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Mafia - A Christmas Tale - Mafia Won


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He does act rather scummy.



Gods, I hope I'm not wrong about Meesh. She's good enough to have pulled this off, but if she hasn't been protecting me, how have I stayed alive this long?

Well, maybe because you've never been targeted for a night kill?  I haven't protected anyone correctly, if you haven't noticed, and yet here you are. 

I may have been totally wrong about thinking you and Wombat were in it together, and I have absolutely no no no proof that you aren't who you say you are, but if you think being uncontested finder means you can act as scummy as you want to with no repercussions, think again.  I can't honestly believe at this point that you are scum, because it doesn't really make too much sense, but your behavior this whole game has had me wondering and obviously wasting my time thinking about possible ways you could be scum, because of how scummy you've been acting.  I'm frustrated that I've wasted so much time on you when I could've been wondering about others who might really be scum, assuming you're innocent after all.


Wish me luck tonight, Town.  I'm sure as heck gonna need it if we're going to have a fighting chance at this game still.


Oh, and for what it's worth (likely not much at this point), I agree with Zep that Meercat must be scum.  I kind of wanted to kick myself for not thinking of it earlier, but hindsight is so much clearer...


-Meercat's acted crazily like scum the entire game

-If Meercat's scum, he would know who Elli targeted

-Being truthful about who Elli targeted would put suspicion on Lily, and they ended up with another role reveal as well (Wombat's). Also, it strengthens his story if he can be proven to have correct results.

-I've said this a few times, but my night action would've been the easiest to guess correctly on, since I'd been dropping hints all over about being the Healer, and Lily was the uncontested Finder.

-I remember once wondering how Meercat managed to track people with night actions all three nights, when the odds were that he'd pick someone who didn't have a night action to follow.  I forgot about that for a while, but again am wondering what the odds are.

-Zep, while having a sucky and pretty scummy-seeming role-claim, has after all helped the town.  His actions can be viewed in a very scummy light, but so can most everyone's, and also he seems genuine.  Note, I think he could possibly be scum with Meercat if Meercat is scum, so I'm not dismissing him completely.  Just sharing my thought process and how Meercat could've just BSed the Night 3 findings (a last-ditch effort to try and get himself off the lynching block).


We'll see what toNight brings; just wanted to share my thoughts.  The ones that I wished I'd had earlier, and all at the same time.


wow, you are really good at putting summaries together. I don't have that kind of a way with words. We shall see what tonight brings us

  • Club Leader

Meesh, honey, it's only a game. It's been bothering me how upset you've been getting. If I was scum, I'd almost hesitate to try to win. I know I got upset, too, earlier, but we really have to get a grip on our emotions, don't you think? I'm blaming mine on PMS, frankly. I'm sorry you're upset with me for my behavior. I screwed up and I've done everything possible to make up for it. There's nothing more I can do.




Well, this time it was more just mild irritation than anything.  I'm not terribly emotional right now.  I was definitely emotional earlier, I know, but right now I'm pretty much fine.  Just experiencing normal frustration that hindsight often brings--basically wishing things had happened differently.  And not bothering to sugarcoat my words, either, I guess.  I can be pretty blunt, which sometimes makes things seem worse than they really are.


Umm..well, I guess it might sound like I'm trying to deny ever getting emotional; part of your point, about how upset I've been getting, I'm not denying that.  I have indeed been getting way too emotional lately.  I really don't know what's been up with me, I can't figure it out and it's frustrating for me not to know what's going on with myself.


I have been taking deep breaths and have also kind of beat it into my head that it's just a game, and if I lose it doesn't mean there's anything wrong with me.  I think I was kind of failing to make that distinction. :D


Again, that last post wasn't really emotional at all, just a kind of "heh, wish I'd come up with this earlier" post.


Night seemed to go on forever, this time however you weren't going to put up with the nosies, things had come too far. This was the end and you knew it. It wasn't long into the night before you could here people moving about. This time courage seemed to abound through you and you jumped up rushing towards the light switch. Flicking bit down, you surveyed the room as light washed over it.


You were shocked to see Pale and Reyoru standing over Meercat. Reyoru had a pencil in his hand, stained with blood where it had gone into Meercat. Pale bent over him with a scarf around his neck, if it was tied tighter Meercat's head would be sure to be squeezed off. There was no doubt that Meercat was dead.

Meercat the Innocent Tracker is dead.


Pale looked up into Reyoru's face, to find it mirrored his surprise. As he watched a sword went through the stomach of Reyoru. As he began to fall you could see Led stood behind grinning at Pale. Pale, now was grinning back at him. Slowly both of them turned to you. Neither moved towards you. What were they doing. You slowly edged towards where you knew Lily was, perhaps together you could fight them off. There was a slim chance.

You stopped suddenly as you realised you had backed into Lily, you turned to see her smiling at you, relief was in your heart as she gently touched your arm. Yes there was hope. You turned back to see that Pale and Led were still there. They hadn't moved. Then you felt it the skipping rope, as it went quickly round your neck. You had no time to react. You tried pulling at the rope but it was too late. Already it had begun to dig into the throat. You couldn't breath, gasping for some air in your lungs, but none would come. Panic ensued, you tried to struggle, but you were weak and dizzy. Slowly darkness closed in, almost peaceful.


Meesh slowly slid to the ground. The Healer was dead.


Lily, Pale and Led lit the toy shop alight and they walked out into the snow. The fire soon raged. You all smiled knowing that there would be no Christmas for all the little girls and boys. Off you went into the sunset.


Pale - Mafia Godfather

Led - Mafia Recruiter

Lily - Finder turned Mafia

Won the game


Thank you for playing, and congrats to the winners. Points will follow soon




By the way, some of you were so close with what was going on, I thought the townies might win, but alas you all talked yourselves out of it.




Love all you loads, I really enjoyed Modding this game. You were all great!




Damn it, damn it, damn it.


I KNEW I should have just stuck to my gut!


On the last night I was given a nightkill. I firstly said I'd kill Pale. Then I changed to Lily. Then to Meercatman  :o


Ah, well played mafia. We only really got going when it was too late. Well done everyone - thats the most fun in mafia I've had for a while  :D


So, Zep targeted Lily Night 3....


That means that Zep, Pale, and Lily were scum on Day 4, and when we lynched Wombat that means we were 3 to 3, so we actually shouldn't have had a Night phase at all.  Day 4 WAS LyLo.


That's not fair, Talya, making us think we had a chance when we absolutely did not because the Town had already technically lost at the end of the last Day.



And it's too bad Healing yourself doesn't prevent being endgamed. ::)

  • Club Leader

This was so weird. Everything that anyone said looked scummy was done while I was town. I really was only mafia for a little while. I really have no idea why I survived so long. Perhaps I was that lousy of a finder.....lol. No threat to these guys.


I enjoyed the game, once I was able to focus on it more. Well played, Pale and Zeppy.




I find it interesting that I was right about Pale...guessing that he could be the godfather, and saying that even though I would assume he's innocent, he could totally be mafia and I'd never know because I get absolutely no scum feeling from him ever.


Talya's right, we were so close and every time we talked ourselves out of the proper course of action.  Well, I honestly want to say that I kept talking us out of the proper course of action, but that would be giving myself too much credit, I think.  I didn't make anyone go along with me.


I want to say special props to Zep, for pretty much convincing me of his innocence and making me forget how much like a team he and Pale were acting when Zep was on the lynching block.

  • Club Leader

That was my favorite part of the game, Meesh. If Zep had been lynched and the coroner's report showed him as recruiter, I was next to go, since you all knew he had targeted me. I sweated that one, believe me.



  • Club Leader

Awww, *hugs* I wish you and I weren't always on opposite sides. We weren't at the beginning of this one, but still, we could have actually worked together if I had made different choices.




Well Lily fooled me but Zep didn't.  I was pretty sure meercat was innocent when he came out with his results.  As for Pale, I had mixed feelings on him.  Everyone was so convinced he was scum but I only saw a couple scummy things from him.


I gotta admit, I was pretty surprised at the end there.  Although, I hadn't really read the past 10 pages, because I didn't feel like it.


GG everyone. :D


NOOOOOOOOOO! Well I'm glad you guys didn't lynch Meer, like I thought you were going to. I had no idea Lily was Mafia. I was trying to figure out what Led could be with so many roles with the town. I thought Pale and Led would lynch Rey and then you all would lynch Meer. Sigh, Lily and Led touche, touche indeed.


Well good game, don't think you'll play me the same way again. I won't be a newbie next time!

  • Club Leader

Hey, Rey, that's not fair!  :P As you well know, it's when you DON'T suspect me that I'm guilty as sin.  :P


AlJenn, I can't take much credit. I was only mafia for one day. Pale and Zep get all the credit. And they managed this with one teammate inactive. That's pretty amazing, as well.





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