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Which book are you more excited for: Towers of Midnight or Memory of Light?

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This may sound like an asinine topic at first glance, since we tend to salivate for and devour the book that is being served up next.  But if you focus on the plots that are predicted to be covered in each of the books, which book do you anticipate more:


Towers of Midnight-Tower of Ghenjei, Seanchan, Black Tower, wolves, Whitecloaks

Memory of Light-Last Battle


While it's probable that not all the topics listed above for ToM will be resolved in Book 13, most of them could be resolved in the book. 


Personally, I've been eagerly waiting for the Tower of Ghenjei plot since it was introduced in  EotW.  The events of TSR piqued my interest even more, and I've been awaiting the return of Moiraine since she left us in TFoH.  Some have indicated on other threads that the Last Battle may be anticlimactic in light of the events that may take place in ToM.


So I'd have to say that I'm more worked up for ToM at this moment.  How say you?


I think the last scene of AMoL will be the best thing ever writen in any book ever, though at this point im more excited for ToM because its closer, and well get to see moiraine, who kiled asmo, perrin stop being an emo and more


TOM. I'll be excited for AMOL next summer.

This.  Although I'll be excited for AMoL once the afterglow from everything that happens in TOM has died down, probably around Nov. 6. ;D


Its kind of difficult to say that I'm more excited for AMoL as it wouldn't make sense without first having read ToM.  I also don't want the Wheel of Time to be over.  I don't remember what its like to NOT be eagerly anticipating the last battle.  Its kind of like what Perrin was thinking about when he was about to get Faile back: the prize his father promised him if he worked really hard at all his chores.  He did it because he wanted a reward for his work, the reward itself was next to meaningless and somewhat anticlimactic.  He didn't want getting Faile back to be anticlimactic.  Not to say that Tarmon Gai'don will be anticlimactic (it better not be!) but I will be disappointed to not have another book to look forward to.  :(


Im looking forward to ToM a lot, to see how the Ghenji stuff turns out, and because ToM is undoubtedly Perrins make-or-break book. After this, people will either outright hate him, or think he is more awesome than ever before.


Yet... I dont think Rand will be in ToM much. I want Rand PoVs, to show his new frame of mind, and to see how the link to Moridin plays out.


Id probably say Im looking forward to AMoL the most. I cant wait until Moridin becomes the main focus of Rands attention.


A Memory of Light.  I am excited for ToM, but AMoL has me more excited.


(1)  I am excited for ToM, but some of that excitement is that it will set up the conclusion of the series, which will be AMoL.


(2)  I would like to know more about the Dark One's end game both metaphysically and how it practically achieves it.  Perhaps a lot of that is in ToM, but I have a feeling we'll see the most revelation in AMoL.


(3)  Looking forward to more Rand and Egwene more than more Mat and Perrin.


Like many others, ToM atm because we SORTA know what the main plots will be (ToG, Perrin, BT) and we actually have something solid to look forward to, however, we know virtually nothing about AMOL bar it is the LB and finale.


So Now, yes, ToM. But when ToM is read, i think we will have some very exciting plotlines to anticipate, knowing what we shall know from the end of ToM


Poor Brandon - I feel so sorry for him having to write the Moiraine return bit. I cant wait for that, myself, but I am sure many people will be disappointed about it, however its written. And what if RJ already wrote that bit? It will be like the Matt thing in TGS, damned either way lol. But still, thats totally exciting, and so is Rands new POV. I just want to see things come together for the light, reunie the central characters, that sort of thing.


I also hope that MoL is like The Return Of The King - where the events and major happenings are done by mid book, and the rest is just what happens after, because I really liked that. I liked finding out what happened to the hobbits etc etc after the main story was done. I doubt that will happen, but I hope.


Anyway, to answer the question, I am more excited about ToM because its coming sooner, lol, and I am not looking forward to the end of the books because I will miss them! But based on how good TGS was, I am sure they are gonna be excellent, so its nice to have an excitement with very little worry in it, if you see what I mean?


Poor Brandon - I feel so sorry for him having to write the Moiraine return bit. I cant wait for that, myself, but I am sure many people will be disappointed about it, however its written. And what if RJ already wrote that bit? It will be like the Matt thing in TGS, damned either way lol.


I agree he's probably damned either way, heh. I thought he did well with Rand/Tam though. And I liked Elaida/Egwene. So there is hope. The only problem is that I see Moiraine as being way more difficult to write than those 4 characters.


AMOL more than ToM.  Other than the Moiraine bits that will be in ToM.

I am afraid that because of the time line overlap, we might not see enough of Rand, Egwene, and Nynaeve who I enjoy more than Perrin and Elayne.


I'm thinking RJ probably wrote alot of the Ghenji stuff for the simple reason that that and the blight are the only two sites that we've never seen and have to see.  I agree though that Brandon is probably damned either way and it's a shame because he did a really good job with TGS and we could gotten no book.


Yeah, I am with my evil side Demandred on this.


Even if it is crappy from Brandon, do we have any right to complain (note: I do not think it will be, Brandon is a great writer, tGS was great)


Would you prefer that it had been left incomplete? Remember its only the style and such that Brandon wrote, not the actual storyline, RJ had everything planned out, so the storyline would not be affected by Brandon's writing, only the voice and such.


So really, any critisims are really petty, we should be thanking brandon with every inch of our being.


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