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Found A Copy of Towers of Midnight Early?


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*walks in sadly* so apparently its agaisnt the book law in MS to sell a book before the release date and the store will get fined for it.


went to B&N yesturday and this is how the convo went


me: Excuse me ma'am, i have a wierd question for you.

clerk: um okay, how can i help you?


*looks and sees a copy of CoT and grabs it; shows it to the clerk*

me: *hopeful* This series has a new book comming out on Nov. 2nd; and some bookstores have been able to sell a copy early. I was wondering if you had any in the back?

clerk: sure, let me check


*clerk types on computer and i cross my fingers*

clerk: yep, we sure do have that book in the back, but sorry can't sell it until Tuesday.


*hopeful smile turns into a sad frown like a kid with a toy just snatched from their hands*


me: but...

clerk: *sympathetic smile* sorry.


*i walk out of the store dejectedly with my head hanging*


i mean why tell me you have it in the back!! thats just PURE TORTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


so moral of the story, don't try the main national branches.



i'm trying walmart today. walmart is evil, so maybe they will sell me a copy.


You know what this means, don't you?


/goes off to get ninja outfit


got it yesterday in WA ST. @ local bookstore....had to do the puppy dogg eyes thang a lil but worth it..


So that's what you have to do? I tried naked bribery during the course of my lunch break in midtown Manhattan. Sadly only giant Barnes & Noble / Borders around here, so the kid behind the counter at both places told me he'd lose his job due to their blasted automated sales system....


Any other NYC people facing this much frustration?


Any one found one in Louisville lexington Cincinnati area? I hate it when the book releases on a week day read way of kings for 3 late nights and had a crappy week @office can't do that with TOM will read through the whole night and will miss office trying to get one before weekend so that I dont get into trouble @work :(


No luck at Walmart or Target in St. Louis. Is it sad that I took next Wednesday off just so I could read (finish) it and yet im still hunting for it on my lunchbreaks? Maybe not getting beaten by Silviana sad, but more like Aram dying sad? Waaaay OT, but I mourn that little cuss less with every re-read. Put the sword back down and go play with the tree huggers. I saw you muggin Egwene at the club the other night son, and I aint fo'gottun.

Guest ArtVandelay

If anyone has found one in the Toronto area, please let me know...am dying to read this book!!


If anyone has found one in the Toronto area, please let me know...am dying to read this book!!


Me too. Chapters Indigo is not our friend. They have their copies all across the country but must keep them in the back. I don't even think they are allowed to unpack them until Nov 2nd. :sad:

Guest Blue Heron

Anyone found a store in The Netherlands who has them already out?


Borders in NYC told me they had one, would put it aside for me. When I got there they sadly informed me they could not sell it, the guy who told me they can was new there, in the end I got $20 gift card to use for the store for my waste of time. Still looking in NYC hopefully today, there is a small store near me and they have not gotten theirs in yet as of tuesday.


Just a fyi for readers in Japan. Amazon.co.jp has had the book in stock for a week now and have been shipping them. I got mine 2 days ago.

Guest Guest_WOT_JAPAN

Just a fyi for readers in Japan. Amazon.co.jp has had the book in stock for a week now and have been shipping them. I got mine 2 days ago.


Ugh, sorry folks, I just checked Amazon today again to confirm. It seems like they are sold out of their stock. It now says "You may preorder this item"...Just 2 days ago, it still said "This item is in stock." Sorry to get anyone's hopes up. Either there are more WoT fans in Japan than I thought or people from overseas were buying them up.


Anyone from Ireland find a copy? I know Dubray books in Kilkenny have it and loads if them apparently and the man won't sell early but he is willing to sell at 9 am on Tuesday, bless him.

Why didn't he just say no don't have it? Teasing fecker!


Anyone from Ireland find a copy? I know Dubray books in Kilkenny have it and loads if them apparently and the man won't sell early but he is willing to sell at 9 am on Tuesday, bless him.

Why didn't he just say no don't have it? Teasing fecker!


There you are. Couldn't pm you back... I'm debating a trip into town Saturday, but would be mighty cross if I didn't get it then. Think I might stick to the spoiler free boards for now, (eyes scalded on one ill-advised nosy on spoiler board), then free for all Tues night. You read fast? Cos I read sooper fast. So there.


Borders in NYC...



For people in the NYC area:

Someone on Theoryland said they found some at Port Authority Hudson News and another person confirmed this but said to go to the book corner on the second floor. Good luck!


Anyone find a store selling them around Atlanta?

Check out this thread at Theoryland. Someone in Atlanta seems to have found a store.



*walks in sadly* so apparently its agaisnt the book law in MS to sell a book before the release date and the store will get fined for it.


went to B&N yesturday and this is how the convo went


me: Excuse me ma'am, i have a wierd question for you.

clerk: um okay, how can i help you?


*looks and sees a copy of CoT and grabs it; shows it to the clerk*

me: *hopeful* This series has a new book comming out on Nov. 2nd; and some bookstores have been able to sell a copy early. I was wondering if you had any in the back?

clerk: sure, let me check


*clerk types on computer and i cross my fingers*

clerk: yep, we sure do have that book in the back, but sorry can't sell it until Tuesday.


*hopeful smile turns into a sad frown like a kid with a toy just snatched from their hands*


me: but...

clerk: *sympathetic smile* sorry.


*i walk out of the store dejectedly with my head hanging*


i mean why tell me you have it in the back!! thats just PURE TORTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


so moral of the story, don't try the main national branches.



i'm trying walmart today. walmart is evil, so maybe they will sell me a copy.



If you're talking about the B&N in the Renaissance shopping area then we must live really close to each other. I was also turned away by them. Without implicating any particular bookstore, let me just advise that a trip to your local Books-a-Million could be... rewarding. ; )


(Also, try calling ahead.)


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