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What Are Your Fave ... ''Endearing/Sweet/Touching'' ... Moments Of The Series?

The Fisher King

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Very interesting Thread.  Many "wow" moments.  A few "touching / endearning" moments I didn't see include:


*  The scene from TSR, on the slopes of Dragonmount when the wise one's tell Rand that he resembles his mother and later when they strip Aviendha of her weapons & warrior garb.


This reminded me of another couple of scenes (so many) involving the Maidens, and if I'm recalling it right, both involved Sulin. The first was when she came before him and began breaking her spears, even though Rand didn't realize fully what it signified... and then when he went outside all the rest of the Maidens were in line to do the same. Then there was that time when they all jumped him to beat him up, but they all carefully avoided the wound in his side... but one scene that really gave me a lump in my throat was - and I'm going to need some help with this one - when Sulin (I think) and others were going after him, and she was thinking that for the first time in history the child of a maiden had been returned to them.

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I am rereading the series...again.  I came across this last night while reading LOC and had completely forgotten about it:


When Mangin shows up after killing the man with a fake dragon tattoo on his arm and asks Rand if he has toh.  And even though Rand likes him, he still sentences him to hanging.  It was a lot sadder then I remember.


I am rereading the series...again.  I came across this last night while reading LOC and had completely forgotten about it:


When Mangin shows up after killing the man with a fake dragon tattoo on his arm and asks Rand if he has toh.  And even though Rand likes him, he still sentences him to hanging.  It was a lot sadder then I remember.


Brilliant. The way Rand reacts to the fact that everyone else, like Rhuarc and Berelain, waited for Rand to return so he would be the one to order the hanging, made me feel sorry for Rand.


I agree with almost every moment listed here so far, but for me, I have to add when Egwene was raised to be Amyrlin of the rebel AS ... I almost fell out of my chair when I read the bit where Sheriam told Egwene that she was going to be the next Amyrlin. It was very well done :D Oh, and I also have to give props to the scene when the Wise Ones give her a good drubbing for lying to them about not going into the World of Dreams (I will learn how to type its proper name even if it kills me!), and also fibbing about being AS when she was only an Accepted. Very, very well done, especially how she was so calm when asking the Wise Ones to help her meet her toh. Oh, and dream Bela, of course :D


Thank you :D


I'm surprised Egwene's raising wasn't mentioned before this, but I guess with so many moments, it's hard to pinpoint a specific group :D


Actually, while I'm on the subject, there's also the moment between Moiraine and Thom in tDR, and Moiraine's letter in CoT. That really brought a tear to the eye, the letter especially :D (see, at least I have the abbreviations for the books down to a fine art!)

  • 2 weeks later...

Another favorite of mine....


 tGH ch 20     Saidin


 Suddenly-a drifting, distant thought-he realized that

the void surrounded him. Saidin sang, and the sphere

pulsed-even without looking, he could feel it-and the

thought came that if he he sang the song saidin sang, that huge

stone face would open its mouth and sing with him. With

him and with saidin. All one.

 "Please, Rand," Selene said. "I'll go to the village with

you. I won't mention the Horn again. Only come away!"

 He released the void ... and it did not go. Saidin

crooned, and a light in the sphere beat like a heart. Like

his heart. Loial, Hurin, Selene, they all stared at him, but

they seemed oblivious to the glorious blaze from the crystal.

He tried to push the void away. It held like granite; he

floated in an emptiness as hard as stone. The song of saidin,

the song of the sphere, he could feel them quivering along

his bones Grimly, he refused to give in, reached deep in-

side himself ... I will not ...

 "Rand." He did not know who's voice it was.

 ... reached for the core of who he was, the core of what

he was ...

 ... will not ...

 "Rand." the song filled him, filled his emptiness.

 ... touched the stone, hot from a pitless sun, cold from a

merciless night ....

 ... not ...

 Light filled him, blinded him.

 "Till shade is gone," he mumbled, "till water is

gone ..."

 Power filled him. He was one with the sphere.

 "... into the Shadow with teeth bared ..."

 The power was his. The Power was his.

 "... to spit in Sightblinder's eye ..."

 Power to Break the World.

 "... on the Last Day!"


... Whats the bet Lanfear is filling her pants...


Or getting wet downstairs in thought of Lews Therin and the power which she could use through him.  ;) In her case, which she cherished most?


When Perrin was fighting the Whitecloaks in EOtW and Hopper suddenly appears and says, "Run brother!" and then the Whitecloaks kill him. I don't know why, but that to me was one of the saddest parts of the whole series.


(It's probably my soft spot for wolves...)


I agree :-)


I am doing my first re-read (read the first 11 more or less as they come out) and am just about to finish EotW.  The Hopper moment is touching.  My other favorite is when, after the running, the starving, the injuries, and the overall grueling nature of Rand and Mat's journey to Caemlyn, Rand makes an unlikely friend in Loial.  I dunno, I always loved that part ... he needed a break, the poor guy!


When Mat first ran into Loial... and nearly filled his pants.  Sorry, but that suddenly made the character "real" for me.


And I don't know about "Endearing/Sweet/Touching", but when Rand burst out of his box, I was so totally into the moment that I leaped up and shouted, "YEAH!!!"


The problem was that it was 5:30 in the morning and I was on a train, commuting to work.


Quite the time for red-face...


Although I did get asked what book I was reading...


Every re-read has me cheering for him at that point. Then the next scene where he is inspecting the faces of the dead women in the Fal Dara group brings me to a lower low.

  • 2 weeks later...

I can't believe no-one has mentioned this one yet.  But for me it was the scene in TDR when Perrin is in the forge in Tear.  Made me think that this was Perrin saying a last goodbye to his village life.


Agree with most of the other scenes mentioned.


I liked when Mat freed that Sea Folk woman from the a'dam.  I forget the exact wording, but she said something like "If this is a test, then just kill me now.  I thought of surrendering today and that shame will haunt me for the rest of my life, but you have reminded me who I am and now I will never surrender."


That line was just so powerful for me.  Then she went and freed all the other Sea Folk and just blasted the shit out of the Seanchan, which is always a nice thing to see.



From TDR:


  "I'll help anyone who can pay," Mat said firmly. "Only fools in stories do something for nothing."

  The two girls sobbed into their mother's skirts while the boy fought his tears. The woman's deep-set eyes rested on Mat for a moment, studying his face, before drifting on; they looked as if she wished she could weep, too. On impulse he dug a fistful of loose coins out of his pocket without looking to see what they were and pressed them into her hand. She gave a start of surprise, stared at the gold and silver in her hand with incomprehension that quickly turned into a smile, and opened her mouth, tears of gratitude filling her eyes.

  "Buy them something to eat," he said quickly, and hurried on before she could speak.

  • 2 months later...

Used to be any battle involving Rand, but now my favourite has to be Eben Hopwil's death. I love how passionate Narishma is when he's speaking to the rebel Aes Sedai: "There were five of us, but one died defending his Aes Sedai. Remember his name. Eben Hopwil. Remember him!...despite what she did to him, ruined as he was, he managed to hang on to life, hang on to saidin, long enough for Daigian to drive her off...He fought for his Aes Sedai long after he should have been dead!"


1. Logain Healed and tried to touch Saidin making Nyn's shield bulge outwards. (I think he could have broken through if he wanted) Nyn described it well as "like flexing his muscles long unused" or something..


2. "Mourn if you must but mourn on the march to Tarmon Gaidon" (Logain's line during his meeting with the Seafolk in KoD)


3. Battle of Dumai's Well. When the Asha'man were unleashed. Epic..


4. A Cup of Kaff. Karede keeping his cool through insults and the like, just to find and save the Daghter of the Nine Moons. (KoD)


5. Banner General Tylee and Perrin shaking hands after the battle of Malden.


6. The Golden Crane, nuff said.




7. The "daughter of sands" part where Mat lost his cool with Elayne's group and the Seafolk. forgot which book, i think TPoD.


8. Elayne and Nyn put in their place by Aviendha and Birgitte, respectively, when Mat told Birgitte what happened in the Stone.



My faves definitely are:

1)when nynaeve can't heal rand's hand

2)anytime when lan says "if you die, i die" to nynaeve

3)when perrin discovers his entire family has been killed

4)when rand finds he's crying after moiraine 'dies'


and along with these, many of the moments previously mentioned.


I also loved when Rand cried reading the letter (although it was more for the awesomeness of Moiraine) \



A Cup of Sleep: Morr death.


VoG (obviously)


Mat handing over his foxhead to eylane and her being totally stunned.


Mat kneeling to Egwene in Salidar to help her (then she goes and screws him over. B***h)


Nynaeve defending Mat to Tuon


The way Mat, Perrin, Rand work together at Falme (blowing the horn, raising the banner etc.) its the first time they accept their fates. (at least partly)


Logain being concerned for his "Warders"


Dobraine wanting to save Rand


others i cant remember at the moment


There are so many scenes in WoT that tear me up whilst listening to the audio books.  So many have been listed already.  The main ones for me that come to mind (In no particular order) are:


Perrin to his little cousin "Tell your sons and grandsons about this day"  Also when Faile arrives to save the day and it's Perrin's POV.  You can tell how much he loves her and it just hits so close to home for me.


Nynaeve to the Malkieri guy "My husband rides for tarmon gaidon.  Does he ride alone"  (that one hits me in between the eyes everytime.)  Also with Nynaeve, at the bottom of the river inside the sinking boat when she embraces saidar for the first time without being angry. 


Egwene's speach outside The White Tower in TGS.  She's such a strong person, just what the WT needs to repair the dammages done. 


And last but not least. 


When Bella dies!  Waitaminute....  she's still alive.  ah well Here's hoping Siuane rides her off a cliff or somthing :(






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