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Winter blows...


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Alright... so, as the title says... Winter blows.


Was shoveling snow and ice away from my back door so the brood (my huskies) could get outside into the yard, and I managed to pinch a god damn nerve in my back. I am now in severe pain, which I am dulling with whiskey, beer, scotch and just about any other alcohol within reach.


This is only the start of winter, my hated enemy...


It has won the primary encounter, but the war is far from over!


*shakes fist in rage!*

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It does, and it blows hard.


It was -54 here on the weekend with windchill.  A city just to the west of me apparently hit -60.  Coldest place in North America (which includes the arctic by the way...)


I think anything this cold should be illegal.


Buuuut I figure mother nature will screw with you one way or another.  You get cold or tornadoes or hurricanes or earthquakes or so on.

I'll take a bit of cold.  At least i can go snowboarding still.

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I win the war against winter every year!


I live in a place where the coldest it ever gets is 32 degrees Farenheight (That's 0 Celcius) like maybe 1 week out of the year :)


Last year was the coldest year in recorded history, it snowed FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER! And it only lasted about 5 minutes....



Summer heat is brutal though. People die of heatstroke by walking from wall-mart to their cars.

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Well I now live at Okinawa am in Afghanistan so it isn't that cold... I'm totally losing since I can't go skiing *Shakes head at snowboarders* and there is no snow to play in. I'm not a fan of the cold, but I love snow and there are some plus sides to the cold.



2. Skiing

3. Bundling up and being cozy

4. Fires

5. Excuses to cuddle, snuggle, or get close to someone.

6. Snowmen/angels


I think that is enough for now :P :D

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Dont get me wrong, I love snowboarding... But I still hate the damn winter.


Plus, with my back being all screwed right now, I cant snowboard. Can't much of anything, actually.


I actually turned down sex last night. Do you have any idea how angry that made me?!


I wanted to destroy the universe!! Burn the very fabric of time!!


I shall get even with the winter for this... mark my words...!

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Oh, very informed you are.  ::)  I live here, mate.  Stay out of the bloody border zone, and you're shiny.  Chapala is far to the Southwest side, just south of Guadalajara.



Pretty much yea. As long as you stay out of the bad parts of Mexico you're fine haha. But that's true for any city!

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