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Where In the World is the Brown Ajah? [Jan. 2010 - Trip Log]


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For full details on our game see: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,52021.0.html  Much love to my ajah brothers and sisters… sorry if I missed any current active members and to those I did write about - don’t kill me.  Just laugh with the rest of us, okay?  *wink*


Good Luck!




Prologue - “WE‘RE NOT LOST!”


Exiting the plane Miya stretched and looked around at the place they’d arrived in.  Outside the window a dusting of snow made the brown do a double-take.  “KARANA!”  she squealed.  “I thought this Ajah vacation was suppose to take us somewhere bloody well warm!  Light woman… that’s snow!”


“Well the brochure said it was warm and dry here almost all year round, I’m sure of it.”  Karana began emptying her bags in search of the travel brochure.  Books, journals, cameras, sexy undies, whips, chains, chocolate in liquid, solid and even a gaseous form began to pile up in the Airport lounge as Yveva came down the ramp with an open laptop in hand.


“Did you know this state actually has a bloggers coalition?”  she remarked closing the laptop.


“I don’t suppose they mentioned snow?”  Miya sighed pointing out the window.


“Hmmm.”  Yveva opened the laptop up again.  “Nope, not snow except at high altitudes in these photos from the state’s blogger coalition Flickr stream.  Though they DO have a cute little Charles Dickens village picture.”


“I love Dickens.”  Miya came over quickly to look at the screen, stepping over a small mewing kitten, yard stick, chalk, calligraphy set, compass, and trail mix pulled from Karana’s bags.


“Well it sure isn’t the Caribbean.”  Ishara exclaimed, pulling her brown shawl tight around her shoulders as she looked out the window.  “I thought we were suppose to be laying on beaches not shivering in just above zero temperatures.  I could have stayed in Canada for that.”


“The brochure has GOT to be in here somewhere.”  Karana said from somewhere beneath her growing pile of stuff.  “Just relax, it’s not like they’re going to kick us out of the airport.”


“Raeyn wouldn’t have gotten us lost.”  Ishara muttered.


“I HEARD THAT!”  Karana hollered tossing a stale brownie at Ishara’s head, missing her only by mere inches.


Liathiana walked slowly down the ramp playing her saxophone, 100 books being carried by various tower guards behind her.  


“Enough books?”  Miya asked looking up from the laptop to her saxophone playing sister.


Stopping mid-song Lia answered, “I said I’d read 100 this year, and I mean to even if I have to do it on the road.”


“And break the backs of a few dozen tower guards apparently.”  Yveva chuckled.


“They don’t mind.  Do you boys?”  Liathania questioned and the Tower Guards simply smiled in return.  “See they like it and…”  a look of horror came over Lia’s face.  “Snow?!?”


“Karana’s on it.  Don’t freak or she’ll hit you with a stale brownie.”  Ishara cautioned.


“But I bought a new swimsuit for this trip!”


“Brownies…”  Ishara attempted again.


“IT’S A TWO PIECE FOR LIGHT’S SAKE & I SPENT GOOD COIN ON THIS TAN!”  Lia’s shrieking was abruptly silenced by a stale brownie between the eyes.


“Warned you.”  Ishara said flopping down into a chair with a heavy sigh.


“Mmmm.”  Maj picked up the brownie and took a bite.  “Whose throwing good food around?”


“Karana.”  Ishara points and whispers, “She’s angry because she got us lost and we told her Raeyn would never have gotten us lost.”


“We’re not lost.”  Came Karana’s muffled voice from the mountain of hiking and kayaking gear now strewn across the floor.  “There’s just been… a… slight… mis… mis calculation, that‘s all.”  Struggling to pull out a ladder from her bag she fell backwards into the colossal array of travel gear that fit into her ter’angreal travel bag of holding.


“We’re Lost.”  Miya, Yvena and Lia all said in unison.


“Well, at least we’re not short on food.  Hey Shecky!”  Maj called over his shoulder.


The grumpy old-man of the Browns came down the ramp slowly, escorting Mellyn.  “What’s all the fuss about and LIGHT what in the name of the Creator is Karana unpacking here for?!?”


“We’re Lost.” Maj said sort of excited.


“WE ARE NOT LOST!”  Karana threw a brownie at Maj but, instead of being struck by it… he caught it midair and proceeded to eat it as well.


“Well, I hope you brought tweezers Kar, I think that’s a cactus out there.”  Mellyn said peering out the window.  Quickly all the browns rushed to the window with the exception of Karana who had decided she would not be defeated by her own Ter’angreal.


“Light it is.”  Miya gasped.


“Could this be the place we were suppose to go?”  Yveva questioned.


“Forget where we were suppose to go… anyone know how to get back if we have to because, um… I hate to point this out but our flight was the last one EVER to go in or out of this place.”  Ishara pointed to a sign that explained the airport was closing for good.


The browns looked to one another as the last of their ajah gathered together with looks of concern, frustration and fear lining their faces.  Never had they ever been so absent minded that no one packed a GPS, map or other device before!  How would they EVER find their way to their next stop or, Light forbid it, the White Tower!


“ALRIGHT THAT’S IT!”  Karana said climbing out of her towering mountain of needful things.  “I won’t let this Ajah fall apart at the seams the moment we see the first sign of trouble.  This is a chance to make what would have been a very dull time on a sandy beach,”


“And warm…”  muttered Miya, receiving a glare from Karana as a reward.


“… into an exciting adventure and opportunity to learn and share what we learn with others.  Now, here’s what we’re going to do.  I want each of you to go out into this state and find information that might be helpful to the people back at the White Tower in identifying where we’re at exactly.  We’ll send back information to them and, hopefully, by the end of the month they’ll have figured out where under the Light we’ve gone and we’ll be able to safely move forward to our next host location.”




Quickly the Browns began to agree that this idea was not only a good one, it was a GREAT one.  And so, each Sister and Brown Brother headed out into the unknown... and their letters, pictures, and useful information on the location we’ve ended up in will be sent (posted) here for you to review.  If you think you know where we’re at… send me a (private) message and I promise to let you know if your answer turns out to be true.


Don’t let us down.  We’re counting on you!  We want to come home.


-Miya Sedai

Brown Ajah Sister


PS:  Raeyn wouldn’t have gotten us lost.  *thud*  OUCH!  …



I. LOVE. IT. !!


Sorry ... just had to say that *holds sides, screaming with laughter*.  ;D


Well, ed, you get ONE chance at getting it right. So maybe being completely sure is your best option?  Not telling you how to play... but yes, specificity matters.


I think we have to give the city.

But she only gave me an AS answer...


To be clear - we're not telling you whether it's a city, state, or country because we want you to read all our lovely posts through the month and not place your guess until you're pretty certain which we're describing. 


Obviously if we're talking about a city we'll go on and on and on about one city... if it's a state we'll go on and on and on about various cities in that state but not any outside it's borders and if (for some messed up reason, maybe cause the country is tiny) we pick a country - you'll know because we'll talk about cities, states etc all over the country.


The idea is to read and find out (in the words of RJ) and not guess until you're certain.  If we told you right away that we were only looking for one city or one state the game would come down to who could google search the fastest.  Know what we mean?


So, with that said, enjoy reading our researched information about this location and best of luck guessing where we are. 


Hmmm... why does your avatar say join the BLUE ajah? *rae*


And not to be mean or anything... but your avatar scares me for some reason, sis. *whimpers*


Okay, so whether it's a city/country/state/town/village/hill/pond/ocean...etc will depend on the description? Sounds spiffy.


Miya found the weather improved not too long after their arrival and that over all the place wasn't nearly as bad as she thought it might be.  Sitting down in a resturant with a view of a history alleyway fight, she began her letter to Sisters of the White Tower in hopes that her discoveries might clue them in to where they'd traveled.




Well, we've come to quite a haunted place!  Did you know that four major cities here claim they are haunted by some ghost or another?  It's true.  Obviously this is the Dark One's work.  I personally stopped to pick a woman up on a stretch of road and help her to a town after her vehicle broke down and just before we got to the city she disappeared!  Locals tell me that if I didn't pick her up... I would have been in a horrible accident like the one she died in! I think next time I'll take a note from history and travel by Camel... they use to do that here too!


But, ghosts aren't the only thing to be afraid of here - did you know there are not one or two different species of deadly snakes here but 11!


The only good news is that I picked up this adorable bola tie at a dress shop here in town.  Now if only I can find a warder to wear it for me! 


Hope the other Browns are having better luck than I am!  Yeesh... we may never make it to our next destination at this rate!





  • 2 weeks later...

I like to watch alot of those ghost hunter programs. I think I might have a guess-timation on where they might be. In a general sense. Ain't givin nothin up yet though cause I don't want to accidentally make a guess and be wrong and get booted from this game. lol


With what kind of frequency will new clues be posted? Bi-weekly, monthly or when ever it happens type thing?

  • 2 weeks later...

Is this an Org wide event that counts towards promotion? Either way I want to play, I have an idea but I would like to do more research before I guess. When is the deadline again?


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