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Chapter 1 "Apples First"


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About the suggestions Demmy may be in charge of Seandar-- I sincerely doubt it. Demandred states that his "rule is secure", and with the chaos ripping the land in Seanchan, even someone sitting the Crystal Throne there would have serious problems to deal with (if they managed to actually hold it instead of being assassinated, that is). That does not fit the bill of a "secure rule", so I think any thoughts of Demmy over there are right out. I think he's up in the Blight, myself.


Before I read this thread.


I read the chapter in Ernest, I thought about 1/4 way through they must see the new growth, or see the clouds break or something. When i finished I just felt a smile come over my face. A delighted smile. It was freaking awesome chapter and exactly what I've been looking forward too.

"...The area’s been hunted clean, if you were hoping to find some game. There’s nothing back there of use.”


“I wouldn’t say that,” the stranger said, glancing over his shoulder. “There are always things of use around, if you look closely enough. You can’t stare at them too long. To learn but not be overwhelmed, that is the balance.


Almen folded his arms. The man’s words . . . it seemed they were having two different conversations.


What's Rand talking about there? You can't stare at things of use too long or you get overwhelmed? Is he trying to say that he made himself too hard by focusing only on the destruction he needed to cause, so he lost the balance with creation/preservation?


I thought the narrative was a little off in the first couple paragraphs, but that's probably just BS's different writing style. But I personally didn't like the wind starting all the way in Seanchan and in a couple sentences coming all the way across the ocean and the whole of randland to Dragonmount. Seemed a little abrupt and contrived, just an excuse to describe the towers in Seanchan. Other than that I thought it was great. I'm wondering what kind of knowledge is in Rand's head now after his revelations on Dragonmount. He seemed a little...I don't know, zen Buddha/prophet/jedi. "my presence should hold him off for a time" ? what does he know? or what is he doing? Is he going to remember stuff from the AoL now, or other ages? very interesting.

By the way, Rand still needs to go more blind as part of the prophecy...


I'm pretty sure the blindness was metaphorical and not literal. It seemed to make that clear at the end of tGS, with the prophecy talking about the blind man standing on his grave weeping, and so on. I doubt he's going to go 'more blind' myself.


Moridin's fisher king had a bandage wrapped around his eyes and a hand held to one side clutching a wound.


I understand what you are saying, but I think we may be in for additional beatings on Rand's physical body.


Also, the aura has to do with Rand's innate powers IMHO. The powers he is showing in this first chapter are very similar to the powers of the Nym (i.e. Green Man), except seemingly much stronger. The prophecies speak of Rand's power over the land; we've seen lots of examples of how Rand battling has resulted in benefits for the land. I think this is a new physical manifestation and relates to his personal well-being, perhaps accelerated by use of the T.P. but not initiated by it. Else I don't think it would have changed with his mental transformation.


This is getting interesting to me. Here's what I'm assessing this as:


1. We know he is the creator's champion

2. The creator gives him the greatest ability to access Saidin known (so far at least)

3. The creator or the Pattern assign him ta'ver'en properties stronger than any other known ta'ver'en

4. He is now given certain powers over the land/his surroundings....similar to the powers given by Chora Tress (see Bunt's hip and general feeling) and Nym (see apples growing in moments to full ripeness, and ability to put off the dark one's touch like the Green Man's oak tree).


Pretty damn cool :)


"...The area’s been hunted clean, if you were hoping to find some game. There’s nothing back there of use.”


“I wouldn’t say that,” the stranger said, glancing over his shoulder. “There are always things of use around, if you look closely enough. You can’t stare at them too long. To learn but not be overwhelmed, that is the balance.


Almen folded his arms. The man’s words . . . it seemed they were having two different conversations.


What's Rand talking about there? You can't stare at things of use too long or you get overwhelmed? Is he trying to say that he made himself too hard by focusing only on the destruction he needed to cause, so he lost the balance with creation/preservation?


I took this as looking back at his focus on how the prophecies demanded his death, or how his sacrificing/killing of innocents was useful and needed but killing him....these things were overwhelming him, even though they may be needed. He focused on the things he found useful to the detriment of other options or how they fit into the grander scheme.


So... Is Demandred the murderer ruling in Seandar?

I'm assuming the "murderer" is who they think killed the ruling party, but it was just Semi.


If she could pretend to be Tuon in Randland, she could pretend to be someone else in Seandar.

Semirhage may well have used Mask of Mirrors, and done her hatchet job in Seandar, while impersonating somebody.


Darn. I know it's wrong, but I was hoping they'd see Orbit put out chapter one and would put out chapter two, or something. :)


I think the apples that Rand grew on the trees were Honey Crisps, because they are the best and he wouldn't wouldn't want the second rate Red Delicious apples.


Him going to the Tower is just like from his dream in tEoTW (where fade is waiting for him in the tower itself). It would be cool if he actually walks through the streets of Tar Valon and people (all of them) follow him all the way to the tower grounds. :biggrin:


One thing that I thought was neat, was how Almen was talking about giving up...and how the mere appearance of Rand improved his morale and brought back his resolve. It wasn't just the apples reblooming.


Its so awesome to be able to read Rand as good again, the last few books were just depressing to read his POV. I'm happy that he can start becoming one of my favorite characters to read again. :)


I. Can. Not. Wait. For. This. Book!!!!


This chapter was so awesome!!! Rand has truly, finally come into his own as the Creator's Champion. I cannot wait to see what else he has in store for us.


Him going to the Tower is just like from his dream in tEoTW (where fade is waiting for him in the tower itself). It would be cool if he actually walks through the streets of Tar Valon and people (all of them) follow him all the way to the tower grounds. :biggrin:

I got the feeling that's whats going to happen, all the people he passes will follow him on his "pilgrimage" to the WT. When he get there he'll point to Egwene and say, "You're full of sh!t."


Him going to the Tower is just like from his dream in tEoTW (where fade is waiting for him in the tower itself). It would be cool if he actually walks through the streets of Tar Valon and people (all of them) follow him all the way to the tower grounds. :biggrin:

I got the feeling that's whats going to happen, all the people he passes will follow him on his "pilgrimage" to the WT. When he get there he'll point to Egwene and say, "You're full of sh!t."

If only. it is time for AS to finally realize that he is the creator's champion, and not them. it would be cool if his meeting with Egwene was public (in front of all the people) and when she tries bulling him or something the crowd gets really upset. it's time for people to follow the man who is destined to die for them and save them and not through some proxy/middleman.


I have said this before, and I will say it again: Some key component of this book will take place at The Towers of Midnightin Imfaral.


"The Fields of Peace were aflame, the Tower of Ravens was broken as prophesied and a murderer openly ruled in Seandar."


This sentence was not a throw away phrase, tossed in to set up conflict that would be the basis of the likey never published "Seanchan Sequels". This sentence a disclosed something which will be important in ToM and AML.


Who is "openly ruling in Seandar" I do not know. But I have the "foretelling" that Fortuna will see those "Blood Red sails" before this is done.


Rand doesn't know Egwene's taken the Tower back... I'm guessing he'll figure that out pretty fast when he approaches Tar Valon and realizes the siege he heard about is gone. Regarding the Amyrlin's anger, I think Rand's going to explain his theory about uniting with the Seanchan for the Last Battle. Egwene's not going to like that very much, especially after the Seanchan raid on the White Tower.


... ... ...


Egwene looked at the man she once thought she would marry. Why had a mob of people followed him from the gates? Do they understand who he is? Of course, the Dragon Reborn might not even have anything to do with it. The inexplicable breaking of the clouds above the White Tower that occurred moments earlier may have drawn them.


"I am glad you have finally come to the White Tower, Rand", Egwene said awkwardly. After all this time, she felt Rand was almost a stranger to her.


Rand heard her words, and nodded. "Nothing ever turns out as I expect. It is good to see that you have risen so far. We have much to discuss, Egwene."




Rand seemed to grimace slightly as he began speaking. "The Seanchan... I have been fighting them for a year, and nearly closed my fist and crushed them. Yet I am now convinced that war is not a path to victory. The Last Battle approaches. We must find a way to make allies out of these invaders against our common foe"


Egwene couldn't believe the words leaving Rand's mouth as she instinctively clutched her rod sa'angreal. Was Rand insane? He would unite with an Empire dedicated to slavery and imprisonment? As hard as she tried to remain calm during this important reunion, she could not hold onto her anger.


"They are as evil as the Shadow itself! The Seanchan are a threat to freedom itself. I will not ally with those monsters, and you are a traitor for even considering it."


Him going to the Tower is just like from his dream in tEoTW (where fade is waiting for him in the tower itself). It would be cool if he actually walks through the streets of Tar Valon and people (all of them) follow him all the way to the tower grounds. :biggrin:

I got the feeling that's whats going to happen, all the people he passes will follow him on his "pilgrimage" to the WT. When he get there he'll point to Egwene and say, "You're full of sh!t."

If only. it is time for AS to finally realize that he is the creator's champion, and not them. it would be cool if his meeting with Egwene was public (in front of all the people) and when she tries bulling him or something the crowd gets really upset. it's time for people to follow the man who is destined to die for them and save them and not through some proxy/middleman.

I think word of Rand approaching with the masses in his wake will reach Egwene before Rand does. So she goes to meet him instead of him bringing the rabble into the Tower.


Aww Sentinel that part with "she instinctively clutched her rod sa'angreal" made me laugh out loud.


If I were her I wouldn't give that thing up! She knows Mesaana's skulking around somewhere.


Something I posted on Theoryland, but I want to hear your thoughts:


"Almen thought— for a moment— he could see something around the man. A lightness to the air, warped and bent."

It's similarity to the Dark aura, and Rands uber-good ta'veren effect makes me wonder if one of the consequences of using the TP Brandon mentioned is that it somehow makes a ta'veren more ta'veren...


Nothing very complicated.....

Rand's ta'veren powers are the same as before - remember how he scared Cadsuane with the whole ta`veren killing power of his - and after his revelation his dark aura now became a light aura.

His aura probably is a reflection of this ta`veren, but not cause. TP has nothing to do with it.

Even Cadsuane thinks that that isn't how ta'veren should work. everything we'd seen until that point says that that isn't how ta'veren work. No other ta'veren has an aura. The logical cause is that the TP has reacted with his ta'veren-ness (Brandon did say that there would be consequences... I hold that this is one of them).


Cadsuane really has no idea how ta'veren really works. No one does. It's just thousands of years of accumulated guesswork based on the effect the few ta'veren had over the years. I think no one in Randland has ever thought that the state of the heart of the ta'veren is what determines the effect he or she has on the pattern. Rand obviously consciously altered the pattern to make those apples grow, which I believe makes it the second time since that coin toss in Rhuidean. And that makes it likely that he could have willed Cadsuane to die.


As for that aura, I have to disagree. Whenever there were people sensitive to ta'veren, Gitara, the Ogier in Stedding Tsofu, Nicola, Siuan they have described the ta'veren as shining brightly. Rand is the strongest ta'veren there is and after his epiphany whith him consciously using it, it is stronger than ever. Apparently it has become so strong that it can now be seen by those who aren't as sensitive.


Theory up ahead:

I wonder if there's a way to amplify his ta'veren-ness. Cause I think that will be the weapon Rand is going to use to defeat the DO. Perhaps that's how that line about the three and Callandor is to be understood. Rand being linked to Mat and Perrin and Callandor becoming some sort of super ta'veren who can just will the bore to be closed.

We know through Min that using the OP brings the pattern closer, the evidence is that she gets more viewings from channelers especially when they hold the OP. Also in favor of that thought would be that talent mentioned in the Guide, but never seen in the actual story IIRC, of duplicating the effects of a ta'veren.


As for why Callandor, well it would explain a couple of mysteries about that sword.

- How Rand managed to cut through a beam of balefire with it. Afterall it's not made out of heartstone and even if it was it shouldn't have split balefire in two as if it was a jet of water.

- Why when Rand used it against the Seanchan he ended up killing so many of his own men. There was an explanation of it lacking a buffer which would have prevented the amplification of saidin's wildness. But I've been wondering how Cadsuane would know that since later on she showed a clear lack of understanding of saidin's nature. Callandor amplifying the volatility of Rand's taveren nature would make more sense to me.


Well, that's as far as I got. Any obvious flaws in it?


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