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Ask A Simple Question, Get a Simple Answer (No AMoL Spoilers)


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Just a thought, could the unrevealed flaw in Callandor allow for the channeling of the True Power alongside the One Power? is there any evidence angainst this?


because if not then it could provide Rand with a way to seal the dark one, especially if both Sadiar and Sadin are used.

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Just a thought, could the unrevealed flaw in Callandor allow for the channeling of the True Power alongside the One Power? is there any evidence angainst this?


because if not then it could provide Rand with a way to seal the dark one, especially if both Sadiar and Sadin are used.


I believe Min seems to think it will leave Rand open to some sort of outside control. Possibly like how channelers are open to the 13x13 trick? Recall the line of prophecy about how all that is the wielder of Callandor can be seized, and Min's viewing of an onyx hand holding the sword.

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Just a thought, could the unrevealed flaw in Callandor allow for the channeling of the True Power alongside the One Power? is there any evidence angainst this?


because if not then it could provide Rand with a way to seal the dark one, especially if both Sadiar and Sadin are used.


I believe Min seems to think it will leave Rand open to some sort of outside control. Possibly like how channelers are open to the 13x13 trick? Recall the line of prophecy about how all that is the wielder of Callandor can be seized, and Min's viewing of an onyx hand holding the sword.


Could this outside control be from Moridin? It's obvious that Callandor has a unique purpose in the last battle and will be involved in Rand's attemept to seal or destroy the Dark One.


If Moridin was to somehow take control of Callandor and then Rand and him were to merge, like the viewing suggests, could this be the way to defeat the Dark One?

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I believe they died of old age long before. Rand simply trigged a defensive weave with the battle, they were not really there.


Errr, that's what I mean. From my math 400-500 years had passed since the breaking, making these Aes Sedai pushing the mellienial mark. However, in the narrative the pair are being escorted away by the remainder of the Dai'shan Aiel, I wonder what happened to them.

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Don't know if this meets the requirement of "simple question" but I don't feel like it's important enough for its own thread. Re-reading LoC, in Ch 1 there is mention of a young Aes Sedai who fled Caemlyn when Rand took over. Is there any clue as to who she is, or is she just a random character? After thinking about it, I thought maybe she was one of Liandrin's Black Ajah that was assigned a task back in aFoH by Moghedien because some of them aren't mentioned again after that, but I don't remember any of those Black Ajah ever being said that they don't have the Ageless face yet.

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Don't know if this meets the requirement of "simple question" but I don't feel like it's important enough for its own thread. Re-reading LoC, in Ch 1 there is mention of a young Aes Sedai who fled Caemlyn when Rand took over. Is there any clue as to who she is, or is she just a random character? After thinking about it, I thought maybe she was one of Liandrin's Black Ajah that was assigned a task back in aFoH by Moghedien because some of them aren't mentioned again after that, but I don't remember any of those Black Ajah ever being said that they don't have the Ageless face yet.


I think she was the one Rahvin caught and compelled. You see her in one of his scenes, as far as I can recall.


I think she is the young Red Ajah advisor who hasn't achieved the "ageless face" yet that Elaida sent to Caemlyn. Rahvin had her under control and was using her to send the information he wanted back to the WT.

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Why did Moridin not appear at the cleansing and trying to stop it? Part of his plan?

We don't have a definitive answer for that but it is something Demandred took note of when Moridin gave the orders about it in chapter 13.


Who would have thought that 5 of the "Chosen" would fail at stopping Rand cleansing Saidin?


But I wonder if the timeline for the cleansing corresponds with the events in Seanchan and the slaughter of the Imperial family. I am under the impression that Semirhage wasn't at the cleansing as well. So, I think she and Moridin were doing their thing in Seanchan while Rand was removing the taint.

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Sending all of your best assets into one battle is not wise.


Rand and Nynaeve had the Chodean Kal, while it turns out they did use it to cleanse the source and were incapacitated, it could just have easily turned into a trap from which none of the Forsaken would have survived. Male and female CK trap? You would have to be insane to risk it (yes, irony is intended here).


Besides, it gave the others a bit of breathing room to do other stuff (except poor Mesaana who got a raw deal). I would say that the fact that Rand held the Chodean Kal would have made the Forsaken particularly jumpy, who knows if Rand would turn up and balefire your castle out of existence?


With Rand otherwise occupied, Moridin and Semirhage (if the comment about Imperial family is indeed correct) could focus their energies on other stuff where interference from Rand would not be a problem.


Of course, they wanted to stop him, so they sent a pretty powerful force, 7 (of which one didn't turn up) of the Forsaken. But Rand's motley crew happened to match them. It is not really the Forsaken's fault in this . Remember Rand planned to do it without Cadsuane and co. It was only because she followed him relentlessly that they were there to defend him. Besides which they did not anticipate Narshima with Callandor or the various ter'angreal and angreal on top of Cadsuane's Paralis Net.


For all intents and purposes, it is as Theodril says, Who would have thought that Rand could muster up enough strength to resist 7 of the Forsaken? Remember that Mesaana was supposed to go , but bailed. And there were 6 that went. Graendal, Demandred, Aginor, Balthamel, Lanfear and Moggy.

Edited by Barid Bel Medar
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Don't know if this meets the requirement of "simple question" but I don't feel like it's important enough for its own thread. Re-reading LoC, in Ch 1 there is mention of a young Aes Sedai who fled Caemlyn when Rand took over. Is there any clue as to who she is, or is she just a random character? After thinking about it, I thought maybe she was one of Liandrin's Black Ajah that was assigned a task back in aFoH by Moghedien because some of them aren't mentioned again after that, but I don't remember any of those Black Ajah ever being said that they don't have the Ageless face yet.


I think she was the one Rahvin caught and compelled. You see her in one of his scenes, as far as I can recall.


I think she is the young Red Ajah advisor who hasn't achieved the "ageless face" yet that Elaida sent to Caemlyn. Rahvin had her under control and was using her to send the information he wanted back to the WT.


This. And after that Bashere reports that a young Red was in Caemlyn when the city fell, and when she learnt who had conquered it she ran screaming through the streets. Last we hear of her.

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Why did Moridin not appear at the cleansing and trying to stop it? Part of his plan?

We don't have a definitive answer for that but it is something Demandred took note of when Moridin gave the orders about it in chapter 13.


Who would have thought that 5 of the "Chosen" would fail at stopping Rand cleansing Saidin?


But I wonder if the timeline for the cleansing corresponds with the events in Seanchan and the slaughter of the Imperial family. I am under the impression that Semirhage wasn't at the cleansing as well. So, I think she and Moridin were doing their thing in Seanchan while Rand was removing the taint.



Think this may have happened while Semi was at sea coming to Ebou Dar from Seanchan. Travel would be difficult if not impossible.

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Semi was there at the Cleansing.


Interview: Jan 25th, 2005


TOR Questions of the Week Part II (Verbatim)

Week 15 Question


At the risk of being RAFO'd: Mesaana was punished for ignoring her orders to go to stop Rand from cleansing saidin. Was Semirhage also punished for ignoring orders, or did she have special exemption? (If you're going to RAFO us, consider giving us some other little tidbit instead?)

Robert Jordan


Semirhage was present at Shadar Logoth, though not seen. You didn't see Graendal, either, though admittedly Moghedien thought of her, thinking it would be good if she or Cyndane died. If I always tried to show everyone who was present at a battle or the like, the books would be a LOT longer than they are now. And those battles would get rather boring, a list of names. Go down the checklist and make sure everyone gets mentioned. Boring. Anyway, Mesaana was the only one who tried to sit it out. By the way, Moridin also was not present, for reasons that will become self-evident as you read on.

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Semi was there at the Cleansing.


Interview: Jan 25th, 2005


TOR Questions of the Week Part II (Verbatim)

Week 15 Question


At the risk of being RAFO'd: Mesaana was punished for ignoring her orders to go to stop Rand from cleansing saidin. Was Semirhage also punished for ignoring orders, or did she have special exemption? (If you're going to RAFO us, consider giving us some other little tidbit instead?)

Robert Jordan


Semirhage was present at Shadar Logoth, though not seen. You didn't see Graendal, either, though admittedly Moghedien thought of her, thinking it would be good if she or Cyndane died. If I always tried to show everyone who was present at a battle or the like, the books would be a LOT longer than they are now. And those battles would get rather boring, a list of names. Go down the checklist and make sure everyone gets mentioned. Boring. Anyway, Mesaana was the only one who tried to sit it out. By the way, Moridin also was not present, for reasons that will become self-evident as you read on.



That interview always confused me, the part about Graendal.

We did see her when she attacked Verin's group.

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Couldn't find any reference here, or other places on this, so I thought I'd ask it here because its a fairly simple question:


Does Matt's ashandrei more closely resemble a naginata or some sort of halbred/pole arm? The description has led me more to think naginata, but I'm unsure, and didn't know if RJ or anyone else gave an explanation. Thanks!

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Couldn't find any reference here, or other places on this, so I thought I'd ask it here because its a fairly simple question:


Does Matt's ashandrei more closely resemble a naginata or some sort of halbred/pole arm? The description has led me more to think naginata, but I'm unsure, and didn't know if RJ or anyone else gave an explanation. Thanks!


Naginata seems the most likely and the way it is portrayed on book covers like tFoH, CoT and ToM.

The only polearm that really comes close is a War-Scythe and as the name implies, the blade is more like a scythe than a sword blade.

Edited by Finnssss
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Yeah, in tGH prologue (which I think you mean?) when Ishamael shows the DF's the hologram things of the three boys, that was in reference to one of them being the Dragon Reborn. When they confirmed it to be Rand, Mat and Perrin became inconsequential, up until the meeting where Moridin tells the Forsaken to kill them, which is way after Rahvin is dead. Besides, I don't think that the other Forsaken were shown the hologram thing like the DF's. Semirhage never saw it previously, when she remarks that she could have killed Mat if she had known earlier.


In any case, If Rahvin had recognized Mat, he would be dead/under ridiculous compulsion.

Edited by Barid Bel Medar
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No. They never met, and Mat had yet to become famous like he is now. And though there are those with a talent for seeing ta'veren, none of the foresaken are among them.


They do have a method for finding them however...


KoD Ch. 18

Ta’veren could be found by their effect on the Pattern, though only the Forsaken knew how. Lews Therin certainly had never mentioned knowing-their “conversations” were always brief, and the man seldom gave information willingly-and nothing had drifted across from him on the subject. At least, Lanfear and Ishamael had known how.
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Well in what you quoted, I think only Ishy and Lanfear(And possibly LTT) knew how to do that. When they said only the Forsaken knew how, I don't think they meant every forsaken knew, just that the only ones who did know were amongst the Forsaken.

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Well in what you quoted, I think only Ishy and Lanfear(And possibly LTT) knew how to do that. When they said only the Forsaken knew how, I don't think they meant every forsaken knew, just that the only ones who did know were amongst the Forsaken.



They do know how to, it's just not that easy.


KoD chapter 3:

Graendal laughed, a mirthless sound. "Finding ta'veren was never as simple as you made out, and now it's harder than ever. The whole Pattern is in flux, full of shifts and spikes."

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