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Prequels and Outriggers-should they be written???


Do you want the outriggers and prequel books written?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want the outriggers and prequel books written?

    • YES prequels, NO outriggers
    • NO prequels, NO outriggers
    • NO prequels, YES outriggers
    • YES prequels, YES outriggers

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Hey everyone  ;)


I was reading Brandon Sanderson's twitter today, and he mentioned to a fan that the prequels and outriggers were being shelved until after AMOL, and probably not going to be written (though this may change).


(For anyone a bit clueless, there were two more prequels planned, to form a "prequel triology" with New Spring. The second prequel would cover Tam's past, the third would follow Moirane and Lan, leading up to the Two Rivers. The outriggers were to be in Seanchan, with Tuon and Mat.)


What are everyone's thoughts on this? See the poll


We know that some (non-major) plotlines are to be left unresolved, because Robert Jordan planned to explore them in the outriggers. Possibly "the great battle done but the world not done with battle" would factor into this.


And we know Robert Jordan indeed definitely planned the outriggers (along with the two other prequels, of course).


Personally, I really feel we need the two other prequels, and really want the outriggers. Why?

Well, AMOL was completed because WOT (the main sequence) had to be completed-WOT was planned to be completed but tragically cut short.

However, clearly the prequel trilogy was very planned aswell-and most importantly, we ALREADY GOT New Spring, the first book in the prequel trilogy. In my eyes, not getting the other two prequels would be like another series not getting finished :/


However, I can see the other side of the coin-leave RJ's work alone, etc.


As for the outriggers, my opinion is much the same. They were planned to be written by RJ-he had specifically left plotlines to be unresolved in the WOT main sequence so he could explore them in the outriggers-so shouldn't they be written? I am less dedicated to this cause however, as the outriggers were not "started" in the same sense the prequel trilogy was, with New Spring. Still, I dearly want them, and in my opinion, if Team Jordan and Brandon were willing, they really should be written.


Naturally, Brandon would be the only one to write either prequels or outriggers. Or does anyone disagree with that?  :o  ???


Thoughts, opinions? Let's all share our 2 cents in this thread :)


I voted yes for both prequels and outriggers  :)


Yes, I'd love to see both prequels and outriggers. I don't think Brandon would particularly like to spend more time this, since he has his own books to write too, though I could be wrong.


I think if they took their time searching, they could find someone other than Brandon who could do them justice. Whether or not they want to, or have enough of RJ's notes to write those, I don't know.


I would like to see them both.


From what I understand there are enough in the notes to flesh out the prequles, but not so much for the outriggers.  Which means Brandon would have to come up with a lot of material on his own.


I dont think I would have a problem with that, so much.



I think it was said brandon would be the only one to write in that world, and i wouldn't want to see the door opened for anyone else to do it.  Not cause I think bs is that great (i do think he's an awesome writer, but that is not the reason I think that), just they should leave it only to what is necessary.


That's true, about Brandon having his own books to write. If it's worth noting, New Spring was a lot smaller than a standard WOT book and it stands to reason the other two prequels would be around the same size.


The Eye Of The World word count = 305,902

New Spring word count = 121,815

Elantris (stand-alone Brandon novel) = 202,765


Given that, and Brandon's work ethic, I think the prequels wouldn't be nearly as hard and time-consuming to write as TGS/TOM/AMOL.



I would love more stuff in the Wot Universe. I am one of those who just needs more and wants more. The Star Wars expanded universe for instance I find to be awesome. Some of the books themselves arent all that great because its different authors; however I love to have new information, to have the universe fleshed out some more. And its surprising how awesome some of the plot developments are later on when compared to even the movies.


Wouldnt mind something like that with WoT. but then again I am probably in the minority. A book that took place far in the future though and mentioned some of the "legend" from the third would be great.


I voted "No" on both.  I would love to see these books, but frankly I don't think it's fair to BWS to make him take more years out of his career to write in someone else's world.  And I don't want to see anyone else write them.  So...


Let's just leave it at that, and someday, when we meet RJ in the afterlife, we can ask him what was meant to happen.  Hopefully he won't say "RAFO."  ;D


I still totally against the outriggers and prequels being written.


First of all about the outrigger novels:


We know that some (non-major) plotlines are to be left unresolved, because Robert Jordan planned to explore them in the outriggers. Possibly "the great battle done but the world not done with battle" would factor into this.


As far as I am aware that is not correct. He seems to have gotten the idea for the Outrigger novels a year or so before he died. Before that the series would be finished with the last book and he didn't intend to write anything else. Even if some threads like 'the great battle done, but the world not done with battle'.


See the quote from RJ when he was in the Netherlands (2001)

Q: Could it be possible that it will never end?

Uhm, no, there is no possibility that it will never end. I will wrap up all of the major storylines, I will wrap up some of the minor storylines, other minor storylines will be left hanging, and I'm going to do worse than that. I am going to set a hook in the last scene of the last book, that will make some people don't believe what I say, think that I am setting up a sequel. What I am doing, what I will be doing, is trying to leave you with a view of a world that is still alive. One hope that some fantasies have is that when you reach the end of the book, or you reach the end of the trilogy, all the characters' problems are solved. All of the things that they have been doing are neatly tied of in a bow, all of their world's problems have been solved. And there's no juice left, there's no life left. you think 'I ought to set this world on a shelf and put a bell-jar on top of it, to keep the dust off.

When I finish the Wheel of Time, I want to do it in such a way that you will think it's still out there somewhere, people still doing things. This story has been concluded, this set of stories has been concluded, but they're still alive.


Q: mumble-mumble on the tape, but the answer should give you a general idea of the question.

No, I will not continue writing it, I will be going on to something else, and nobody else will continue writing it, because I have an automatic contract set up that if anyone tries to share-copy my world, their knee-caps will be brought to me. [laughter]


Also if you look at this quote from RJ that strongly suggest that he thought of the outrigger novels later and that this didn't influence the books before 'A memory of Light'.


For various folk, I will write the two additional prequel novels eventually, but I can’t say exactly when.  If the idea I have for the outrigger novels proves strong enough to actually do those, I’ll probably do them first if for no other reason than they would be more complex and thus, to me, more interesting.
(RJ, jan 2006)


Another reason not to write the outrigger novels and prequel novels is that there are way fewer notes on those than on the last book(s). RJ clearly wanted A Memory of Light done, but he never said anything about the prequels and outrigger novels. All the quotes we have is that RJ didn't feel that comfortable someone else writing the books.

and nobody else will continue writing it, because I have an automatic contract set up that if anyone tries to share-copy my world, their knee-caps will be brought to me


You are asking now that Brandon writes at least 5 more wot books. (if the outriggers are three books). that means Brandon would have written 8 wot books and RJ 12 books. That really feels like sharing the wot world.

If Brandon will write 8 wot books, than the chance is big that he will be remembered for Wot and not RJ. And emotionally to me that feels wrong. The wheel of time is Robert Jordan.


I will stop writing now, else i can go on forever:P






Woah, indepth post, that's awesome :) These are the sort of posts I wanted when I started this thread!


Concerning unresolved plotlines and the outriggers:


Hm. They're all good, strong quotes. The 2001 quote I don't think is as important now-so much changed-but I understand your point.


However, I recommend you go have a look at Brandon Sanderson's twitter. Right now my net is stuffing up and I can't get twitter open, but if you have a look (www.twitter.com/brandonsandrson Yes Sanderson is spelt wrong, it's meant to be) you'll see he mentions unresolved plotlines and outriggers. Unless my brain is melting and I've got it all wrong :p


Concerning the prequels:


What really gets me with the prequels is that he really intended to write them-he'd written the bloody first one! I understand, and to a degree, share your hesitation about the outrigger, but the prequel triology had already begun and was set in motion. That's really my case for the prequels being written-the first one is already published, RJ clearly intended to write the next two.


However, I think your strongest point is in that RJ, beyond a shadow of doubt, intended AMOL to be completed (obviously), but we lack that same conviction with the prequels and outriggers-it is my understanding they weren't mentioned in his final days, when he was preparing everything for AMOL.


I still support the prequels being written, but am less sure about the outriggers. It comes down to the notes. If there's extensive notes on the plot of the outriggers, I think they should be written. If the notes on them aren't extensive, I definitely think they shouldn't be. That's like asking Brandon to write Infinity Of Heaven. He'd have to make up plot for an RJ world, and I'm positive he wouldn't like that.


You can keep writing now, I'm sure we can go on forever ;)


I'll be more than happy if the information regarding Tam's storyline and Moiraine's first trip to the EOTW are briefly explained in the Encyclopaedia when it is released. 


After AMOL, I am ready to move on to Brandon's Stormlight Archive


Concerning the Outriggers


I can give a hundred quotes by RJ which already suggested long before he thought of the outriggers that he intended to leave some mysteries. So that is nothing new.


Q: How far in advance did you plan the later novels like LORD OF CHAOS and A CROWN OF SWORDS? Did you know the series would be this long when you started?

A: I did not know the series would be this long in the beginning. When I first went to my publisher, I told him, I know the beginning, and I know the ending, and I know what I want to happen in-between, but I'm not sure I know how long it will take me to get from the beginning to the end. Now, don't laugh, but I said to him, "It's going to be at least three or four books, and it might be as many as five or six."


Q: You've said before that you know where this series is going to end.

A: I've known the last scene of the last book for 15 years. I could have written it easily 15 years ago, and it would be only changes in the wording, not in what happens, from that to now.

Q: So will the male-female duality be resolved? Or is this a "read and find-out" question?

A: Read and find out. What I consider the major story lines will be resolved. There will be a number of minor story lines that will not be resolved, for the simple reason that there is no point to any real world where everything is resolved. That's always something that has irritated me about some novels--that you reach a point at the end of the book, and everyone's problems have now been solved, and all of the world's problems have been solved. I get the feeling I could put these characters and this world on a shelf and put a bell jar over them and go away. There's nothing left there alive.

That's the way it's going to be. I even intend to set a small hook in the last scene.

Comment: Wow... you're going to drive people crazy!

A: I know, I know. I've been thinking about getting some of those Groucho glasses with the mustache.


here will be a few more books, some, not a lot, hopefully fewer than seven more. He knows the final scene of the last book, all the major events he wants to have happen and who will live and who will die. When he starts a book, he decides which of these events he wants to try to do and then writes it so they happen. He will tie up all the major plot lines, but will leave a lot of the minor ones unresolved. He finds it too unrealistic for a series to end with all of life's problems solved. Expect the series to end with the major problems solved, but a lot of people will still have tumultuous lives ahead of them.


With the final scene in the final book (which he eloquently said did not have to be identical with Tarman Gai'don), all _major_ plotlines will be resolved, and most minor ones. Some minor plotlines would still be unresolved, as a way to let the world continue to live and breathe. The surviving characters would still have lives to go on with, even if more "boring" ones.


In the twitterquotes by Brandon you can also see the phrase 'I think'.



Q: @BrandonSandrson a lot of mysteries or just a few? And any major ones (without going into specifics, I know you can't)?

A: @kylelitke No major ones, in my opinion, except for a couple of unresolved plot threads he had been saving for the Outriggers.


I can't say much more about mysteries. I've said before that all major plotlines have resolution. Unresolved things are smaller.



Q: @BrandonSandrson Are there also some that ARE revealed in the notes, but have an added "but this doesn't go into the books."?

A: @4thAge Yes, there are, at least in implication. Many of these have to do with things I think he was reserving fro the Outriggers.


So we know two things:

1. Before even thinking of the outrigger novels RJ intended to leave a lot of story lines and mysteries unfinished.

2. Brandon things that some of the unfinished ones also are because of the outrigger novels.


Personally I think that when RJ was writing and working on the last book, he also kept in mind the possibility of the outrigger novels. So there were even more things he didn't want revealed yet.


But saying that unresolved plotlines are a good reason for Brandon to write the outrigger novels is bullshit  :o We know RJ also intended to leave a lot of plotlines open and intented to tease us about it. Now there might be a few more open plotlines, but that's no reason to really write those books.



What really gets me with the prequels is that he really intended to write them-he'd written the bloody first one! I understand, and to a degree, share your hesitation about the outrigger, but the prequel triology had already begun and was set in motion. That's really my case for the prequels being written-the first one is already published, RJ clearly intended to write the next two.


The prequels were three seperate stories. They can and could be read seperatly. Remember, RJ first wrote the short version of new spring. When that version came out, we didn't know anything about two other short stories. So we didn't ask for it. It's not like it's a trilogy, or intended to write as a trilogy.

Only when RJ expanded New Spring did we hear about those other two.


So it's not like we are missing anything from the main story.


I noticed that you haven't responded to my quotes by RJ about how he clearly felt uncomfortable of someone else writing in his series. and you haven't responded to the fact that brandon would be almost writing the same number of wot books as RJ.







There is also something I think that influences this discussion:


For the people that voted yes for both outriggers and prequels. When did you start reading wot and have you met RJ or been following tour reports online?




So long as they remain true to the source material, I can't possibly get enough WoT.


I'd love to see a 13 book series during the AoL, each told from a different Forsaken's viewpoint chronicaling their rise and fall from grace culminating in the sealing of the Bore. I'd love to see Tigraine's story told from her POV and that of her contemporaries (as the third part of the prequel series rather than more Lan and Moiraine). I'd love to see a Rogues trilogy telling the story of Thom in one book, Elyas in another and perhaps Fain in the third. A Seanchan trilogy would be great as would one detailing the story of three major Amyrilin's throughout history. The Aiel war, anyone? How about Artur Hawking's story?


I really couldn't get enough - my only deterrent would be the greater and greater likelihood of an inferior author getting involved or too much creative license eventually being taken (a la Dragonlance or Star Wars).


From what I gather, if they'll end up doing those they wouldn't be RJ's work. The books aren't fleshed out the way AMoL was. And I wouldn't want to read something that's somebody else's work about these characters (though if Brandon writes it, I'll read it. I won't be happy it happened, but what's the alternative?).

It might be worthwhile to mention that NS didn't start as an idea for a prequel trilogy in RJ's mind. He first wrote the short story for Legends, then decided to make it into a novel (I used to hunt for the differences between the two. For example, I don't think Moiraine mentions Tam in the novel).


Anyway, I vote no and no. Sorry.



Of course I'd love to have as much WoT content as I can get but honestly, I wouldn't mind if Harriet/BS did kind of what Tolkien's son did -- publish all of his notes, unfinished stories, etc.  Even though we may not get a full story or anything, it would be great to have a collection of RJ's notes and such.




I have been following the boards for a long while and started reading WoT in 1995. Had the pleasure of meeting him once at a signing in San Diego. For some reason I am fine with the prequels but the outriggers would be a disservice to RJ and his world. Someone above mentioned they would be fine with WoT turning into a situation similar to the expanded Star Wars universe or summat and that would be an absolute horror. Don't know really how one feels better to me than the other as I believe either scenario would go against his wishes. When I think of it like that I'm more than satisfied with AMoL and the Encyclopedia . The concept RJ put forth of leaving enough to feel that characters are still out there doing things is one I fully support.


If there was even a chance it could end up like Star Wars, have you seen the shelves of the stuff in bookstores, then I would be against it.

Maybe in a few years if all parties involved, i.e. Harriet, Brandon and the guys who are helping BS write the last books whose names I can't recall sorry, then I would be more than happy to read them. Sorry Maria and Alan is it. The continuity editors.


Also do you know what would be a nice idea. Maybe some other authors allowed to write inside the wheel of time universe in honour of RJ. Maybe not the prequels of out riggers but also not containing any main characters in the series. Books about Uno, Elyas and so forth.


Also the idea about the forsaken's fall from grace could be really great idea. Maybe just the one book or two.



Okay basically I wouldn't mind seeing some other books set in the wheel of time universe if handled well and has a lot of love and effort put into them. I would rather see a few years go by before anything came out. Like even a decade.


I'm not agaisn't but not all in either. I would have reservations.




I concede that the outriggers probably aren't a good idea. Unless there is absolute wealth of notes on them, which is extremely unlikely, there's no real point.


I still support the second and third prequel book however, for the reasons I originally stated. We will have to agree to disagree regarding the prequels :)


I'll respond to them now then  ;)


Yes, RJ was quoted about how he felt uncomfortable with the thought of someone else writing his series. The fact is, however, that someone else IS writing in his series. He didn't lock the series and have nobody finish it, he prepared it to be finished by someone else. Yes, the prequels aren't quite the same, but both AMOL and the prequels would have lots of notes left about them (don't we know this about AMOL!) and I really doubt there would be anything in the two prequel books that Brandon would have to "make up" by himself.


I wouldn't agree with that ("Brandon would be almost writing the same number of WOT books as RJ"). Notice that The Gathering Storm isn't "written by Brandon Sanderson". Look at the cover. Big words ROBERT JORDAN, small words BRANDONS SANDERSON. As Brandon has repeately stated, the books are RJ's (and to a degree, ours)-not his. They are RJ's stories and RJ's characters, that doesn't change.


Notice I changed my mind with the outriggers-I don't believe they should be written unless there is a wealth of notes comparable to AMOL lying around and Harriet approves, which we both know is, shall we say, unlikely  ;)


Without the outriggers, we would have


12 WOT books by Robert Jordan (EOTW-KOD, NS)

5 WOT books by Robert Jordan/Brandon Sanderson (TGS, TOM, AMOL, two prequels)


I really don't see how that is "Brandon almost writing the same number of WOT books as RJ". Consider how much smaller New Spring was compared to a standard WOT book (there's a post I made about this on the first page) too. That's Brandon co-authoring a few books, two of which would be small by both RJ and his standards.


Ultimately, I believe we can both agree that it is Harriet's decision, and I'm sure we both trust in her judgement. She'll make the best choice. I don't know what it will be, but I will still be satisfied even if neither prequels or outriggers are written, because she doesn't think they should be.


That doesn't stop me wanting them  :-\




There is also something I think that influences this discussion:


For the people that voted yes for both outriggers and prequels. When did you start reading wot and have you met RJ or been following tour reports online?



How on Earth does the time people started reading WOT affect this...that's like saying they're "less" of a fan because they didn't start reading it in the 90's or whenever.


The same goes for meeting RJ. Whether people have met RJ, or how long they have been reading WOT, has no bearing on the validity of their opinions and decisions regarding the prequels and the outriggers.


Reading the tour reports is a better point, but still unnessecary. It's a good idea to be aware of RJ's opinion on things (like the quotes you included in your first post in this thread :)) but again, it's everyone's own decision. Nobody's decision is "less" because of factors like you mentioned.


Ack, a double post. Ah well  :(


Ehh, the thought of WOT turning out like the Star Wars Expanded Universe shocks me. I...wow  :o ???


I have nothing against Star Wars, I enjoyed the films, but though a lot of the Expanded Universe is quality stuff...a lot of it really isn't too. I think the voice of WOT is undeniably RJ (and to a smaller extent BS). Having anyone besides those two authors write any more WOT books would be... :-\ uncomfortable, I think.


BS just fit so well in with WOT, I think most of us can agree, with how much WOT meant to him, and his writing style even specialising in endings  ;) It was pretty much a perfect match. I don't think any other authors could quite do justice to WOT the Brandon does. Imagine GRRM writing a book about a Forsaken's fall from grace.  :(  :-\ It wouldn't capture the VOICE of WOT, like Brandon managed to.


Don't get me wrong. I would LOVE a heap of books about the AOL, the Forsaken, Seanchan, anything else. Hell, I'd still read and love a Forsaken book written by GRRM. But I don't think Robert Jordan would have. And that's really the crux of it.


Plus, it would never be released


Owayn The Traveller, you mentioned a good idea. Stories written in HONOUR of RJ. I think that perhaps, if they were SHORT STORIES that would be a great idea. A whole book would feel...a little too much, and in my opinion a bad idea for the reasons stated above...but a short story would be more like a tip of a hat, an honouring  :) Maybe they could even be sold to fund research into amyloidosis. That would be a good idea, I think.


However, that's pretty unlikely  :D Neat idea as it is.



Yes a book of short stories would be nice kinda like that one that was released in honour of Jack Vance and tales of a dying earth just recently.


And in regard to not capturing the VOICE of the wheel of time. The age of legends was completely different from the now in Randland.


It will happen eventually. Books being released. Depends on how well the books keep selling. If the series gets the same status as the lord of the rings more will come along. Also if the films ever get made I'd expect to see more.


I guess I'm saying if it has to happen I would rather see it done with care and reverence.


By the way I hope you didn't think I wanted it to end up like the star wars stuff. As I sincerely hope it doesn't even come within a mile of that even possible happening.


Yes a book of short stories would be nice kinda like that one that was released in honour of Jack Vance and tales of a dying earth just recently.


And in regard to not capturing the VOICE of the wheel of time. The age of legends was completely different from the now in Randland.


It will happen eventually. Books being released. Depends on how well the books keep selling. If the series gets the same status as the lord of the rings more will come along. Also if the films ever get made I'd expect to see more.


I guess I'm saying if it has to happen I would rather see it done with care and reverence.


By the way I hope you didn't think I wanted it to end up like the star wars stuff. As I sincerely hope it doesn't even come within a mile of that even possible happening.

:D No, I didn't think you wanted it like the Star Wars EU. A few people had mentioned the EU in this thread, and I just thought I'd give my opinion  :)


I hadn't considered that, about the AOL. Hm. Food for thought.


Wouldn't it be great if WOT got the same recognition as LOTR one day  :)


As I've grown less young and (I hope) more mature, I have found that, more and more, I prefer to stick to an "author" more than a "world."  A good author will write high-quality material in whatever world (assuming that "high quality" means "good at worldbuilding", for those authors who practice this); but a good world, other people's good characters, etc. will not help a bad author.  Would I like to see Sanderson write more books?  Of course.  But I would rather see him write his own books than RJ's, and I think he would agree.


I do, of course, make exception for the last books in the main sequence, since I think it's important to have closure, and since RJ has already put so much work into the ending.  However, I don't think that the same holds for the prequels--the one prequel we have is complete in itself, unlike the main sequence.


I would also make exception for a few short story "tributes" that make some attempt to mimic (or at times even caricature) RJ's style; I'm especially thinking of the story GRRM wrote for suvudu, which was great.




I concede that the outriggers probably aren't a good idea. Unless there is absolute wealth of notes on them, which is extremely unlikely, there's no real point.


I still support the second and third prequel book however, for the reasons I originally stated. We will have to agree to disagree regarding the prequels :)


I'll respond to them now then  ;)


Yes, RJ was quoted about how he felt uncomfortable with the thought of someone else writing his series. The fact is, however, that someone else IS writing in his series. He didn't lock the series and have nobody finish it, he prepared it to be finished by someone else. Yes, the prequels aren't quite the same, but both AMOL and the prequels would have lots of notes left about them (don't we know this about AMOL!) and I really doubt there would be anything in the two prequel books that Brandon would have to "make up" by himself.


I wouldn't agree with that ("Brandon would be almost writing the same number of WOT books as RJ"). Notice that The Gathering Storm isn't "written by Brandon Sanderson". Look at the cover. Big words ROBERT JORDAN, small words BRANDONS SANDERSON. As Brandon has repeately stated, the books are RJ's (and to a degree, ours)-not his. They are RJ's stories and RJ's characters, that doesn't change.


Notice I changed my mind with the outriggers-I don't believe they should be written unless there is a wealth of notes comparable to AMOL lying around and Harriet approves, which we both know is, shall we say, unlikely  ;)


Without the outriggers, we would have


12 WOT books by Robert Jordan (EOTW-KOD, NS)

5 WOT books by Robert Jordan/Brandon Sanderson (TGS, TOM, AMOL, two prequels)


I really don't see how that is "Brandon almost writing the same number of WOT books as RJ". Consider how much smaller New Spring was compared to a standard WOT book (there's a post I made about this on the first page) too. That's Brandon co-authoring a few books, two of which would be small by both RJ and his standards.


Ultimately, I believe we can both agree that it is Harriet's decision, and I'm sure we both trust in her judgement. She'll make the best choice. I don't know what it will be, but I will still be satisfied even if neither prequels or outriggers are written, because she doesn't think they should be.


That doesn't stop me wanting them  :-\




There is also something I think that influences this discussion:


For the people that voted yes for both outriggers and prequels. When did you start reading wot and have you met RJ or been following tour reports online?



How on Earth does the time people started reading WOT affect this...that's like saying they're "less" of a fan because they didn't start reading it in the 90's or whenever.


The same goes for meeting RJ. Whether people have met RJ, or how long they have been reading WOT, has no bearing on the validity of their opinions and decisions regarding the prequels and the outriggers.


Reading the tour reports is a better point, but still unnessecary. It's a good idea to be aware of RJ's opinion on things (like the quotes you included in your first post in this thread :)) but again, it's everyone's own decision. Nobody's decision is "less" because of factors like you mentioned.


It doesn't have any bearing on the validity of their opinions but it mostly definitively shapes how they view the situation.


I dont care either way, but i dont think that any one arguement has more weight than another, the matter seems to be split evenly (siding more with the, YES faction)


Unless there was a resounding vote of NO, I dont see why they should not be written if people are willing to write with the respect and the fans are willing to read them.


If you have a problem with this, then it is simple, dont read it. It is up to Harriet and Team Jordan and whatever they decide, they certainly know better than anyone else. To think that you (and I am not pointing to anyone, just in general) think you know more about the subject is sheer arrogance and delusion, at which point, any argument is invalid.


So disregarding any personal opinion, I say, if Team Jordan is willing to write, and there are fans willing to read, go ahead.


You dont like it, dont read them.


Simple as that.


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