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What Parts Have Made You Get..THE MADDEST..at a Character in The Series So Far??

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Every time someone holds back on saying something and confusion and malcontent spreads because of it makes me really mad. Really. Mad.


Thats probably my biggest criticism of the whole series. Despite their ability to travel anywhere virtually instantly no one seems interested in talking to each other.


You always read about how "they wish they knew how so and so is doing" but apparently can't spare 5 minutes out of their busy schedule to find out.


Beyond annoying.

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The super-girls again when they miss treated Mat when he came to help them in salidar even though he did get some good shots in himself, they manipulated him and overused him.

No, she heard that Mat killed Couladin. As far as we know (And very likely, given everyone's failure to communicate) she never heard any credible claims of Mat's skill.


That's not true. After Cairhien was taken, the Band was getting very famous because they were battling all those White Lions guys, driving andorans from the Cairhien. The Band was very famous in the city and everyone knew who Mat was. Egwene should have known what Mat was doing all this time after the city was taken. She knew he was the general of the Band, she was present when Mat brought news about Morages "death" to Rand. So there is no excuses for her.

That's not true. After Cairhien was taken, the Band was getting very famous because they were battling all those White Lions guys, driving andorans from the Cairhien. The Band was very famous in the city and everyone knew who Mat was. Egwene should have known what Mat was doing all this time after the city was taken. She knew he was the general of the Band, she was present when Mat brought news about Morages "death" to Rand. So there is no excuses for her.

Exactly. She has 'heard' of Mat being a great general, but she has known him all her life as the trickster. None of the Wise Ones, Emond's Fielders, or anyone she actually trusts has directly mentioned Mat's skill around her. Moiraine came the closest, but she was toying with him at the time. Think of someone who is almost a good friend, but not quite responsible enough to be one. Now imagine them, at the age of 21, becoming Secretary of Defense. Ohh and throw in that part where he is the President's best friend. Seems fishy, yes? Even with three victories, the excuse that he is ta'veren or has two good under-generals (Moiraine did mention Talmanes and Nalesean) seems the only likely answer.


Once again, people need to remember that characters don't know everything the reader knows.


What about Nynaeve starting a war in Samara by pushing the Prophet and Galad into finding a boat, just coz she didnt like birgitte shooting arrows near her (okay, at her). She was never in any danger, and she was warned what both these people were like.


if you guys are going to quote my response, then at least post the entire thing, so this threads' readers know my 'opinion' as to why some people may dislike Nyn.


Thanks. and I still think Nynaeve is a bitch. and egwene. and elayne. but not min. and aviendha and most every woman in this series, quite frankly. does no one else notice this, or did i just miss it on the threads?


if you guys are going to quote my response, then at least post the entire thing, so this threads' readers know my 'opinion' as to why some people may dislike Nyn.


Thanks. and I still think Nynaeve is a bitch. and egwene. and elayne. but not min. and aviendha and most every woman in this series, quite frankly. does no one else notice this, or did i just miss it on the threads?

I'm also a believer in quoting the entire statement, if not the entire post. So, agreed, but he did get the gist of it.


I don't think 'notice' is the right word because you're stating an opinion. I have 'noticed' almost the exact opposite. I put Egwene, Nynaeve, and Aviendha on a completely different level than Min and Elayne, whom I cannot stand.  :-\


Opinions are very hard to change.  ;)


i think maybe i lumped Aviendha in there by mistake. she has her moments, but all in all, she's just trying to live by a code. and also fight a future she knows she cannot avoid. she's tied to rand plain and simple. where elayne and min fall into love with no problem. aviendha sees rand as a wetlander, and fights every ounce of her love for rand.


for some reason i find myself liking the Siuan and Moiraine characters. 



if you guys are going to quote my response, then at least post the entire thing, so this threads' readers know my 'opinion' as to why some people may dislike Nyn.


Thanks. and I still think Nynaeve is a bitch. and egwene. and elayne. but not min. and aviendha and most every woman in this series, quite frankly. does no one else notice this, or did i just miss it on the threads?

I'm also a believer in quoting the entire statement, if not the entire post. So, agreed, but he did get the gist of it.


I don't think 'notice' is the right word because you're stating an opinion. I have 'noticed' almost the exact opposite. I put Egwene, Nynaeve, and Aviendha on a completely different level than Min and Elayne, whom I cannot stand.  :-\


Opinions are very hard to change.  ;)


I really only have a problem with Elayne out of that bunch. Some of them may tick me off from time to time, but she is the only one I actively dislike.


In general, I get mad at people like Elaida and Whitecloaks who think they're helping the Light but make life so much harder. Seanchan occasionally fall into this group as well.


As for good characters I dislike, the list is basically Faile and Egwene. I'm back and forth on Min... I mean, I don't like her, I just feel like the way she is with Rand... I don't know. She's helped him in some ways, but I feel like she is unnecessarily hurting him as well.


Egwene tGS, when she says something to the effect that she was a hero of the horn come back to smite the seanchan

Egwene tower arc, I know how rand felt, how rand needs to be controlled, etc etc



Elayne pissed me off for a little while about the rand andor thing, rands school being seized and made into morgases


Mat hatin on rand then avoiding him

That's not true. After Cairhien was taken, the Band was getting very famous because they were battling all those White Lions guys, driving andorans from the Cairhien. The Band was very famous in the city and everyone knew who Mat was. Egwene should have known what Mat was doing all this time after the city was taken. She knew he was the general of the Band, she was present when Mat brought news about Morages "death" to Rand. So there is no excuses for her.


I really dont like Egwene, but I do think your being a bit unfair. We all have a friend like Mat; the laidback, lazy smartass who seems like they will never amount to anything. Imagine if you were in Egwenes shoes and practically overnight they became a great general. And it was literally overnight; he went from wanting to run away one day to winning the battle and being in command the next. It would be immensely hard to look past knowing someone since birth and knowing who they were and then trying to see what they would become with such short notice.


Characters like Elayne and so forth are much more to blame, since she barely knows Mat anyway. She has no excuse. Egwene and Nynaeve on the other hand do.


People can change, but others perception of them never does.


1.  Berelain spreading rumors about sleeping with Perrin the night after Faile is taken and everybody's reaction to it. 


2.  The way Mat gets treated for helping free the girls in Tear. 


3.  Most of Nyn does until she gets hold of her temper.  Then she gets annoying with her reaction with anything Lan related until she sends him to off.  Basically everything Nyn related (but she's getting better)


4.  Aram turning on Perrin or maybe Perrin letting it happen.


5.  Alanna bonding Rand without permission - and then expecting something in return. 


6.  Gawyn's role in helping Elaida become Arymrylin. 


1.  Berelain spreading rumors about sleeping with Perrin the night after Faile is taken and everybody's reaction to it.   


Had completely forgotten that. Sooooo frustrating. He should have banished her then and there.



1.  Berelain spreading rumors about sleeping with Perrin the night after Faile is taken and everybody's reaction to it.   


Had completely forgotten that. Sooooo frustrating. He should have banished her then and there.


Really?? I don't remember Perrin trying to stop it either though..might've happened i need a re-read :P


@Tiinker: I just think Perrin realises how bad it looks, and can't see how to drive the rumour from people's minds.

Besides, who'd believe a little thing like Berelain taking advantage of a blacksmith?


@Tiinker: I just think Perrin realises how bad it looks, and can't see how to drive the rumour from people's minds.

Besides, who'd believe a little thing like Berelain taking advantage of a blacksmith?


If he had tried, it might just have made matters worse. As I suspect Berelain was quite aware!




By far, Faile.  Gawd, I despise that woman, especially after hitting/slapping/insulting Perrin over and over again in TSR.  In later volumes, she's a conniving manipulator.  There's one scene (I think TPOD), where Faile looks forward to a "splendid argument" with Perrin.  Evil woman, evil ways.


To be fair to Faile, make up sex is really good...

Good point.  Or, as they say in "War of the Roses":

"Have you ever had angry sex?"

"Is there any other way?"


Many things concerning the rise of Elaida & the stilling of Siuan

Aram turning on Perrin

The Berelain situation

Some of what Cadsuane has done/said

The treatment of Rand by various Aes Sedai, especially when he was captured

The treatment of low standing channelers, by various people

The treatment of damane, by various people


I think most that I can come up with have been mentioned.


I git irritated the way Min thinks she can protect Rand by twirlling some knives, knowing the things he has to face, she just becomes a hinderance to him as he will try to protect her.  She finally learned this lesson the hard way in TGS, but used to irritate me quite a bit.


Egwene's hypocrisy is probably one of my biggest pet peaves.  It is almost as if she believes she is ta'veren, herself, or at least much more important than the three actual ta'veren in the world.  In many instances she is shown to not be stupid, but in pretty much anything that deals with Mat and Rand, she is blind. 


I hate the way several of the female channelers strike out with air to hit or pinch others, usually Rand or Mat. It would be the same for physically striking someone, though usually there are other channelers around so they can hide a little in amiguity. 


I was kind of pissed at the Borderlanders for putting restrictions on meeting with Rand, then sending Hurin to tell him of the restrictions.


I was kind of irritated how the 3 supergirls Nyn, Egw, and Elane, pretty much ignored or forgot Moiraine mentioning that Mat blew the Horn of Valere at the end of TDR, unless it was an error when later Birgitte assumes they don't know and Mat also forgets they don't know, though he had already been healed at that point, so I don't think he was forgetting anything else then.


The others are:

Treatment of Mat at the Stone and Ebou Dar

Allana bonding Rand

anything Cadsuane except when Rand threatened to kill her and Tam stood up to her

anything Gawyn related that is not his death

Berelain persuing Perrin after he was married, and allowing the infidelity rumor to go on

having so many chapters devoted to Elayne retaking Andor

kind of wish Rand would only have one love interest and that would be Aviendha




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