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MAFIA - A CHRISTMAS TALE - Now taking sign ups!


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A Christmas Tale


It was that time of year again and the Black Tower were getting ready for the Christmas festivities. Snow now lay in a thick blanket across the land, glistening in the weak winter sun. Voices could be heard coming from one of the halls; the BT choir was in full swing.


We three Kings of Orient Ar,

One in a taxi, one in a car

One on a scooter beeping his hooter

Following yonder star.



Star of wonder

Star of night

Set down a box of dynamite

Light the fuse and off we go

On the road to Mexico!


The fires were burning in the heaths, with stockings hung with care and the smells of the cooking from the kitchens excelled this time of year.


Yes, the season was well and truly here.


But far up to the North (luckily not in the same place as the Bore!) things were not going so well. The Elves were acting a little strange; it was as if they were cursed! One minute they were acting as babies, the next as dogs chasing unseen rabbits. Whatever had caused it, it meant that no Christmas presents were being made. At this rate there would be hardly any presents for the good little girls and boys on Christmas Eve. Santa was in a state!


Then he remembered a good little girl who had helped him one year, when one of his reindeer was injured. She had done quite well for herself, even if it was a strange position for her, and there were rumours that she wasn’t as sane as she used to be, but with the way the things were in the world that was not surprising. So he decided to visit her to see if she could once more help.


As Talya sat, in awe, of Father Christmas she couldn’t believe what had been happening up in Lapland. If she didn’t help then Christmas would be cancelled, and not only would the children of the world be upset, but so would her flock in the Black Tower. For them to wake on Christmas Morn with no pressies was unthinkable. So she agreed to help! And she knew just what she would have to do.


It wasn’t long before she was standing in the biggest hall facing her men/women. She announced that there would be a quest to help Father Christmas and she would need volunteers to go back with him to Lapland. She looked around and knew that some were aligned with The Dark One himself and she was sure he and his minions were behind the behaviour of the Elves! But she would give something to others that may help them discover who is working for the DO himself. There were only a few she could fully trust of those that stepped forward!








A) Jelly

B) Crusher

C) Chrono

D) Reyoru

E) Lily

F) Locke

G) Pale

H) Dragon

I) Elli

J) Wolfe

K) Alanna

L) Wombat

M) Meesh

N) Meercatman

O) Al Jenn Mael

Guest dragonsworn1991

Me. I'll be scarce till monday though




Thank you guys, you are all very welcome here (those that aren't already here) and those that are Thanks again and I'm sure points will be given out at the end.


Locke, I will put up the rules and stuff closer for you and everyone else so don't worry!


Pale, And whose knee would I look good on? ;)


Dragon, no worries I won't be starting until the end of the weekend anyway!


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