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Asfaloth, one of our own, has informed me that only several hours ago he became the proud and beaming father of a new baby girl!


The man's dedication to the PSW is astonishing, as he sent this message from the very hospital where his ladywife was recovering and his little girl was getting all the attention she needs and deserves. *chuckles*


Congratulations Daddy!! ;D

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Heh, they all are for at least the first few weeks, but they get better ;). My second daughter was sleeping through the night (and that means from 9pm to 5pm, big sleep compared to how often they wake initially) at about 7 weeks old. But some babies take a long time to come to the party and sleep...hopefully not Asfaloth's new baby though!

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Ahh the joys of two year olds...you have the same gap between your children as I do, my son had just turned two when my little girl was born. I hope he doesn't turn into a living nightmare for you like my Xavier did lol. Glad to see she's being a good little girl and treating Mommy right straight away! :)


oh yeah...and I haven't forgotten your PM, sorry...too much stuff happened and photoshop died, BUT I have everything sorted now and promise to have a sig for you in the next few days. Call it a congratulations on the baby present ;)

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Hooray for babies!  Just think, 13 more years or so and we'll have another RPer to add to the PSW!  Keep breeding the RP soldiers, everyone; we'll take over the world eventually!


Seriously though, congratulations Asfaloth, and good luck as your embark on your journey into daddyhood.



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thanks everybody!!


yeah, her older brother at two still doesn't sleep well but she slept five hours her first night so we're hoping she'll be easier to deal with than him.


Well, that works in your favor then, there's something i heard once about the second child being an easy sleeper if your first one wasn't, and vice versa.


Judging by what you and Lavinya posted though, i suppose there is a core of truth in that.

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