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It's going ok.  I hope work isn't too dreadful.  Now that I'm not in 9 mafia games at once, I'm going to pull my weight in this one.  Which reminds me, start posting people!

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Work's not bad, just not good either. :P :D


I'm glad to hear that, the most games I was ever in at one time was 6 and I nearly quit mafia because of that, I was so stressed out. :D  And it's nice that another person will be pulling his weight around here, precious few people have done that thus far.


And for everyone who doesn't know this, I have every right to be upset with activity level, since that's what makes or breaks a game, and at this point I'm fully expecting that, whatever the outcome, I am going to end up declaring this game a failure.  Day 4, and less than 40 pages?  Really?  It's actually kind of insulting, and I'm glad people like Talya and Wombat are prodding you folks to post and pay attention to this game.


**edit new**




Maybe later, I REALLY have to be going. :D ;)


Well you are awesome, thats why we push it...  :-*


Okay I'm also a little suspicious of Locke, why would you want to know who I viewed. If I told you who the innocents were they would then be the perfect night kill. At this moment in time I'm not doing it.


So where are the rest of you guys! Tynaal has been here and also doesn't vote, she's looking scummy as well. We need a lynch, we need some information. So those that don't vote are looking at being lynched next!




I always mean to vote, but forget the deadlines :/


Red does seem suspicious... And ed's insistence that locke is scum is kinda ticking me off in a way, like its something obvious i'm not seeing.



Also can we lynch wombat? Cause that hurt my eyes




Looks like Wombat had his coffee this morning!  :D


I'm going to vote [glow=red,2,300]Red[/glow] as well even though we've reached a majority just in case someone changes their mind before the deadline.  I've seen that happen enough lately.  ::)


And the Locke vs. Ed thing has me wondering too Tynaal. 


I look at that Wombat.... and I see/think of ham and cheese. :D


Okay I'm also a little suspicious of Locke, why would you want to know who I viewed. If I told you who the innocents were they would then be the perfect night kill. At this moment in time I'm not doing it.


Ah, okay now I see.  I knew there must be some obvious reason not to I was missing. :D  Basically, I thought it might be useful to know who IS innocent.  But I hadn't thought of that. 


I think Ed just has no real suspicion and has thus latched on to me incessantly for some random reason.  Or has some suspicions and gotten incessantly onto me anyway. *shrugs*


If I had viewed someone who had been given to me as innocent, I would not vote for them ;) Or I may think they aren't mafia. But if I'm voting for someone, they have definately NOT been viewed by me.


I hope that helps a bit :)


Right! :D  I defer to your logic.....as it makes much more sense than mine did. :D (Ooh, Eeblish logic fail!)


Okay, so deadlines tomorrow and we have one over the required for lynching....and I for one don't plan on changing my vote.....unless something else comes up.


It'll be SO cool if we can get ANOTHER mafia....*smiles in the fantasy of his mind*


Although, I'm a bit disappointed to see I forget to add colour to the second half of my post there. :-\


I should reread this.....I have forgotten if Red claimed.

I think you may be right though Wombat....



I might put it back if nothing else pings at me....

But I totally forgot why I am voting for Red.


Also...what are the numbers? I will check...With 15 people...I think there were probably 4 or 5 anti-town to begin. We have taken out 2 of those original.


Cult Leader (Rey) - Most likely started by himself

Mafia-turned-Cult (Pete) - He died Day 3 after Rey died, so I think the Cult is eliminated. He must have been recruited Night 1.


Pete being a double, two for one, scum down, that is good. He must have had a heavy PR though to not tell Rey about the mafia....did Pete push for him to die? Was he able to talk to the mafia still? (Meesh, I think you had some trouble with this one...:-\)


Anyways...We have 4 innocents down. All Vanillas....I think there are a lot of vanillas in this game. Maybe only a few roles.


So...with 9 left alive. I think 3 or 4 are scum. We are close to endgame if the numbers are right. We can't lose an innocent right now.


I will reread later...I am doing that in DPR's game too...and I started doing that reread first...


In the recent pages....Limi just comes on and votes.

Tynaal talks about me more than Red when she votes for her. Setting me up for when Red flips innocent? How dare you!

Locke voted for the same reason as I did...so I don't see it necessarily as suspicious....just Locke himself.


I think those three are scum btw.....Don't know why....


*goes to the other reread*




That was too easy.




[glow=red,2,300]wombat[/glow]  are you a jester or something??  because you dude are the only one now pinging my radar


"that was too easy"  what exactly do you mean by that.


that its was too easy to sway the town and have them follow you??




and no i have role claimed.  i dont have a role, so all role claiming will do is make me appear even more scummy


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