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Mafia - A Christmas Tale - Mafia Won


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A few grabbed Dragon and tied him to the railway track of the little train. They set the train off as Dragon lay there unable to do anything about his prediciment. The train raced towards him and as it came upon him the wheels seemed to change to blades of sharp steel that cut through him.


*Shivers* No, no, not again. Please not again.


*Curls into a ball and rocks back and forth*


Well I must say that was... vivid.


Hope I survive the night :D


For those who said that lynching Dragon would be better than a random modkill, if they were mafia, of course they'd say that, because they knew he was innocent and lynching him WOULD be better for them than a random modkill.

You don't know very much about mafia (the game), my friend.


There are (were) 15 people in this game.  At most 4 of them are mafia.  That would mean 11 innocents and 4 bad guys.  A random kill is just that--random.  Think about it: 11 to 4, that's nearly 3 to 1 odds that a random kill would hit an innocent.  I've only been in ONE game ever where the random modkill hit a mafia.  Believe me, it's safer for the town to control the kill--even if we take down a vanilla townie and not a mafia, this early on that's okay, and at least you know for sure your finder and healer are safe.  Whereas with a random modkill could easily hit one of them and do a lot of damage to the town.




1) I don't think we gained too much info from Pete's death; but then again I think that wasn't really the reason we ended up lynching him.  Better to risk a self-proclaimed vanilla townie than a random modkill that could hit the finder or healer.  We DO know he wasn't scum, at least.


That is not a good enough reason. I see where you're coming from, but you went in to this game with the attitude that Pete was "bloodthristy" etc. You reasoning is quite sound however.

For the "not good enough reason," I can only assume you meant "that's not a good enough reason to lynch someone."  A) See what I said above in response to Locke, and B) it's Day 1 and it was much better than any alternative we had, since no one made a major "oopsie" to give them away as scum.


For your comment on "going into this game with the attitude that Pete was bloodthirsty," what the heck?  That wasn't my "attitude," that was my lighthearted comment on Pete starting off his time in this game by voting for someone.  And then switching to someone else (me) just for the heck of it. 

The only reasons I voted for him and kept it there: A) Random.org,  B) OMGUS (OMG you suck; retaliatory vote), C) He was the only one at that point that was likely to get us to a majority, unless we'd picked some other target to bandwagon at the last second.




I think come tomorrow I should vote for you just for making up acronyms. Don't you know there are already enough of them out there! We are going to be taken over. Come 2011 and the world is being ruled by them, don't come to me because I'll already have been taken down.


Ok, so you called my bluff. But don't think I'm not on to you. You haven't even had a cookie yet and we've been working on these toys for hours.




I think come tomorrow I should vote for you just for making up acronyms.

Guess what?  That acronym existed before I ever started playing mafia. ;)



I just don't want them to go to my hips. *shudders*


You just don't like acronyms period, Talya. :P


Been working on your haunting voice, eh?  It's positively spooky. *shivers*




(Lovely lovely Gorgeous Moddess of Wonders, could you by any chance end Night Phase early?  I'm bored...all 3 mafia games I'm in/following are in Night Phase right now. :D)





I thought not.


When you work so many during the day, you don't want them in mafia games too, lol...


Does n even more giggles spooky voice around the room

  • Club Leader

I completely agree with Meesh about the random kill. A vanilla townie is far better than losing your cop/finder or your doc/healer. I am playing a game right now where a random mafia nightkill (at least I assume it was random, as we had had no reveal) got the finder. Which is part of why I did what I did. That makes the game really hard to win.






A wise Ent should know better than to scold a squirrel about her haste. ;)


**edit for Lily's post**


The whole reason the finder and healer are in standard mafia games is to help the town be more balanced against the mafia's ability to communicate with one another and their night kill.

Losing them sucks so bad, that pretty much anything is better than risking their deaths.


**edit for Wombat's post**

I know, I was trying to reply, darn it. :D

Picspam! :P


In the meantime.... umm... yeah...


I kind of wonder how my right hand got off place in the middle of typing almost 4 posts ago and then got back on track without me noticing.


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