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Currently, I'm playing Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher's Bay.  I just started it and it's a lot of fun so far.  The fight mechanics are pretty good: you can block, punch, stab, break necks, and shoot.  You are also able to riposte, but it is very hard, especially when an enemy has a better weapon than you, such as a knife to your bronze knuckles.  When I faced a boss, it was impossible to riposte and after dying 6 times in a row and barely being able to get a hit on him, I got mad enough to just jam the attack button as quick as I could, and somehow I killed him quickly.  THat disappointed me, it should be more about skill than impossibility.  However, aside from that it is fun and I look forward to playing it through.  More review to follow.


I'm also playing Army of Two: 40th Day co-op campaign with my roommate.  It's basically a game in the spirit of Gears of War, same over-the-shoulder, 3rd person viewpoint, same diving and take-cover mechanics, and the same shooting mechanics.  Story-wise, though, it's a lot of fun.  You have two mercenaries who get stuck in Japan and have to find their way out during a mass bombing.  Some unknown army is attacking and you have to kill anyone who gets in your way.  It's not exactly a buddy-buddy game, you have the option of either being great friends by the end of the game, or enemies.   Also, it's really cool because certain choices are offered to you periodically and no matter if you choose moral, or immoral, you get to see the outcome of your choices through a anime-style cutscene.  I'm about halfway through, playing on the hardest difficulty, and there are only a few parts that are hard enough to warrant several playthroughs.  It's a really fun game and I highly suggest it, especially co-op.

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X3: Terran Conflict

Man, I blame that Ashan Rouge guy for making me play this again. ITs addicting if you get into it. ;)


Age of Conan, finally managed to whore around enough to scrounge up enough $$ to play for another 30 days. New raids out, so gunna have fun.

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PC: Torchlight(game made by a bunch of the same guys who made Diablo).

Diablo 2 (Psyched for 3, so I had to get me some Diablo goodness.  I know, I'm pathetic.)



PS1: Final Fantasy VII (It was a fun game, and I love the music.  Ergo, I'm required to replay it occasionally.)


360*: Mass Effect 2

Dante's Inferno

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2



*Gameplay to resume once 360 returns from RRoD repair.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Me, three of my roommates, and one neighbor have started an intense competitive lifestyle centering around two new (to us) games: snowboard kids 2 (n64) and FIFA 10 (360).  We have winner lists, brackets, and everything.  Unfortunately, I seem to be the worst out of the lot.  These two games have come to replace super smash (n64) which we played religiously for about a year.


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Xenosaga I, with II and III sitting in reserve.


Halfway into part I and i love the series already. Good plot, one of the villains is just

, great music... Oh yeah, i'll be playing this one for a while. ^___^


Yes, they are awesome games. 1&3 have great gameplay, the story and gameplay is awesome in 1. Gameplay sucks hardcore in 2, but the story is actually good. The gameplay in 3 is best I think, but the story while good, sucked in that there needs to be more.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dinasty Warriors 6



oh yeah, me and bubba are hooked  we play every night have cleared 6 musou levels so far.  eargerly awaiting the chance to play as Lu Bu and kick some major butt *grins*


my fax is Lui Beui's wife, i have her up to lvl 35 and i can roll through any stage with easy *grins*




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Battlefield: Bad Company 2

Batman: Arkham Asylum


Star Ocean: The Second Story


I would also be playing MW2 but I let a friend borrow it...I might never see it again. O.o


Yeah, Bad Company 2 mp is so addictive.


I agree. *nods*


I wasn't a big fan of Bad Company's MP.  Is BC 2's MP very different?


I don't know about the first one's MP but this one is great. It'll take some getting use to if you've been playing MW2 non-stop but it's really worth it. I like where you can call in infinite Mortar Strikes with a sniper class or respawn behind whoever you want to in your squad...etcetera...etcetera...

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  • 2 weeks later...

we've unlocked LuBu in Dinasty Warriers 6 so me and Bubba are pretty much done with the game.


however we've bought Dinasty Warriers 6: Empires *nods*  looking forward to this very much so.  and i want Dinasty Warriers 6: Strike Force *grins*  because from what i've heard its alot like Fable 2




ooooo  upcommign games i'm excited about


Wii has a new Zelda game due out in November, and Mario Galaxy 2 is due out in late May *drools*



also, the 360 is releasing Fable 3 in November *does a jig*



of course, all this will be pushed to the side once my ps3 gets fixed and we get God of War 3.

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I'm now playing Onimusha 3, which I've never finished (working on 2 with a friend lol Jubei is ugly...). I just got to Mont Saint-Michel and decided to stop for the day. Those critical hits are hard to do! Especially on the ninja guys and the big monsters.



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Dinasty Warriors 6: Empires and throroughly enjoying it!!


though i wish the 2 player co-op was easier to do.  i love the ability to choose your own upgrades for the weapons in this version!  i hope the bring it over to DW7.


i can't wait to get DW6: Strikeforce!!

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