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How many read throughs?


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I was just wondering how many times everyone has read the books. I know some people have done multiple re reads and some probably haven't. And I'm curious cause I'm probably not the only one who has been going through the series again in preparation for the next one.

I'm currently reading tGS again for the second time, I'm so near the end I'll probably finish it tonight and that will take me to completely re reading the series twice.

But I've also started a third read through which has included tGH, tDR and tSR. tEOTW isn't included there cause I lent it to someone at the time but I'll be starting that again probably tomorrow. Oh and there was a fourth read of tDR cause I did an essay about it at school.

So what about everyone else? :D


I'm actually on my 5th complete read through right now in preparation for Towers of Midnight. I even bought a small paperback of Eye of the World at the airport in Dallas waiting on my flight back to Iraq in 2005 :P Three continents and 7 countries later...I still get chills when Rand first encounters the Myrddraal on the road in the Westwood. Good times...


I have lost count. TGS maybe about 4 or so with 2 audio listen-throughs. Otherwise I estimate CoT about 6-7 times, the rest somewhere between 8-14 depending? Probably multiply the Mat chapters by 2 (from the first 11 books). I've listened to each of the other books at least once on audio too.



I guess it's a better addiction to have than say, heroin.


Ah, these threads are always fun to give me a chance to figure out just how much of my life these books have consumed :biggrin:


Started reading the series in '98 or so and read all 8 books then published.


Winter's Heart came out and I reread all 8 books along with WH.


Then CoT came out and I reread all 9 books and CoT.


Then KoD came out and I reread all 10 books and KoD.


Then TGS came out, and I was so damn bored with the series, I procrastinated on my reread which had become a tradition and only got to LoC. Though at a certain point I skipped ahead and reread KoD since I had only read it once, 4 years prior to TGS and really needed a refresher.


I had actually planned on skipping my reread altogether since ToM is coming out so close to TGS. Was going to take some time off WoT, read ToM, then really savor the final reread before AMoL. But I started visiting this site again just a little too early, and it got me way too pysched for ToM so I figured I might as well reread 7-12 this year since I read 1-6 last year. Currently only on book 7, so I may come up short again!


So for those keeping score....


1-7: 5

PoD: 4

WH: 3

CoT: 2

KoD: 2

TGS: 1


And likely add one on to 8-12 very soon.


Nowhere near as hardcore as the rest of you guys.

(1) Reread once at the Path of Daggers point, i.e. Eye of the World to Crown of Swords.

(2) Have yet to read some of the Elayne chapters from WH or CoT (and perhaps won't ever bother doing so).

(3) Intend to do a full series reread before AMoL comes out, though whether I actually do is up in the air.


Call me crazy but...a lot. I first read EofW about 4 years ago, purchasing the GH right after. After that though, I waited several months to read TDR, TSR, FoH, and LoC so I re-read EotW and GH before reading books 2-6. I did tha same thing when I bought books 7-10. Then I re-read the whole thing 3 times before getting KoD when I re-read them a fourth time. Finally, I read books 1-11 again for no reason, and then again before TGS. Now I'm in the middle of FoH again in preparation for ToM. So, not counting the current re-read, the count would be:

1-2: 9

3-6: 8

7-10: 7

11: 3

12: 1


I know, I am sad. :)

That's okay, the friend I lent the series to read #1-10 three times in succession. As in, he put down book 10 only to pick up book 1. At least I'm not that crazy!!


1. Read through book 8 but stopped paying attention around book 5. School started.

2. Read through book 5

3. Read through all of them for TGS. Finished KOD in October, bought TGS in January and read it.

4. I plan to read through the entire series again for AMOL


Probably upwards of thirty these days. I did a full re-read about two months ago for ToM, and I'm doing a Moiraine Read (reading all the scenes with Moiraine) at the moment.


I don't even know anymore. A lot? I am a speed reader, and can read one of them in about 8 hours, so I go through them fairly quickly. The size of each book was one of the things that initially drew me to the series because I go through books so fast. Whatever anyone tells you, speed reading sucks when reading for entertainment. It is way too expensive to buy books.


I'm doing my third re-read of the series right now (first read EotW in 1992). I did my first re-read waiting for ACOS to come out, then did a second re-read of the series in 2007 (through KoD), and doing my third re-read now. I'm enjoying this re-read, I've found more appreciation for ACOS, TPoD and KoD.


hmmmm this is tough, never really kept track


probably read the whole series about 4 or 5 times


but the amount of times i will pick up a book and read my favourite parts, or read the series but only read one characters point of view far exceeds that.


Just finished Dragon Reborn on 5th or 6th read through. I like the series more each time I read through it. It's going to be a say day when this series ends.


I started reading WoT after WH was released in paperback, and I re-read the series once before each new book, so counting my current read-through (im on tGS), my count is...


EotW - 5

tGH - 5

tDR - 5

SR - 5

FoH - 5

LoC - 5

ACoS - 5

PoD - 5

WH - 5

CoT - 4

KoD - 3

tGS - 2


I'm at my first reread, but only reading tGH now, so over all I've read them once. But I only started reading The Wheel of Time series two years ago.


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