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I have seen mafia get a recruit before too.  Nevermind other games.. Rey flat out SAID in the first alignment change in THIS game that the mafia gained another member.  The second one could mean anything.  Even a miller or mason team getting another member.  Or cult. Or mafia.  Or simply someone has a power that can change a random person's alignment.  It says nothing about recruiting to a group.  Only alignment change.


Pete it goes without saying, no matter what Ed's role is that all of us Ed did or did not check are no more confirmed than those who weren't.  Two alignment changes have occoured since I was checked.  I don't remember who else that is still alive that Ed has checked.


In other news... Check out my new sig and avatar that Pete had made for me. :)

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Love the siggy Nae. ;)



Wombat...there was no 'standard' PM. I received my role, and my name. I got no outline of the game. Maybe the OP...but not in PM.

A townie would know this. If Rey just sent out the same, you just screwed up.

I need to make you learn easier...but how....hmmmm....


I need to check...I think Lia...she said it right? I will go look, but I am more focused on who I know for sure is scum, Wombat, since I can view in the night or day.

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Wow. I woke to THIS.


Love the fight. 5 on 5. Getting people to lynch mob ed, Wombat? Scumminess.


Total scumminess.


*sits down at breakfast andw atches the fight*


And yes, I ignored the other posts. I woke up to 7 extra pages. My mind goggles.

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Wombat....How long does it take to think of lies.

Lily is on...she must be helping you now.



Lily...that makes sense...but I would still put my money on a cult.

This game just seems like it would have one.

You know you're reference to lily and wombat and then talking to lily like she was in the game makes you seem more likely her team mate....

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Gawd, they really are noisy in Hades. Isn't there some sorta torture thing going on down there!?


And stop mentioning me. I don't wanna get lumped in with you mafia types. *growls*


Now... we've got a tie, Ed and Wombat. We need to kinda decide before time is up. I know there's still a bit more time, but let's not have another day of this debate shall we? Ed or Wombat?


My arguement against lynching Ed is coz his normal way of playing's pretty impulsive and jumping on stuff and going all spammy when he's mafia. As opposed to reasoning things out when he's a townie. So... yeah. I'm gonna go with Wombat. I'm not concretely sure, though. I could be wrong. *sighs* I think I'd rather read the death thread for a while. Lily and Red might be mafia, but they are pretty entertaining.

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Guest dragonsworn1991

From players post the word assassin is the only thing that stands out, so I am going with an innocent being turned into a sk

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Guest dragonsworn1991

Big major  ::) to the dead thread


I think all of us shouldn't really pay to much attention to the dead thread. The deceased scum would like nothing better then to cause unease and get us off track. So I think we should limit how much we comment about the dead here, and I know there is no need to post this but I will anyway, I would not personally put any stock into anything a dead scum has posted.

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Well, honestly, I'm starting to wonder a bit about you, Boopsy. You're very big on supporting Ed. Which, hey, maybe you just really believe him, I don't know. But I'm wondering.


And except for player's poem, I haven't read the dead thread at all, so, no idea what's going on there.

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I am pretty supportive of Ed. That's because I've played quite closely with him the past few games. But I'm not 100% either.


*shrugs* Seriously, once we lynch either of them, we're done... If we take the first down, and he's innocent, then the other's Mafia, and we can take that person down. Either way we're gonna lose a Mafia. But I was hoping not to have to kill a townie to get a Mafia, since they both are claiming pretty powerful roles.


Question now is, should we do Ed or Wombat first? Either way we have to get one of them lynched before the deadline.



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