army of shadow. i was like YEAH!! take that everyone that was saying Rand was too hippie after Apples was released.


Perrin finally accepting his role. yes he seemed like he was more accepting than Mat at first but he was always self doubting. to see him finally as the Leader was great. the forging of the Hammer was awesome.


Rodel's guerilla battle was epic.


the whole dream world battle. definately great. especially Perrin's warping of the balefire and Egwene's reaction lol.


Ny. anything with her. she is by far my favorite female of the series. especially her trial and her standing up to the AS at its end.


Rand when he tells Cadsune. " you may call me Rand Sedai " rofl that was epic lol


Rand's Taverenness when he meets w/ Egwene an the Hall. hehe that shut them up for once.


part i didn't like. after the points she gained in TGS, she goes and stands against Rand's decision instead of finally believing in him. very disappointed.




Wrong. Rand does not CALL OUT Cadsuane. He gently makes humour of her calling him a boy. But he does not blame her or reprimand her for it.


I despise fan crap like this. He absolutely does call the b!tch out. She constantly demeaned him by referring to him as "boy" throughout the series. He rightly called her out on that and the fact that she doesn't know sh!t about the Age of Legends or anything else. Even her supposed task to teach him something 'essential' was nothing more than Cadsuane screwing up and accidentally prodding Rand to the edge of destroying the world. Cadsuane was the one character that RJ should have left on the cutting room floor. She has almost completely ruined the series for me and BS should be congratulated for marginalizing this execrable shrew. Hopefully she will be executed immediately in AMoL and we will be done with this worthless POS character sooner rather than later.


Perrin growled and strode into the trees. One of the camp's few children, perhaps? Ahead was a large oak tree; the trunk thick and wide enough to hide someone. Once he grew close, he hesitated. Was this some kind of trap? He laid his hand on his hammer and inched forward. The tree was downwind, and he couldn't catch the scent of-

A hand suddenly jutted out from behind the trunk, holding a brown sack. "I caught a badger," a familiar voice said, "Want to let it go on the village green?"


Liked many of the same scenes already mentioned.


HAve a question involving 2 of my favorite scenes as I cannot find a thread to discuss this.



the red vieled aiel channelers.


They have been turning them muahaha


How MAt used his weapon to escape from finland.


Is one of these the big unnoticed thing Brandon talked about?


Rand Sedai definitely tops the list. The only thing that could have made it better was if instead of it being 'I am, so far as I know, the only male Aes Sedai still alive who was properly raised but who never turned over to the Shadow' to 'I am, so far as I know, the only true Aes Sedai still alive who was properly raised but who never turned over to the Shadow', so it made it even clearer how high above all the Aes Sedai of today (though especially Egwene) he now stands in what an Aes Sedai truly is.


Studiously attempting to avoid the obvious ones already mentioned....


Rand+Tam take two. "Dad, this is Min, she's very special to me..."


Graendal's escape in the prologue. Actually believable in the "this does not even make my willing suspension of disbelieve break a sweat." Very clever, very cleverly done. Made me worry a bit. She might even have lived up to her hype as such a careful planner if she wasn't almost as cowardly as Moggy--say, if she personally provided some fire support rather than leave her minions to it.


Zen Rand is cool. I like Zen Rand.


The wolves at dragonmount, waiting for a decision....on whether there would even BE a last battle. Reinforced the sheer epicness of the closing of TGS.


Same with the secret prophecy of the borderlanders. Their prophecy had nothing at all to do about whether he was the Dragon. That was a very clear "if he's still Cuendillar Rand, then *Winning* the Last Battle is worse for the world than Losing." Reinforced very strongly indeed by Rand's offhand comment to Cads about 'only the One Power'


Nynaeve's test...ugh, horrible, but I expected that. It was never about her--she's so badass that, really, was there any question at all? This was politics, and a dig at Egwene-as-Amyrlin specifically. It was immediately clear, just from who the testers were, that it would get Ugly, and it would get Personal. What I did not expect, and found absolutely delightful, was that one Sister's unbridled FURY at the others for doing what they did.


Also, Nynaeve's braid. Burned up, she's got short hair now; or at least short for her since it's probably still down to the shoulders...What the heck will she have to tug on now? It almost felt like the loss of a main character.


Nynaeve healing Madness. Oh yeah. After having been made into the series Worf, it felt *good* to see her do something completely impossible again.


Avhienda's wayforward visions. Ugh. Do Not Want. Brilliantly written, but..ugh.


Wossname Empress Who's New Name Is Ridiculous. Damn, Tuon, do you really need to wear an "I am important" and an "I am (still) alive" sign at all times to remind people? That is more lame than I could have possibly imagined. I'm reminded of Padme's garment collection in Episode I, but vastly more tacky.


More WEWNNIR: oh my.. you find watching the training *and breaking* of new damane...***RELAXING***? Now look, I really, really, really wanted to like you. I really wanted to find something about you or your culture that was even remotely redeemable, solely for Mat's sake. That time is past. I will now be sincerely displeased if he fails to go completely and totally 'Son of Battles' on the whole Seanchan Empire. The fate of the Aiel in Avhienda's visions is TOO GOOD for you. Consider *this* a divorce....


I wasn't nearly so upset that it ended up being Elaida to give them Travelling--in fact, I was relieved. If not now from her, then tomorrow from someone we liked--if I were a Seanchan commander, much as the thought makes me shudder, I'd be specifically ordering repeated, widespread, small raids for the specific, targeted, and sole purpose of eventually capturing a marith'damane that knew That Weave. It was only a matter of time, and by time I mean days or weeks, not months or years.


Loony prediction: Seanchan participate in the last battle *by accident*: They gate into Tar Valon, while at the same time shadowspawn creep out of the TV waygate also expecting to storm the Tower. But nobody's home because they're all arguing with Rand. Hilarity ensues. That'd be one fight where I'd be cheering for the Shadow...


some favorites / most "meaningful"



"If that's the oddest thing we see here, I'll be a Murandian's mustache."


"He did not look very threatening, except maybe as a danger to a bowl of boiled potatoes."


Perrin at the forge -- might be my favorite scene from the book.


Hopper! He was in my top 5 characters :(


"I do not kow," Ronam said softly. "We are Aiel. It is what we know how to do." -- might be the best line from the book.


Boundless being Noam. I figured it out just before the fact. That's how the good reveals should work, and it worked well.

Guest mattress0127

I'm happy I'm not the only one that got choked up when Rand reunited with Tam



Wossname Empress Who's New Name Is Ridiculous. Damn, Tuon, do you really need to wear an "I am important" and an "I am (still) alive" sign at all times to remind people? That is more lame than I could have possibly imagined. I'm reminded of Padme's garment collection in Episode I, but vastly more tacky.


More WEWNNIR: oh my.. you find watching the training *and breaking* of new damane...***RELAXING***? Now look, I really, really, really wanted to like you. I really wanted to find something about you or your culture that was even remotely redeemable, solely for Mat's sake. That time is past. I will now be sincerely displeased if he fails to go completely and totally 'Son of Battles' on the whole Seanchan Empire. The fate of the Aiel in Avhienda's visions is TOO GOOD for you. Consider *this* a divorce....



I'm the same way. I tried to like her early on in the series for Mat's sake, but I just couldn't do it. She's horrible. There's nothing I like about her. Her one scene in this book just reconfirmed my opinion of her and I could taste the bile in my throat while reading it. The future vision showing the world that she's working towards (and it is the logical extension of the Seanchan Empire continuing exactly as it is now) just confirms how grotesque her character and her cause is.


She really just disgusts me and I hate that they have paired a character like that with a character like Mat. It is the worst match up I've ever read in any story.


"If you ever meet a Malkieri, you tell him Jain Farstrider died clean".


Itrulade giving orders for a retreat while Trolloc bodies fell on the camp. Then the last volley were all Draghkar.


Nynaeve and Naeff sweeping up the section of town that the bubble of evil hit.


and as much as I disllike the Seanchan yay for slavery scenes, Suffa suffering and begging to be released was preety gosh darn sweet.




and as much as I disllike the Seanchan yay for slavery scenes, Suffa suffering and begging to be released was preety gosh darn sweet.


Ya, that was cool. It was funny how she was offering twenty Aes Sedai to take her place. One of the things I like the best about this series is the way bad things keep happening to bad people.




and as much as I disllike the Seanchan yay for slavery scenes, Suffa suffering and begging to be released was preety gosh darn sweet.


Ya, that was cool. It was funny how she was offering twenty Aes Sedai to take her place. One of the things I like the best about this series is the way bad things keep happening to bad people.


Well out of Thevara's little Lina, Liandrins unbreakable sheild, and Suffa's training. Suffa's was the best.


Oh and, even though the future shown to Avi was preety bleak, atleat we know that future generations will still curse Eladia ever being born.




Well out of Thevara's little Lina, Liandrins unbreakable sheild, and Suffa's training. Suffa's was the best.


Oh and, even though the future shown to Avi was preety bleak, atleat we know that future generations will still curse Eladia ever being born.


I liked Little Lina the best, but this one does come close. Also, it was fairly inevitable that the Seanchan would eventually get Travelling, so if it wasn't Elaida it would have been someone else, but it is nice that her legacy to the world is giving it to those bastards.

The future vision showing the world that she's working towards (and it is the logical extension of the Seanchan Empire continuing exactly as it is now) just confirms how grotesque her character and her cause is.


She did annoy me in this book, but this isn't correct. Rhuarc's son said that she was honorable. It's highly likely she has a change of heart.


Perrin growled and strode into the trees. One of the camp's few children, perhaps? Ahead was a large oak tree; the trunk thick and wide enough to hide someone. Once he grew close, he hesitated. Was this some kind of trap? He laid his hand on his hammer and inched forward. The tree was downwind, and he couldn't catch the scent of-

A hand suddenly jutted out from behind the trunk, holding a brown sack. "I caught a badger," a familiar voice said, "Want to let it go on the village green?"


I freaking laughed so hard at that scene thinking it was something Mat would do and laughed even harder when it was him :D



Wossname Empress Who's New Name Is Ridiculous. Damn, Tuon, do you really need to wear an "I am important" and an "I am (still) alive" sign at all times to remind people? That is more lame than I could have possibly imagined. I'm reminded of Padme's garment collection in Episode I, but vastly more tacky.


More WEWNNIR: oh my.. you find watching the training *and breaking* of new damane...***RELAXING***? Now look, I really, really, really wanted to like you. I really wanted to find something about you or your culture that was even remotely redeemable, solely for Mat's sake. That time is past. I will now be sincerely displeased if he fails to go completely and totally 'Son of Battles' on the whole Seanchan Empire. The fate of the Aiel in Avhienda's visions is TOO GOOD for you. Consider *this* a divorce....



I'm the same way. I tried to like her early on in the series for Mat's sake, but I just couldn't do it. She's horrible. There's nothing I like about her. Her one scene in this book just reconfirmed my opinion of her and I could taste the bile in my throat while reading it. The future vision showing the world that she's working towards (and it is the logical extension of the Seanchan Empire continuing exactly as it is now) just confirms how grotesque her character and her cause is.


She really just disgusts me and I hate that they have paired a character like that with a character like Mat. It is the worst match up I've ever read in any story.


Well, to my understanding in the POV of Padra and the other son/s and daughters of the Dragon, the Empress is a different Empress than Fortuona. The previous Empress mentioned as honorable is Fortuona, and the current Empress is a different one.


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