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What are the most distinctive visuals for you all throughout the series?


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Hi there. First time posting, so you'll have to forgive me if this has been done before.


Anyhow, what I mean by that, is what moments in the series really jump out at you, so much so that the image of what you're reading is ingrained in your mind. Bleh, I wish I could articulate that better, but hopefully that's good enough.


As for a few my own;


-Rand and Mat's journey back across the Waste as they return from Rhuidean.


- Moiraine recovering after being knocked into the wagons and getting a severe flash of deja vu, as she sees Lanfear standing over Rand and the writhing Egwene and Aviendha. Robert Berry's "Song for Moiraine" further encapsulates this moment in my mind, despite not being overly fond of the rest of the soundtrack.


- Perrin and Aram walking down alone, side by side, towards Malden and the Shaido and just generally being BAMFs.


- I forget exactly whose POV we are seeing this from, but I've definitely a fairly clear image of Egwene glowing like a beacon of light and just going to town on the Seanchan.


- And of course, Veins of Gold. Once again, Robert Berry's "Fanfare for the Dragon Reborn" fits the moment quite well.


The scene where Aiel and Nym (sp?) and Ogier are all TreeSinging (through Rand's eyes in Rhuidean).  That scene is so epic to me.  Gives me goosebumps just thinking about it.


Also, the first time Rand sees the Myrdrraal at the beginning of tEotW.


And Dumai's Wells when Aiel are exploding.


the story of manetheren.

just imagining the hordes of shadowspawn throwing themselves at a line of desparate defenders who fighting incredible odds, finally beign pushed across the river and destroyign the bridges for a chance at respite


the sounding the evacuation alarm, but instead of fleeing the people love the land so much taht they march to the battle fronts knowing its sure death.


knowing the bitter taste of betrayal, and the final daunting defeat in emonds field, where surrounded the defenders did their work building a wall of the dead around them but still trollocs clambered over to strike and at long last they where defeated, and a Queen felt the loss of her husband and in a destitute cry she drew too deeply upon the source and lashed out at the celebrating armies. And seeing their leaders burst into flames the successful army fled in terror drowning in their retreat, and the vengeful allies of manetheren chased down and destroyed the survivors. Just epic


Visually ...


... when Rand screams "RAHVIN" and goes hogwild with the balefire at the end of TFoH ... maybe his last bit of good clean rage


... Mat trouncing Galad and Gawyn in the Tower's training yard ... I can see every move of that fight


... the destruction of the Sharom in black fire ... Rand's Rhuidean flashbacks provide a number of good visuals, actually


... but I have this image of the look on Lanfear's face as Moiraine lowers the boom on her ... priceless


The Heroes of the Horn riding out of the mist with the three Ta'veren leading the charge.


Using the Bowl of the Winds (if you can see Saidar I suppose)


Two Rivers women helping the men hold the line in the battle of Emond's Field, until help came from the neighboring towns.


The look on Asmodean's face when Mat and Lan are discussing the upcoming battle of Cairhien and they look up, realizing the music has stopped.


The reactions of the people in the presence of Mat and Tuon when they gave their wedding vows... including "Cauthon looked like a man watching an arrow fly toward his face, knowing he had no chance to dodge."


This is a SuperDuper Topic. I have SO MANY, lol. Alot of mine others mentioned. Here:



1 Rand looking down on Lan's face hanging below him and Lan (King of Studs) is all like ''Let go.'' ... And Rand is all like: ''When The Sun Turns Green.''



2 Nynaeve and Rand sitting across from each other in The Cleansing.



3 Verin ''sleeping'' on Egwene's bed :(



4 Elder Haman and Loial grabbing axes and tearing off down hallways to kick some Trolloc A$$ .... (''Up axes and clear the fields!!! Trollocs coming! Up axes!!!'')


Still get chills.



5 Mat spinning that Medallion around in a circle and advancing on that gholam after seeing Elayne laying on the floor and realizing that shes still alive... ''You can't have her. You can't bloody have her.''



6 Berelain and Faile ''smiling'' at each other in The Stone of Tear so hard that Perrin got the shivers, LOL!!!!



7 Mat, as he sits there, astride Pips, arrows coming close enough to rip his coat, as he watches the slaughter take place right in front of him in KOD.



8 Rand, so claustraphobic...in The Box...and I can just imagine him so clearly in my mind when those Red Ajah Kidnapper Folks would drag him out to administer The Beatings...



9 When Mat is all Dagger-Sick in Book 1 and he tries to stab Moiriaine and all of a sudden Lan is like just there (he's been across the room the moment before chilling) and hes all holding Mat's wrist and Mat can't move his hand an inch, lol. ... YAY Lan!



10 Last, heres one of my alltime faves. ROFL every single time I read it. From FOH: ... Rand's attention was called back to a subtle shuffling of feet as he tried to sneak out of the tent...Then Rand screams at EVRYONE to get out of his tent and Mat practically BOLTS for the door - then realizes hes the only one thathad moved, LOL!!! .................................... I can just see Mat now, LOL!!!





Copy + Paste all the previously mentioned scenes into this post. There are too many great ones.


  • Nynaeve deflecting Aginor's lightning
  • Egwene's second Accepted test
  • The Trolloc line that tried to capture them all in tEotW
  • Narishma returning with Callandor in the pouring rain
  • Moghedian's face when Egwene reveals Traveling
  • Mat removing his knives in front of Rhuidean
  • Lan arriving in Salidar
  • Narishma sparring with Lan


The scene where Aiel and Nym (sp?) and Ogier are all TreeSinging (through Rand's eyes in Rhuidean).  That scene is so epic to me.  Gives me goosebumps just thinking about it.


Also, the first time Rand sees the Myrdrraal at the beginning of tEotW.


And Dumai's Wells when Aiel are exploding.


Dumais Wells, all of it, not just exploding aiel


The Heroes of the Horn vs Seanchan


When Rand tries (and fails) to bring that dead girl back to life after the Trolloc attack, than lashes out


And how Tar Valon is described


Thought of a Couple More :)



1 Cadsusane using her Well to steal that one ladie's crown and float it around in the air in WH after they kidnapped Rand that time in Far Madding.



2 Book 1: I can sooooooooooooooo see The Goblet falling out of Mat's hand and crashing to the ground when Mat realizes that Mordeth doesn't have a shadow, lol.







8 Rand, so claustraphobic...in The Box...and I can just imagine him so clearly in my mind when those Red Ajah Kidnapper Folks would drag him out to administer The Beatings...


Or when he breaks out, the Box utterly explodes, loud enough for most to hear on the battlefield, and then he starts reaching out crushing the knots of the Aes Sedail holding the shield and severing anyone else in his line of sight.  I think he was a "little" pi$$ed off. 


Anyhow, what I mean by that, is what moments in the series really jump out at you, so much so that the image of what you're reading is ingrained in your mind. Bleh, I wish I could articulate that better, but hopefully that's good enough.


You have to love the irony of someone actually able to properly use the word 'articulate' having difficulty articulating something.


Nynaeve, after Lan fishes her out of the bay, after spewing up her lunch, all drowned rat like, when she realises it's Lan's voice she's hearing.

Mat, after fishing Thom out of his drink in Caemlyn, sucking the last bit of meat off his second chicken, and Thom asking did he put them in his pocket.


Funny enough, Perrin breaking down with Faile, after discovering his family's murder.


Rand covered in blood, in a trashed Stone room, after having to battle all the little 'himselves' in the bubble of evil.


New Spring - the Aiel shouting 'Aan'Allein' at Lan and turning on their heels.


Copy + Paste all the previously mentioned scenes into this post. There are too many great ones.


  • Nynaeve deflecting Aginor's lightning
  • Egwene's second Accepted test
  • The Trolloc line that tried to capture them all in tEotW
  • Narishma returning with Callandor in the pouring rain
  • Moghedian's face when Egwene reveals Traveling
  • Mat removing his knives in front of Rhuidean
  • Lan arriving in Salidar
  • Narishma sparring with Lan

what book did Narishma spar with Lan in? I don't remember that part.


Also, Rand un-hanging Mat.


Copy + Paste all the previously mentioned scenes into this post. There are too many great ones.


  • Nynaeve deflecting Aginor's lightning
  • Egwene's second Accepted test
  • The Trolloc line that tried to capture them all in tEotW
  • Narishma returning with Callandor in the pouring rain
  • Moghedian's face when Egwene reveals Traveling
  • Mat removing his knives in front of Rhuidean
  • Lan arriving in Salidar
  • Narishma sparring with Lan

what book did Narishma spar with Lan in? I don't remember that part.


Also, Rand un-hanging Mat.

You may remember the scene as the one where Merise took Narishma's Asha'man pin from him. It's CoT chapter 23. A small detail, but a fun one to visualize. (I like Jahar)


Copy + Paste all the previously mentioned scenes into this post. There are too many great ones.


  • Nynaeve deflecting Aginor's lightning
  • Egwene's second Accepted test
  • The Trolloc line that tried to capture them all in tEotW
  • Narishma returning with Callandor in the pouring rain
  • Moghedian's face when Egwene reveals Traveling
  • Mat removing his knives in front of Rhuidean
  • Lan arriving in Salidar
  • Narishma sparring with Lan

what book did Narishma spar with Lan in? I don't remember that part.


Also, Rand un-hanging Mat.

You may remember the scene as the one where Merise took Narishma's Asha'man pin from him. It's CoT chapter 23. A small detail, but a fun one to visualize. (I like Jahar)



I like him too. I mean, he is one of the few TRULY trustworthy people that Rand has, too many of the rest are working for their own goals. Even Faile is trying to get Perring to worry about himself first, instead of, you know, THE ENTIRE WORLD.


Nynaeve and Rand sitting crosslegged facing eachother at the cleansing. The Mydraal getting shocked at Mat shouting the Manetheren chant in tEotW, sword frozen, then Lan is on top of it. Thom charging at the Fade in whitebridge and blue flashes. The dead little girl in the Stone of Tear, Rand trying to resurect her. Mat fighting the gholum, catching the knife in midair, swinging the medalion and slowly moving forward. Nynaeve standing over Weilin Aldragoran as he looks at first her jewelery, her AS ring, her ki'sain(red dot). Trollocs gettin scared and trying to run away from perrin in tGH, then the fade jumping down from the roof in slow motion. Rand holding Lans hand on the roof top in WH, lan sais let me go, rands like f*#k that. So many, thats the pro of RJs ultra descriptive stlye, you can visualise so many moments


The rolling ring of earth and fire in Dumai's wells has got to be the most visual scene in the series--the weaves darting through bloody mist. Wow.


The rolling ring of earth and fire in Dumai's wells has got to be the most visual scene in the series--the weaves darting through bloody mist. Wow.


Ace call Luck, that one jumped out at me on the first read and I have gone back to it many times over the years...


for me it would have to be every time that rand or one of the others embrace sadin or sadir how ever they are spelled. the way r j goes into detail about how they can see every blade of grass or the dew drops everything just comeing into great clarity. kind of reminds me of doing lsd lol


Rand smiling when being beaten.


LoC: The Feast of Lights;


They thought they could break him. They thought they could make him crawl to Elaida! he made himself do the hardest thing he had ever done in his life. He smiled. Certainly it touched nothing but his lips, yet he looked Erian in the eye, and he smiled. Her eyes widened and she hissed. The scourges began to come from everywhere at once.


Some other one's not mentioned:


  • He who comes with the dawn.  When Amys says "fool man, all the signs." and is nevertheless shocked to see the second dragon
  • Rand facing Baalzamon in TGH.  He raises the sword to sheath it and declares "I've never bowed to you.  I know it.  Come, it is time to die."
  • Rand in Ebou Dar when he is about the annihilate the Seanchan.  Powerful little scene.
  • Egwene taking control of Lan in CoS.  He's being worked and all the warders are in fear and awe.  But Egwene calmly walks up to him and he stops the sword just inches from her face
  • Birgitte crying into Elayne's arms after she realizes what Moghedian had done to her link with Gaidal
  • Rand in ecstasy and agony, raging with the true power all through his veins, as he faces semirhage.  I imagine he looked absolutely terrifying.


Rahvins death from Nynaeves PoV, where she makes the corridor into one massive flame and then as Rahvin turns around, face and eyes melting and yet he still moves, turns to Nynaeve, and then Rands balefire obliterates him. My favorite Forsaken death.


At the docks, where Lanfear sends Moiraine flying and it then cuts to Moiraines PoV, where she climbs onto the cart, stood near the redstone doorframe, Lanfear in front of her, blazing like the sun with the glow of saidar, pain thundering through Rand as he laughs while tears roll down his face.


Also, the time in TGS when (was it Min or Cadsuane?) who noted they could see a dark halo around Rand, but only out of the corner of the eye, not when looking directly at him.


ah what a great topic! I have so many I want to list I couldn't possibly think of them all.

In no particular order,

  • Moiraine and Lanfear falling through the doorway
  • Rand Calling down lightning on Illian
  • Rand exploding out of the box at dumai's wells
  • Mat and rand coming out of Rhuidean
  • the cleansing of the source
  • The dream that moridin and Rand shared. His fortress was pretty freaky looking and I could vividly imagine the clouds made of screaming souls and the stones of the castle burning from within and the rats inside trying to escape the heat. freaky stuff man.
  • When Rand chases Asmodean into Rhuidean and he has to duck underneath the razor thin flows of air that would have diced him before he even knew it.
  • Elayne and Avhienda performing the ritual to become first sisters
  • When Semirhage goes to Shayol Gul and talks with the DO. The description of the sky above was intense.
  • Rand experiencing his other lives in the portal stones
  • Mashadar.
  • Machin Shin trying to get out of the waygate
  • Rand Balefiring Graendal's castle Kamehameha style
  • Moiraine balefiring the dark hound right as mat got bitten
  • OH GOD I can't believe I haven't thought of this till just yet. in tGS when Mat is in that town where they want him to get out before dark and then right as the sun sets all the villagers turn into screaming zombies. Freak the hell out of me
  • The beginning of tGS with the farmer looking at the storm and he blinks and all the sudden there is a tornado descending upon him and the storm is right above him! Then he closes his eyes and screams and the storm is suddenly back off on the horizon. THAT would mess with my head.
  • Egwene and Silviana looking at the dragonmount at the end of tGS. It stands out to me so much because everyone thought it was a beautiful sight and believed it to be a sign... they had NO IDEA how close rand was to ending everything right there. He would have blown up the continent with that much power...


That's enough for me right now. haha. Hope I provided some good ones


I think one that hasn't been mentioned... KoD Ch19, "Vows"


When Rand / LTT unleashes the Deathgates & Arrows of Fire, consuming swathes of trollocs flowing toward the farmhouse. 


And later... at the end of the battle when LTT won't release the Power, wanting to join Ilyena in death, begins to draw more & more of the Power until Logain concernedly looks over at Rand... Cadsuane presses Min to tell her what is happening, and Rand <mennacingly> tells Cadsuane to "not threaten Min again". 


Powerfully awesome scene 




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