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Two Rivers Future


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Two Rivers was literally the middle of nowhere, geographically and metaphorically.  Its placement is in the middle of the map near nothing important.


The population is probably the most homogenious and unremarkable in the story. They are average height, farmers, dark hair and eyes.  Braids and long bows are their claim to fame.


They are what remains of a long dead great nation.  But now they are refuge for citizens of ravaged nations. They have a new lord who has thousands of more refuges following him, including a queen and former queen of Andor itself.  This lord is also married to a likely queen.


What does this mean for the Two Rivers?  Will they become the heart of a new super nation?  I have a feeling the Two Rivers will benefit in the same way that the US did during WW2.  They had their Pearl Harbor attack but they will likely go unharmed and contiue a mass transformation due to refuges, allies and inheritance.  They will go from least to most diverse population and the middle of nothing the being the heart of the world.


What do u guys think?


A good point there. So many of the cities/countries around it have gone over the edge, and to be fair, it's ties to Caemlyn are pretty flimsy. It could wind up as some sort of protectorate, or commonwealth set up - autonomy to all intents and purposes.

Braids and long bows are their claim to fame.


How could you forget tabac  :o !?!?!?!


Good note though. But I think they'll just be amalgamated into another country, maybe even take ownership of Almoth Plain and rule as another country. As long as Andor doesn't rule out the mine's they chose over the TR wool and tabac!


I think it'll wind up as a new nation incorporating other territory.  The Court of the Sun will most likely be Cairhein and some part of andor.  Taralon and Great Arvalon no idea.  in essense I don't see Faile allowing Perrin to play second fiddle or Elayne and her council wanting as powerful A personage as Perrin Goldeneyes and Faile in their kingdon.  Ally yes, potential Rebel leader probably not.


I see it going in one of two ways. Either they will build a great nation, or Moridin will decide to make a stop there just out of spite, and nobody'll survive.


I thought the whole TR changing was just to drive home the fact that the 5 EF's and world was changing. But theres most likely more to it than that, I agree.


That being so, I think it will be one of the places that rises out of the ashes of TG.


Or, simply built up to make its destruction all the more horrendous


i think when perrin and galad meet in TOM i think perrin will invite galad to set up a new whitecloak base there and become a new super power with perrin and galad the leaders


i think when perrin and galad meet in TOM i think perrin will invite galad to set up a new whitecloak base there and become a new super power with perrin and galad the leaders


Why? Maybe I'm daft, but this just doesn't make any sense to me.


if galad does go with perrin the whitecloaks would likely be dismantled or formed into a non fanatical police force.


as for the TR, I think that we are going to see another huge battle like the manetheren story, with a desperate defence at the river.


other than that it is going to become a economic power house


It will survive as an independant country called the Two Rivers, and i think it will be one of the only places untouched by TG and the seanchan, theyve already had their battles. I definately think the Two Riversman will be at the last battle though, hopefuly led by Mat while Perrin is with the wolves, and possibly with the women(Marin alVere, Mistres Luhan etc.) and i pray that Mat and all of them scream Carai an Caldazar etc.! Also i agree that they will become an economic powerhouse, with their minerals, wool, tabac etc.


perrin just needs an axe and he can chop a road through the forest of shadows. new trade route, two rivers prospers


He already tried, but he didn't understood you had to keep the axe in your hand while chopping a tree. He has to ask some advice to Davram. He had to chop off some oaks (33 if I remember correctly) and bury them because of an incredibly mad but damn good general. But Like the idea. And Mat could use his mason's banner to make some bridges over the manetherendrelle and other rivers to icrease penetrating points into the two Rivers. And make some buildings in the mountins of mist, to have a stronghold. And watch the other side for helping the refugees and stop the bad guys coming from there...


actually, there's a bunch of two river ashaman. post last battle, they should easily be able to make a few bridges and a highway in no time for good old dont call me lord perrin


I remember someone saying that Faile's capture was "the plotline from hell" during the Path of Dagger re-read : part 19 on tor.com. If a highway is made from Caemlyn to the Two Rivers, and if Faile (may she die forever!!!) settles there, would it be the highway to hell??


perrin just needs an axe and he can chop a road through the forest of shadows. new trade route, two rivers prospers


Why through to Ghealdan, whos just about as isolated as they are? A few dozen Ashaman to plow a freeway through the Mountains of Mist, and ta-dah! A brand new trade route from east to west. With Emonds Field as a major trade city (ogier built, thanks to Perrins connections :P). The Two Rivers will become part of Andor or the New Seanchan Empire. Perrin, and a hardcore group of Two rivers men, will move to Saldiea when Faile becomes queen. And the Two rivers longbowmen become the must have accessory for the modern army


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